发表于 2019-10-1 07:08:55
期待儿麻女闺房大战扮残女 哈哈哈哈
发表于 2019-10-1 07:15:43
发表于 2019-10-2 03:07:44
当再次想着巴特时,丹妮丝突然被一名刚踏入餐厅,身材高大运动型的男人给分散了注意力。他有着灰白的鬓角,并且一对绿色眼珠散发出疲弱的目光,这副在丹妮丝心目中的天菜模样,令她惊讶到屏住了呼吸。她等着心目中预想的美丽女伴接着他之后进来,但是那个女人却始终没有出现。相反的,那个男人独自一人走到吧台,坐在一个空凳子上。贝蒂走到她的新客人面前并接受了他的点单。当她为这个男人调製了一杯加冰块的苏格兰威士忌时,她瞥了一眼坐在角落包厢裡,正被这个无人陪伴的大块头给紧紧吸住目光、陶醉在自己的妄想之中、一副痴女模样的丹妮丝 。这时餐厅裡恰好播放起后街男孩(Backsteetboys)演唱组合前些阵子最火红的单曲‘我就是爱你’(I WANT IT THAT WAY),裡头那句句充满激情的歌词,正诉说着丹妮丝的心声。
“好呀!当然。”丹把它视作为搭讪并回答道 。
发表于 2019-10-2 03:08:38
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-10-2 03:07
当再次想着巴特时,丹妮丝突然被一名刚踏入餐厅,身材高大运动型的男人给分散了注意力。他有着灰白的鬓角 ...
发表于 2019-10-2 06:54:26
发表于 2019-10-3 04:53:00
“真是完美~”丹妮丝一想到这看似顺利的邂逅,便得意的笑了出来。她向贝蒂示意,贝蒂拿起了丹妮丝那副灰色的前臂拐杖并将它们交给了珊迪,珊迪依次将它们交还给了丹妮丝。丹妮丝在桌子上留下了一张10美元的钞票... 作为珊迪丰厚的小费...并用她最快的速度,从包厢裡退了出来。今晚丹妮丝穿着她的“商务鞋”,左脚上穿的是一只灰色的低跟女鞋。然而与众不同的是:丹妮丝右脚上的商务女鞋,则是一只鞋底增厚了许多,甚至鞋跟高的夸张宛若高跷般的超高跟鞋款:前方的鞋底被软木和皮革增厚了6英吋(约15CM)之多,并且有着8英吋(约20CM)之高的粗鞋跟。丹妮丝伸手到她的右膝关节后方,捞起这条因小儿麻痺症落下残疾,甚至还严重萎缩并发育不良,堪称是畸形的小短腿,并将这条全瘫而完全无法动弹、如麵条般软绵绵的残腿,给放到酒吧的地板上,然后用她左边的好腿小心翼翼站了起来,并接过了珊迪递来的那对前臂拐杖。
“我这个样子…让你感到失望了吗?” 丹妮丝紧张地问道,此时她额头上还因着刚刚行进的折腾而开始冒汗,然而由于双手同时都要拄拐,而令丹妮丝无法腾出手来,将脸上流下的汗珠给拭去。
“该死的,”她 一面低声嘀咕道,一面拄着双拐摆盪着步子蹭出了门口,准备从泊车人员那儿将她那辆名贵的BMW Z4给取回。然而丹早已消失的不见踪影。弗雷德,这名协助代客泊车的男服务员,将这辆浅蓝色的敞篷跑车开回来,停在丹妮丝的面前,拉上手煞之后下了车。当他为双手都要拄拐的她打开车门时,丹妮丝递给了弗雷德几张一美元钞票作为小费。接着丹妮丝有条不紊地,将她的拐杖一根根的放在副驾驶座的空间中,并用她踩在地上的好腿作为支点转动着身子,让脸部朝向车子外头,对着驾驶座一屁股跌坐了下去。然后她将身子转正,并再次从膝盖后面捞起她那条又短又小的右腿,接着毫不客气地,将不听使唤的它给拽入车裡,甚至动作粗鲁到像几乎是用扔的,任由无法动弹的短小右腿,随脚上穿的超高跟鞋重量“咚”的一声摔入车内,丹妮丝的眉头也随之皱了一下,她健全的左腿则紧随其后自行挪上了车。待腿脚残疾行动不便的丹妮丝坐定之后,弗雷德贴心的替她关上了车门。
发表于 2019-10-3 04:55:21
本帖最后由 t3m19870312 于 2019-10-18 03:10 编辑
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-10-3 04:53
“真是完美~”丹妮丝一想到这看似顺利的邂逅,便得意的笑了出来。她向贝蒂示意,贝蒂拿起了丹妮丝那副灰色 ...
Denise LeBlanc wondered if she was being unduly disingenuous. She was using a ploy once again which she had perfected in her effort to meet men. It was such a thrill to be flirted with, romanced, and just treated normally by men who typically would not even think of trying to pick up a disabled woman. Oh, Denise always insisted on paying for her own drinks and meals here at the Garden Patch Restaurant; she would not disappoint anyone AND make them buy! But, thrills and excitement aside, Denise somehow felt less and less comfortable doing what she was up to again tonight. But...just once more, she decided...strictly for fun.
The bar area in the Garden Patch was not too crowded yet. Friday traffic would pick up shortly. Denise was situated in her favorite spot, in a corner booth close to the bar. Floor-length white linen covered the tables and Denise knew that, in the eye of a casual visitor, she looked like a very pretty unaccompanied blonde. She winked at Betty, her accomplice, behind the bar. Betty thought the whole scheme was hilarious because she was gay and pretty much hated men all around. Betty was a good ally who made strong drinks and kept Denise's crutches out of sight by the ice machine.
Denise fiddled with her Palm Pilot while she waited for the waitress to bring her first vodka soda. She had several appointments with sales people the following week and she had not prepared for any of them yet. Oh well...another early Monday morning on the horizon! Several of the salesmen who called on Denise were single and attractive, but her status as head of merchandising for a large furniture chain and her crutches had dissuaded all of them from asking her out. The Garden Patch was not frequented by anyone Denise worked with and she hoped it stayed that way.
Denise's mind kept wandering back to Bart. Bart: the postman, and Denise's sometimes-lover in the afternoon at her apartment. Bart, who was the first "devotee" Denise had ever bedded, and who was really quite a good lover. But Denise knew that Bart made love to her so passionately largely because she was disabled, and he was pretty shallow as well. He filled a need, though, and Denise distinctly enjoyed his attentions.
Just as she let her mind begin to be swept away by Bart's lovemaking Denise was shocked back to reality by the entrance of a very unusual couple. A man around 50 or so walked into the bar accompanied by a sensational-looking redhead. The woman was at least 10 years his junior and wore a low-cut black cocktail dress. On her right leg was a full-length metal brace. Not a sports medicine-type brace, Denise noted. This was a steel-and-leather othotic brace with white leather and with inserts fitted into the heel of an old-fashioned-looking orthopedic shoe. Yes, Denise thought, this brace was a throwback to the polio era.
Denise watched the couple as they surveyed the room and then made their way to a table several feet away. The woman with the brace walked awkwardly, taking small steps and leaning slightly left with each step to move her right leg forward. Denise looked closely at the woman's braced leg. The calf muscle was well-developed and firm and her ankle was well-defined and pretty. The realization hit Denise quickly: this woman was a pretender! From her investigation of "devotee" sites on the internet Denise knew that there were people who pretended to be disabled, either to please their lovers or because they were, themselves, "wannabes." Wannabes were people who had a compelling desire to actually be handicapped, and used disability paraphernalia and appliances to accomplish their fantasies.
Denise's first reaction was revulsion. Who was this broad to pretend to be the disabled woman that Denise actually was? Did she not understand the life-long difficulty of not being able to walk? Of being stared at or pitied? How did she dare impersonate a handicapped woman?
The redhead unlocked her brace and sat down. Denise noted that she was easily able to raise her braced leg on its own power to get into the booth—another giveaway! Just then Sandi, the waitress brought Denise's drink. Denise looked at Betty behind the bar, who had a quizzical look on her face, nodding to the man and the redhead now comfortably in their booth. Denise rolled her eyes and subtly shook her head. Betty didn't understand this, but was quickly distracted by another server who needed drinks for the restaurant. She turned to the task at hand.
It was obvious to Denise that the man was infatuated with his pretender. His attentiveness and her response were reminiscent of teenagers on a first date. Her emotions upon seeing the leg brace were still swirling. Denise thought about Bart again. Maybe she should take him more seriously. Maybe a man who appreciated a great crippled leg was not such a problem after all.
Thinking of Bart again, Denise was distracted by a tall, athletic-looking man who entered the bar. He had graying temples and languid green eyes, and Denise caught her breath. She waited for the beautiful woman she knew must be just behind him, but that woman did not appear. Instead, the man proceeded to the bar and took a seat on one of the empty stools. Betty came over to her new patron and took his order. She glanced at Denise, who was riveted by this unaccompanied hunk as she fixed and served what appeared to be a scotch rocks to the man.
As Denise watched, the man at the bar began to survey the room. She was to his right, within easy view, and soon enough he turned to her. There was not a doubt that his eyes registered interest when he saw Denise. She made eye contact with him just briefly, then went back to surveying her Palm Pilot as nonchalantly as possible. It didn't take long; within five minutes the man slid off the barstool and made his way to Denise's table.
"Hi," said the green-eyed man with the scotch in his hand.
"Hi, yourself," returned Denise.
"Are you waiting for someone?"
"No...would you like to join me?" Denise tried to be matter-of-fact, but she knew her voice betrayed her excitement.
The man moved into the booth across from Denise and placed his glass on the table. "So, why are you here by yourself?" he asked.
"I was supposed to meet a girlfriend, but she just called and said she can't make it," Denise lied smoothly. "I was just about to leave."
"Don't do that," the man said, with a victorious tone. "My name's Dan. Dan Farber."
"Denise LeBlanc," returned Denise.
The two made small talk for several minutes, exchanging information on jobs, and leisure activities. Dan was 32, a year younger than Denise, and worked in computer software. He feigned interest in her furniture career, but it was obvious to Denise that he was impatient to move in for the kill. Just at that moment the restaurant hostess came to the table of the man and the pretender. The hostess had menus, said a few words to the couple, and they began to exit the booth. Dan and Denise watched as the couple arose. The redhead made a show of locking her brace and shuffling out of the room.
"Oh, look at that," said Dan. "What a shame."
"What do you mean?" asked Denise, sounding as emotionless as possible.
"Just that she's a nice-looking lady and she's crippled," Dan answered.
"Do you think the fact she's disabled detracts from her beauty?" probed Denise. "How do you see her...as an attractive woman, or as a handicapped woman?"
Dan was becoming uncomfortable with this line of conversation. "Why, are you like, an activist or something?" he gulped. "Why do you want to know what I think about another woman at all? I think our conversation should be about you and me."
"OK, I agree," said Denise. "Would you like to go someplace else to get a bite...I'm really not in the mood for Garden Patch food tonight."
"Sure," said Dan, taking this as a pick up line.
"Why don't you go give your parking ticket to the valet. I'll go to the lady's room and meet you outside."
"Deal," said Dan, who eagerly got up and proceeded to the front door.
"Perfect," thought Denise. She motioned to Betty, who picked up Denise's slate-gray forearm crutches and gave them to Sandi, who delivered them in turn to Denise. Denise left $10 on the table...a generous tip for Sandi...and scooted herself out of the booth. Tonight Denise was wearing her "business shoes," with a gray low-heeled pump on her left foot. Denise's right foot was in a massively built-up version of the business pump, with six extra inches of cork and leather on the sole and with a thick eight-inch-high heel. Denise reached behind her right knee and lifted her polio short leg onto the floor of the bar, then stood on her good leg and accepted her crutches from Sandi.
"Good luck," said Sandi, smiling knowingly at Denise.
"It's always interesting," returned Denise, grinning. With that she began a vigorous exit from the bar, using all her energy to lift her hips and swing through her crutches so her right shoe didn't drag the floor. It was important to Denise to appear to crutch herself along as smoothly as possible, although it was not always easy to keep the massive shoe from dragging a little since she could only use her abdomen muscles to propel herself.
Denise entered the restaurant on her way to the front door and noted the man with the faux-crippled redhead at a table just ahead. The man's head snapped around as he heard the clicking of Denise's crutches. He was clearly mesmerized by her gait. Denise couldn't resist...she stopped in front of the couple momentarily and said to the mortified woman, "I wish I could walk like you. You make it look so easy!" Without waiting for a response Denise swung herself off to the front door just as Dan Farber walked back in. His face fell instantly.
"Now I understand why you wanted to know about my thoughts on that other woman," said Dan.
"Disappointed?" queried Denise nervously.
Dan began to fumble for words. "Uh, oh no...of course not!" he blustered awkwardly. "I guess I'm just surprised. Well...I was coming back to find the men's room. I'll be right back."
Denise waited for less than a minute before Dan came back, clutching his cell phone to his ear and making a show of his "conversation." "Uh huh, right...OK. I understand. I'll get there as quick as I can." He flipped the phone closed and walked quickly toward Denise with a tense look on his face.
"I'm so sorry. I just got a call from my sister. Her husband is out of town and she just went into labor. I've got to take her to the hospital. I enjoyed meeting you...hope to see you again!" With that, Dan was out the door...almost running away. Denise chuckled at his creativity.
"Shit," she muttered quietly as she crutched out the door to have her prized BMW Z-4 retrieved by the valet. Dan was long gone as Fred, the valet, pulled up and hopped out of the baby blue sports car. Denise handed Fred a couple of singles as he held the door for her. Denise methodically put her crutches in the well of the passenger compartment and pivoted on her good leg to sit facing outward on the driver's side. She then turned, picked her short little right leg up behind the knee and plopped it unceremoniously into the car. Her left leg followed and Fred closed the door.
"It's good to see you again, ma'am. But I still can't get used to that accelerator pedal on the left," said Fred with a smile.
"Easy for me," returned Denise quietly. "It's the only way I've ever driven." She waved to Fred and drove off, tears streaming down her face.
发表于 2019-10-3 08:04:50
发表于 2019-10-4 02:01:18
该是时候去喝杯浓列的咖啡,好提神醒脑了!丹妮丝把裹在身上的被子给甩到一旁,并弯下身子努力伸长手臂朝床下搆去,一面设法在不让自己床上跌落的前提之下, 将她的那对拐杖分别从床的两侧从地板上给捡了起来,一面暗自责备自己:昨晚不应该因着心情低落,随手将它们胡乱的丢在地上,而非整齐的靠在床头边放好,省得自己现在落到一副狼狈的德性。接着藉由搀扶着它们的协助之下, 用好腿在床边摇摇晃晃的站了起来。她低头看了看那令餐馆裡的那个男人想进一步联繫她的原因:在那条健康并纤细修长、线条也匀称姣好的左腿旁与之作伴的,却是条异常细瘦、孱弱又短小到不成比例的病残右腿。无力的小脚丫子正呈一直线的向下耸拉着,就算是这样,脚尖也离地面整整有五英吋(约13cm)之多,悬在半空中随着惯性不停话的晃呀晃的。她这条短小的右腿,是由于出生没多久还来不及注射疫苗,就不幸罹患上小儿麻痺症而落下终身的残疾,从那之后,这条可怜的右腿就因运动神经完全瘫痪而失去功能,并且还伴随着严重的发育不良。随着时间推移,纵使丹妮丝的身高在发育成人之后,长到五呎五吋(约165CM)之高,但这条病残的右腿和健全左腿的差异却越来越大,最终导致整条右腿又细又小不成比例,不光是脚丫子几乎没什麽长大,五根短小微胖的脚趾头也蜷缩内扣,无力地朝着脚心缩成一团。如今这条病残的小短腿上,只剩下毫无力气而且立不住的膝盖、和萎缩到所剩无几且瘫软鬆弛的肌肉,对走路来说完全没有任何用处。这条因小儿麻痺后遗症落下严重残疾,甚至导致畸形而且完全无法使用的小短腿,使得她从来就不晓得、也无从知道:同时用两隻脚踩在地面上走路是什麽滋味;而且不光这点,还使丹妮丝成长的过程裡,伴随着生活中大大小小的诸多不方便:例如在丹妮丝刚上小学的那年,身边的熊孩子们趁她坐下时,将她的拐杖给夺走来捉弄她。气愤的丹妮丝立刻扶着桌椅用好腿站了起来,并单脚跳着追了过去,不料脚下却不晓得被什麽给拌了一下,害她整个人直接向前仆倒,让好腿的膝盖直接大力地撞在地上而不幸骨折…接下来的三个月,可怜的小丹妮丝只能坐在轮椅上,打上厚厚石膏的左腿直挺挺的向前伸出,那条重残短小的右腿则无助的垂在一旁…即使之后这条左腿完全痊癒恢復自如,但也给丹妮丝的心中留下了阴影,再也不太敢像那样单脚跳,并养成了拐杖从不离手片刻的习惯;还有当到了可以开车的年纪,由于这条完全失去功能的右腿,无法控制油门和煞车,性格好强的丹妮丝,也不愿将车子改装成用手控制的那种款式,坚持要台能用好腿来开的车子这点,就令她处处碰了壁,连报考驾训班的资格都没有。好不容易才找到一台原车主是名右腿截肢的残疾人,才终于让她如了愿,并且之后丹妮丝的车子,都必须像昨天那台Z4一样,特别商情原厂将油门和煞车的位置给换边;还有最狼狈的一次:当时才刚踏出校园,成为社会新鲜人的丹妮丝,一大早就穿着一身商务正装,脚上还穿着一双先前从未穿过,有着2吋细跟、新买的高跟鞋,正拄着双拐要出门前往公司面试时,就在自家门前的街道上,左脚突然被不平的道路给拌了一下崴了脚,害得丹妮丝一下反应不及,只听她“呀啊!”的惊叫一声,就这麽失去平衡,“碰!”的一声一屁股跌坐在地上 。此时丹妮丝左脚上的鞋跟已经给折断了,她只能将其脱下并拄起拐杖,试着从地上站起来。但她当崴了的左脚踝一踩到地,便迎来剧烈无比的鑽心疼痛,痛的她眼泪立刻夺眶而出。仔细一看才发现:丝袜裡的左脚已经肿胀的像坨麵糰似的,看来刚刚崴的那一下伤得可不轻,想必是无法再支撑她站立、更别说是走路了。但这时搁在一旁既短小又瘦弱、软趴趴使不上一点力气的重残右腿,却也派不上任何用场,害她迟迟无法从地上站起来。由于这时候时间还早,街道上没什麽人经过,在地上枯坐了良久、始终等不到人前来帮忙的丹妮丝,最终只得用双手、和尚未伤到的左膝盖,狼狈的像隻四足、不,是三足动物(因为她那条又细又短的右残腿,此刻只能像麵条般的给跩在身后,无助的被拖行着…),半爬半拖的回到自己的住所;这次的损失不仅包新买的却断了鞋跟的高跟鞋、和在狼狈爬行中给磨破、同样是新添购的丝袜、以及不免弄髒的新衣服之外,由于丹妮丝伤到那隻用来走路的好脚,接下来便只能卧床休养一个月,在这段期间裡,连同这次的种种面试机会全都给飞了,到她正式找到工作已是3个多月后…这些不方便的种种事蹟族繁不及备载,一直以来都使得丹妮丝感到灰心挫败,而且在公开的场合之中,这条看上去明显严重病残的小短腿,往往是个惹人注目并引起窃窃私语的课题,以上种种让这条残弱的小短腿成了是她心中一直以来的痛。然而意想不到的,没有错...这条看似细瘦不堪、孱弱无助的小短腿,却也成了她最近似乎越来越常遇到,那些像是巴特一样的慕残者们,能够吸引住他们目光的焦点。她曾不止一次考虑过,把这条可怜病残、一无是处的小短腿给截肢算了。但即便如此,一想到这条因严重残疾,而经常让自己陷入难堪窘境的小短腿,现在居然成了一些人梦寐以求、甚至是暗中打飞机宣洩的目标时,她又觉得并不想失去这在某种程度上,算是她不可或缺的一部分。即使丹妮丝也尚未弄清楚,他们为何会喜欢自己这条既瘫痪又畸形的小短腿, 但她心裡暗自想着:既然他们都喜欢老娘这条又短又小又不能动弹分毫的废腿,那为何不用自己身体上的缺陷,成为他们垂涎爱慕的诱饵?让这条严重残疾且明显畸形的右腿、以及无力下垂看似弱不禁风的右脚,成为自己引以为傲的资本!这样也不枉老娘一路咬牙、忍受着这条毫无用处的小短腿所造成的诸多不便活到如今!所以平时在尽可能的情况下,丹妮丝都坚持着,穿上短到能露出两条长短不一双腿的裙子,而非长裙或是裤装,好能在外人面前拄着双拐摆盪着步子时,让人能对那条严重残疾而孤零零的悬在一旁、只能随着身子不听使唤晃呀晃的小短腿一览无遗。并且丹妮丝还会在那隻袖珍娇小的右脚上头,穿上经过修改后增厚补高、成了‘超高跟’的各式女鞋、而不是看上去笨重丑怪的矫形鞋,瘫软无力的小脚丫那股弱不禁风的无助感,再搭配上头所穿的那一隻隻性感诱人的超高跟鞋,想必是许多慕残者眼中的美景!就像巴特,不就是这麽被自己的这条小短腿给吊上钩的?一想到这裏,丹妮丝的嘴角浮现出一丝得意又弔诡的微笑,昨晚遭人嫌弃而独守空闺的阴霾也一扫而空。
发表于 2019-10-4 02:03:15
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-10-4 02:01
隔天一早,丹妮丝在前晚因独守空闺而难过了一整晚,使得她到最后只能边啜泣、边用双手以及各式各 ...