t3m19870312 发表于 2019-9-28 00:22:50

t3m19870312 发表于 2019-9-28 00:22
金髮女此时颤颤巍巍的,一面用好腿和左手拄在地上的拐杖,努力的在他面前保持平衡站稳身子,将右手腾出来 ...


t3m19870312 发表于 2019-9-28 00:24:00

normalren 发表于 2019-9-27 21:40


Discovery 发表于 2019-9-28 01:12:10


YYSS 发表于 2019-9-28 05:32:42


t3m19870312 发表于 2019-9-28 06:21:46

YYSS 发表于 2019-9-28 05:32


normalren 发表于 2019-9-28 08:21:06


t3m19870312 发表于 2019-9-29 00:41:02


一到了床上,丹妮丝便变得如同饿虎扑羊般,完完全全的掌控了主导权。她先将盘在脑后那头金色的长髮给放了下来,再一把将强壮的巴特强压在床上,并且顾不得自己腿脚的不便、将整个人给贴到了巴特身上紧巴着不放,先是从头到脚一路费劲的爬行下来、用她那丰厚饱满的双唇和出奇灵活的舌头,疯狂的对他又亲又舔的,甚至还大口大口的在巴特身上,吸出一个个如同草莓般的粉红印记。接着她伸出她那条穿着丝袜的好腿,开始用左脚的丝袜玉足,蹭着他已充血肿胀的大JJ,并扭着一根根涂上鲜红指甲油的脚趾,轻轻地挠着它挑逗着“哇~又大又粗耶~看起来很厉害嘛!呃...这件...包裹, 嘻嘻“接下来一条腿不灵便的丹妮丝,在用健全的左腿和双手交互协助之下, 一挪一拖、吃力挣扎的移动着身子,在巴特身上改为骑乘位的姿态,接着用手捞起右边那条完全不能动弹的小短腿,放在巴特的身体左侧,再用双手奋力将身子自床上撑起,使她那因兴奋而早已被蜜汁泛滥成灾的鲍鱼,正直对着巴特那雄伟的大JJ。这时丹妮丝用一种迷濛涣散、充满色气的眼神望着巴特,并咧着嘴而露出上了排牙龈、用这充满淫秽的笑容着问道“嘻嘻~好了~邮件先生~说好要给人家的‘特别快递’呢?”

身为慕残者的巴特,见行动不便的丹妮丝,刚才那副一面用手搬移着重残而完全不能动弹的小短腿、一面吃力挣扎转换姿势的无助模样,再加上隔着细细的丁字裤,可以清楚感觉到她湿润肥嫩的鲍鱼,正直顶着自己充血雄起的JJ,使得他再也把持不住,立刻从侧面将丹妮丝的丁字裤给解下,接着翻了个身,用左手捉住丹妮丝短小右腿那不听使唤的小脚丫子,并让她用健全的左腿紧紧勾着他的身子,採男上女下的传教士体位,迅速的进入了她,并且勐烈地向前推进。被插得兴奋的丹妮丝,开始发出阵阵销魂的呻吟娇喘声“哦啊~嗯啊啊~好爽呀~再用力点呀~邮差先生~人家的床~嗯啊~很坚固的呀~尽的住您大力抽插~嗯啊~而且人家没那麽重~嗯啊~人家这条小短腿很轻的呀~嗯啊~就怕邮差先生您掉下去呀~哦啊~来嘛~”那副骚样更令巴特心痒难耐,并且加大了下身抽插的力道,随着节奏摇摆越加剧烈,丹尼丝那销魂的阵阵呻吟,也转变为高亢的呐喊声,这声音甚至极度夸张,像是遇到极度危险而惊吓,同时又遇到极度兴高采烈的事情一般!顿时整间房间都充满着两人“啪叽~啪叽~”的抽插声,以及丹妮丝那声嘶力竭、震耳欲聋的浪叫声“呀啊!!好爽呀!!对的!就是这样!!呼呀!!好好把人家插个爽呀!!哦啊!!人家好久没有~呀啊~这麽爽过啦!!哦啊~别停下呀~呀啊!!不好了!!人家…人家要去了呀啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!”在巴特这剧烈勐烈的抽插之下,高潮很快就临到了被上了个欲仙欲死的丹妮丝身上:只见高声呐喊着的丹妮丝头一仰身子一绷,接着浑身上下都剧烈的痉挛颤抖起来;这时她勾在巴特身上那条健全的左腿,也如同蟒蛇般紧紧的缠住巴特不放,丝袜裡一根根涂着鲜红色指甲油的脚趾,也都因着高潮的反应而像握拳似的紧缩了起来;另一条袖珍柔嫩的小脚丫子被巴特捉在手中的小短腿,则依旧死气沉沉没什麽动静、只有同样严重萎缩到细瘦不堪的大腿根部,随着颤抖个不停的身子晃了晃罢了;顿时大量的蜜汁“淅沥哗啦”的自丹妮丝的鲍鱼倾泻而出,并当随着鲍鱼周遭的肌肉一收缩、紧紧掐住巴特的JJ不放时,他也顺势将积存的亿万大军,“噗噜噜”的在丹妮丝裡面给喷发了出来,令陷入绝顶高潮之中的丹妮丝兴奋的喊道“…呀啊!对!!全部都射进来人家体内呀!!哇啊!!好多呀!!真是爽呀!!人家好像要升天了呀啊啊啊!!!!!!” 巴特也不甘示弱,将一大堆热腾腾的体液,全都灌到她那箍的紧紧的鲍鱼深处,一滴不留,甚至体液多到从鲍鱼洞中流出来。待高潮的剧烈反应渐渐缓和后,此时呈四脚朝天姿势躺在床上的丹妮丝,立即将手朝湿透了的下身伸去,抹了抹巴特流出来的体液和自己的蜜汁,再如同贪吃的小孩般、一把放进口裡嚐了起来,并露出满意的神情笑着说道“嗯~真浓呢~人家已经好久没有~嚐到男人的味道了呢~嘻嘻~” 说到这她还淘气的舔了舔丰匀饱满的双唇,再用健全的左腿和双手这三肢的协力之下,有些费劲挣扎的、将行动不便的自己从床上坐了起身。



当巴特把黑色拐杖取回并交还她时, 丹妮丝还用手捉起像根麵条搭在床边的小短腿,用那只无力的丝袜小脚对着前来的巴特,调皮地逗弄了一下他尚未完全消退的JJ,他笑得很开心并说道“我之前从未有过这样的经历,”他温顺亲切地说道“尤其是它,实在是太美了。”他捉起丹妮丝前来挑逗的丝袜小脚,温柔地吻了一下。




巴特脸上露出一个巨大的笑容,心满意足的离开了 。在他心中早已迫不及待,要为D栋3号公寓做下一次的‘特别快递’了!


t3m19870312 发表于 2019-9-29 00:43:16

t3m19870312 发表于 2019-9-29 00:41
接下来短短的15分钟内,巴特经历了他从未有过的那样速战速决、但又狂野激烈的一场床上大战!他得知这名身为 ...


Discovery 发表于 2019-9-29 01:27:00


t3m19870312 发表于 2019-9-29 02:12:59

t3m19870312 发表于 2019-9-29 00:41
接下来短短的15分钟内,巴特经历了他从未有过的那样速战速决、但又狂野激烈的一场床上大战!他得知这名身为 ...
原文是"Do I have to 'ring twice?' asked Bart coyly. "Only if you come twice," she laughed.
ring twice取自作为本篇主题名称灵感来源的同名电影’The Postman Always Rings Twice ‘



Bart couldn’t believe his luck as he pulled his postal van into the apartment complex. The driver was female and he was finally going to see her! He was behind a baby blue BMW Z-4 convertible as it waited to pass through the wrought-iron security gate. The top was down and the driver was a very attractive 30-something blonde wearing expensive sunglasses. In the seat next to her was a pair of black forearm crutches. Bart could not see from the perch of his driver’s seat if the woman had two legs; if she was an amputee it would not be nearly as exciting for him. She briefly looked up at Bart through the rear-view mirror. He could see her face in the mirror and noted that she was quite pretty. Below his seatbelt something stirred as the old familiar thrill began to overtake Bart again.

The gate opened and the Beemer moved through. As she pulled ahead he saw the wheelchair logo on her license plate. Bart had seen this car before, parked in front of building ‘D’ inside. In fact, Bart had seen the car many times, but until now, never the driver. He was thrilled at the prospect of seeing this pretty blonde who obviously walked on crutches.

Quickly he considered his options. He couldn’t be obvious. Nonetheless, he was the mailman here making his regular deliveries, so hanging around wasn't really a problem. Bart stopped at the security code pad and punched in the assigned authorization number for deliveries. The gate opened for him and the van lumbered through just as the Beemer turned left toward Building D ahead. There were several open parking spaces directly across from Building 'D.' He made his decision.

“Just stay here for a minute,” he thought. “This one’s too good to ignore.” He pulled the van parallel with the curb several yards away from where the BMW was parking. It was in a designated handicapped space marked ‘D-3.’ Bart turned on the yellow emergency flashers and cut his engine. He pretended to busy himself with some mail as the blonde parked and prepared to get out of the car.

Bart was flushed now, in a state of rapt anticipation. The car door opened and he watched as the woman picked up her crutches and placed the lower halves outside the car. Her left leg came out on its own, a smart business pump with a low heel on the foot. She then placed her hand under the knee of her right leg and lifted it out and onto the pavement. Bart silently gasped as he noted the huge lift on her right shoe. The heel appeared to be seven or eight inches taller than that of its mate, and a sturdy round rubber platform was attached to the sole. She pushed up from the little car, slid her arms into the cuffs of the black crutches, and swiveled herself aside sufficiently to close the door.

So far the woman had taken no apparent notice of Bart, to his relief. She began moving toward her apartment with a slow swinging gait. The apparently normal left leg took all her weight. The crippled right leg simply hung with the huge shoe making ground contact only at the front edge of its sole. The foot pointed down and dragged slightly as she lifted herself progressively through the crutches toward the building. Bart’s manhood was now at full mast, straining against his trousers.

“I’ve got to meet her,” he thought to himself.

In another moment she was too far into the entryway of the complex to be seen any more. But he had witnessed enough… Bart was resolved to make it a point to see the woman again. The 35-year war between Bart’s decency and his deviant sexuality began a fresh battle. He loathed himself for being so turned on by the sight of a crippled woman. Oh, the many times he had succumbed to his desire to observe such women in malls and on the street. As a youngster Bart saw polio victims in public regularly, but he rarely encoountered anyone anymore. This beauty on crutches was truly an awesome sight.

As the day wore on Bart couldn’t get the blonde out of his mind. A simple plan took form and Bart began to anticipate the next day with relish.

Bart worked the following afternoon at a pace that would allow him to get to the woman's apartment complex a little later. He wanted to ensure she was there. Upon pulling in he noted with satisfaction that the blue Z-4 was indeed in its parking space. Mounting his courage, Bart left his van at the curb and carried the large and heavy box of old magazines he had personally packed and mailed for apartment D-3 toward the door. He had made sure there was no identification of the sender on or inside the box, just in case the encounter went badly.

He rang the bell and waited in eager anticipation. In a moment the door opened. The blonde stood before him on the black aluminum crutches, a vague smile on her face. Bart couldn’t believe his eyes. The woman was barefoot. Without the immense boot-like buildup on, her thin right leg simply hung down, still swaying very slightly from the momentum of her movement. The gap between the floor and the tips of her toes was at least six inches. In the split second he allowed himself to look, Bart noted that the tiny crippled foot was perfectly formed and quite pretty. The left foot--the one on the floor--was signficantly larger and both feet were pedicured with bright red nail polish.

“Hi,” she said in a pleasant voice, noting but ignoring Bart’s quick gaze at her leg. “Have something for me?”

“Yes I do,” replied Bart, trying to sound cheerful. "This is for apartment D-3, and I need your signature. Uh…would you like me to bring this in for you?"

“Sure,” said the pretty blonde with a slight laugh, “I don’t do big boxes real well. Bart hauled the box inside and she asked him to carry it to her kitchen. She led the way, her swing-through crutching now much more rapid with the right leg simply suspended over the floor. As she stopped at the kitchen the little leg began a slight circular motion of its own. She obviously had virtually no control over this and she reflexively reached down to stop its movement.

She turned and caught Bart’s stare. He felt the blood in his face; he knew he must be obviously blushing. She paused a moment and then said simply, “You’re a devotee, aren’t you?”

Bart knew exactly what this meant. “Devotee” was the term normally associated with the fetish "abasiophilia," his sexual attraction to disabled women. He was mortified that she had him “made.” But, there was no question that she did.

“What do you mean?” asked Bart weakly.

“You know exactly what I mean,” she replied impatiently. “I saw you staring at me yesterday afternoon and today you are looking at me like a lost puppy.” Than her demeanor changed. She continued in a sultry voice, “So…Mr. mail man…you like your women handicapped, do you?”

With that she crutched over to Bart. “Hold your hands out,” she commanded. Bart complied, cupping his hands before him and not knowing what to expect. Standing right in front of him she reached behind her right calf and lifted the short leg outward, placing her miniature foot in Bart’s outstretched palms. Stunned, Bart didn't respond immediately. But he then moaned with delight and began gently stroking her, his penis growing rapidly.

“Did you have polio?” breathed Bart.

“Yes. I contracted polio immediately after my birth,right before took the vaccine” she replied. “What you have there is not very useful to me, but you seem to like it a lot.” She giggled as Bart’s eyes all but rolled back in his head.

“I’ve always heard mail men are sexy. Now I know it’s true,” she cooed, watching the expansion behind Bart’s zipper. “Let’s go have some fun.” Without another word she swung herself back a foot or so, pulling herself from Bart’s grasp. The little leg now swung back and forth wildly as she repositioned herself and then headed down the hall. She turned her head over her shoulder and said coquettishly, “Come on. I'd like a very special delivery today.”

Bart had never experienced sex like he did in the next 15 fast and furious minutes. He learned that the Beemer Blonde was named Denise. And Denise knew how to please. She had stripped rapidly and helped Bart undress as well. He was amazed as she swung naked to the corner of the bedroom, propped her crutches up against the wall, and then hopped back to the bed on her good leg.

Once in bed Denise took charge. She kissed and licked Bart from head to toe and began kneading his manhood and tickling him gently.

"Nice, uh...'package,' Mr. mail man," grinned Denise. "Now, how about making my 'special delivery?"

He felt her moistness against him and he rapidly entered her, thrusting aggressively. She began to moan and sway with his rhythm. The climax was quick and both lovers understood that there was little time for Bart to stay. He wordlessly climbed from bed and began to dress.

“Please bring me my sticks,” she whispered. “It’s just plain unladylike to hop.”

Bart smiled broadly as he delivered the black crutches to her. “I have never had an experience like this before,” he said meekly. “It was awesome.” He picked up her little foot and kissed it tenderly.

“It doesn’t have to be the last time, unless you want it to be,” she replied. I’m here almost every afternoon. “Will you stop by and assist a disabled girl as needed?”

"Do I have to 'ring twice?' asked Bart coyly.

"Only if you come twice," she laughed.

Bart left, a huge grin on his face. He could hardly wait to make his next "special delivery" to D-3.

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