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发表于 2024-9-2 21:57:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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 楼主| 发表于 2024-9-2 21:59:17 | 显示全部楼层
我⼤约⼆⼗岁时发⽣了这件事。我有我的愿望,我知道如何实现它们。我有我的朋友安娜,她⾮常清 楚我想要什么。我们之间没有性关系,但她喜欢我的异装癖。我可以到她的地⽅去,当我有这个感觉 时。她还在细节上帮了我很多,我对化妆和其他⼥孩⼦的事情不太了解。这次我在家⾥打扮好了,我 发现了⼀辆很棒的三轮⼩⻋,是为残疾⼈做的。我在我阿姨的⻋库⾥找到的,她住在我们旁边。我想 她以某种⽅式知道我的愿望,因为她打电话给我,告诉我,如果我愿意,我可以使⽤这辆⾃⾏⻋。我穿上了⼀件漂亮的⼩裙⼦。我把头发打理得很好。安娜告诉我她会有⼀个派对,她邀请了我。我穿 着漂亮的、丝绸般的尼⻰袜,还带了⼀些珠宝,让我感觉更有⼥性⽓质。感觉腿上柔软舒适的⻓袜真 是太美妙了,我以前从未穿过这么漂亮的⾐服。我记得我从⼩就有这些愿望,它们通过希望拥有残疾 的腿来向所有⼈展示。我知道许多残疾⼥孩想隐藏并为⾃⼰的残疾感到羞耻,但这从未出现在我的脑 海中。我想穿短裙,我总是想知道如何在不引起当局问题的情况下得到⼀些腿部⽀架。我发现这永远 是⼀个⽆法实现的梦想,我继续在锁着的⻔后异装。我家⾥没有⼈知道这个奇怪的事情。现在我有了⾃⼰的公寓,就在我阿姨的附近。这确实是她的房⼦,我住在楼上。她使⽤轮椅,所以她 为⾃⼰在楼下做了舒适的安排。"听着,她在电话⾥说。我知道很多关于你的事情,但你不必感到羞耻或害怕。我选择你是因为我知道 你的⼩游戏,我希望我能看到你⼀次,就像你是⼀个可爱的⼩⼥孩⼀样!" "如果你这么说,我⾮常⾼兴,在你⾯前没有罪恶感或羞耻感!" "你今天要出去吗셌 " "是的,我要去看望我亲爱的朋友安娜,她住在乡下的房⼦⾥。" "你可以使⽤我的⼩⾃⾏⻋,如果你喜欢。它在我的⻋库⾥。出去看看!" "⾸先我会进来向你展示!" "亲爱的,哦,我的上帝!多么可爱!你⾮常受欢迎!但看看你房间旁边的⾐柜。你会发现⼀些对你的 可怜、残疾的腿真正有⽤的东⻄!不要试图在没有⽀撑的东⻄的情况下下楼!" 我去看她所说的。穿着我为了庆祝我的新公寓和它给我的⾃由⽽买的适度⾼跟鞋⾛路真是⼀次经历!我今天穿的所有东⻄,没有任何遗憾!当我打开⾐柜,在⿊暗中摸索时,我感觉到了⼀些钢制的东 ⻄,我拿出了⼀对旧的,但⾮常时尚的腿部⽀架!旁边还有两根漂亮的⽊拐杖!我⼏乎喘不过⽓来!太美妙了!我⾮常⾼兴!我把我的发现拿到客厅,看了看它们。我看着我穿着漂亮⻓袜的腿!我已经到了这⼀步,我不再需要 在镜⼦下看我的⼥孩东⻄了,不再有任何疑问。我感觉像个年轻⼥⼈,我认为我有所有的情感和⼀ 切,真的可以成为⼀个。我感觉像是达到了⽬标的⼈,安娜⼀直⾮常有帮助和友好。但现在,⼿⾥拿 着⽀架,我意识到我可以让我的梦想更加实现!这是我梦寐以求的机会!我把东⻄拿到床上,把⽀架敞开放在床上。我确保拐杖在周围,随时准备被我抓住。然后我把短裙掀 起,坐在⽀架旁边。我⽤双⼿抬起⼀条腿,把它放进⽀架⾥。我忍不住⼀直看,对我来说看起来太美 妙了!我的腿穿着漂亮的⻓袜,周围是⽀架的钢和⽪⾰!哦!我终于开始穿上⽀架的鞋,通过⽤⼀只⼿抬起我的右腿,同时稍微折叠我的⼩腿。我⽤另⼀只⼿穿上 鞋⼦。它⾮常合适!这是⼀个很好的⼩鞋,附在⽀架下跟。我发现钢是可以移动的,就在我的脚踝上 ⽅,当我把腿放在⽀架⾥并开始系带⼦时。最后我全都做完了,我的腿是直的,对我来说感觉有点奇 怪。我也以同样的⽅式系上了另⼀个⽀架。现在我到了我内⼼深处的愿望之⻔!我坐在床上想了⼀会 ⼉,这⼀切意味着什么。我应该作为⼀个残疾⼥孩被外界所知!但我不在乎,这是我⼀⽣都在渴望 的!现在这是真的!我把⼿放在后⾯,当我抬起左腿并把它从床上抬起时,我得到了⽀撑。我意识到,我不是我想要成为 的时尚⼥孩,因为我必须分开腿才能起床。没关系,我抬起右腿,让它陪伴我的姐妹。膝盖轻轻地折 叠。我把⾃⼰稍微抬⾼到床边。然后我锁住⼀个膝盖,那条腿就全直了。我抓住拐杖,成功地站起 来。我迅速把拐杖放在我的胳膊下,推了⼀下我的右拐杖。锁⽴即回答,我的两条腿都是直的。感谢 上帝,我有拐杖的⽀持!当我站在那⾥感到真的⽆助时,我感到⼀种梦想成真!⽽且通过⻓袜感觉到 带⼦抚摸我的腿真是太美妙了!当我第⼀次把所有的重量都放在腿上时,我⾸先感觉到了,带⼦感觉 如此安全地覆盖了所有地⽅!我的腿是直的,在我的⽆助中由这些强⼤和良好应⽤的⾏⾛⽀撑所⽀ 撑!我告诉我的残疾腿晚上休息,也许⼀周。我本来打算乘公共汽⻋去乡下。我感到⾃⼰⾮常⼥性化,对⾃⼰⾮常满意,我⼀点也不知道有⼈会对 我作为⼀个年轻⼥⼈有任何意⻅!我以前做过这次旅⾏,很多次,但总是作为⼀个年轻男⼈。我的东 ⻄在⼀个钱包⾥,当我到达安娜的房⼦时我穿上⾐服。但上次我也在附近稍微出去了⼀下。我认为邻 居们⼀定知道进⼊公寓的年轻⼥⼈。这真是⼀个真正的刺激!我⼀点也不害怕乘公共汽⻋,在其他乘 客中坐⼀⼩时左右。但这不同!我甚⾄没有为晚上打包我的东⻄!⾸先,我必须学会在这些美妙的、如此好的⽀撑物中⾏⾛。我的腿已经记住了我四岁时必须穿⽀架来 矫正我的臀部的时候!它们现在休息得如此安全,我必须依靠⽀架来前进。当我试图向前摆动时,我 的脚趾⼏乎碰到了地板,地毯本可以抓住我!我终于找到了平衡。我成功地再次坐下,把⽀架锁在脚 踝上,这样我的脚就会直,每次我⾛⼀步,脚趾都会抬起。我还必须调整拐杖,我是地球上最⾼的⼥ 孩之⼀。经过这些⼩调整后,我感觉相当安全,开始尝试⼀种步态,我在拐杖之间摆动我的腿,每次 我⾛⼀步都会向前⼀点。我训练并变得相当熟练,因为我的腿回忆起我童年时穿⽀架的⽇⼦。我开始拿我的新睡⾐和我在安娜那⾥可能需要的其他东⻄。最后我准备好了,但我害怕下到我阿姨的 楼梯。同时穿着⼀个箱⼦,我应该⽤两条直腿下来,这是很多新经历!但我必须!我开始穿上⼀点⽑⾐去旅⾏。我在头上披了⼀条围⼱,在开始⼤冒险之前,我在嘴唇上涂了⼀点颜 ⾊!下楼并不难。我把两个拐杖放在⼀只胳膊下,⽤扶⼿⽀撑我。我成功地没有发⽣事故地下来,我 的⼼跳得很快,当我敲我阿姨的⻔!"进来!"她喊道,我打开⻔,⾛进了她的公寓。她坐在轮椅上,看着我,站在我的拐杖之间。"你是⼀个漂亮的⼩⼥孩!"她说。"你不来给你阿姨⼀个吻吗셌 " 我拄着拐杖向前⾛,来到她的椅⼦旁边。我拿⾛了拐杖,在她脸颊上轻轻地吻了⼀下。她抚摸了我的 腿!"哦!" "感觉⼿上有⽪肤不是很美妙吗셌 你必须有⼈爱上!"她说,笑着。"我不知道...我...为什么有⼈会爱上我셌 " "但是 - 为什么不呢셌 你是我很⻓时间以来⻅过的最美妙的⽣物!" "还有,感谢⽀架!"我说,感觉对这种情况更习惯了。我真的喜欢她的⼿在我的腿上,通过⻓袜和⽀ 架就在她的⼿下⾯感觉⾮常美妙!"你有驾照,对吧셌 " "是的,现在已经两年了。" "那么我认为你应该开我的⻋!你会发现⻔旁边有⼀个轮椅!坐下,把拐杖固定在上⾯,享受你的⼀ 天!" "哦,⾮常感谢你!"我说,弯下腰给我阿姨⼀个真正的吻!"保佑你年轻的⼥⼈!"她说,当她恢复呼吸时!我找到了椅⼦,拿了起来,坐下,把我瘫痪的腿放在 腿托上。看到我的尼⻰腿在⽀架中休息,在我⾯前,从我的拐杖中间可⻅,真是太美妙了!看到护膝 真是太美妙了!我把⾃⼰推到她身边,⽤左⼿⽀撑在⼿托上,我搂住她,给了她⼀个⼤⼤的拥抱!⾮ 常温柔和⼥性化,但她明⽩了,并在我的嘴唇上亲了⼀下!"和年轻⼈在⼀起真是太美妙了,你们敢于像我从未想过的那样展示你们的腿!" 我的脸有点红了!"时尚就是这样,我很⾼兴我⽣活在这个时代!"我说,希望她不会介意。"你必须像他们来的时候⼀样接受⽇⼦,我的⼩宝⻉⼥⼉!"她说,并尽可能地拥抱我。"现在你必须去找你的朋友!"她低声说。"开我的⻋,它已经加满了。" "哦,⾮常感谢你!我说,给了她⼀个吻。"我推到⻔⼝,当我离开时,我在空中吻了她。外⾯很冷!我感觉到我的腿上,它们以前从未真正经历过这个!冷,只有尼⻰!但很快我感到⻓袜的 ⽀持,它们真的很温暖!它们⾥⾯也有⼀点棉。我推着我的路到⻋库,可以打开⻔有些麻烦。我推着 进去,打开⻋⻔,抬起⼀条腿进去,松开⼿托,然后我可以⽤⼿把⾃⼰拉到座位上。我的左腿像瘫痪 的肢体⼀样悬挂在⻋外,我⽤⼿把它抬起来,轻轻地把左脚往左边挪了⼀点,这样我的拐杖就可以靠 在⼀起,感受到彼此的存在。哦!这真是太美妙了!我从⽀架上取下拐杖,把它们放在我身后。但是怎么把轮椅放进⻋⾥呢셌 我卸 下轮⼦,成功地把轮椅放进了⻋⾥。不知怎的,只要想到这个主意就变得⾮常容易!我启动了汽⻋,从⻋库倒了出来,然后我拿起拐杖,把我的腿抬出来,锁上膝盖锁,然后转身锁上了⻋⻔。感受到⽀ 架⽀撑着我真是太棒了!我现在是⼀个⾮常⾼兴的残疾年轻⼥性!我完全感觉不到腿部肌⾁的任何紧 绷!我完全依赖我的⽀架和拐杖!我开⻋时感到⾮常⾼兴。我使⽤我阿姨需要的⼿动控制器来去任何 地⽅。现在我也需要它们了!我对此感到相当⾼兴!当我到达安娜家时,我看到她从房⼦⾥出来,坐在轮椅上!我停下⻋,⽤眼睛跟随她。她沿着她在楼 梯上安排的坡道滚下来,直接来到我⾯前。我看到她的⼀条腿被条纹包裹起来,看起来像是⼀名截肢 者!她微笑着,看起来⾮常⾼兴!我停下引擎后打开⻋⻔,开始拿出我的轮椅。"哦,你也是!你还穿着这么可爱的裙⼦!我亲爱的⼥孩!你⽆法想象我经历了什么!" "你真的失去了腿吗?我以为只是为了好玩⽽条纹包裹起来的?" "不,不是的。但我很快就会有假肢了。三周前我被⻋撞了。" 她提起裙⼦,向我展示了⻓袜下满是绷带的残肢。但是你发⽣了什么事?我们是不是同时变成残疾⼈了? "我不知道我是怎么回事。医⽣说这是我髋部的⽼问题,我能理解。"我的轮椅已经完全组装好了,我 把我的腿抬出来,把⾃⼰交给了轮椅。我拿出拐杖,关上了⻋⻔。"那⼜怎样,现在我们两个都处于同样的状况了。" "你真是太棒了!"她说着,滚到我身边,给了我⼀个⼩⼩的拥抱。

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-9-2 21:59:38 | 显示全部楼层
real fiction
I was about twenty when this happened. I had my wishes and I knew how to get them fulfilled. I
had my friend Anna and she knew perfectly well what I wanted. We had not a sexual relationship
but she liked my crossdressing. I could go to her place and live it out when I felt so. She also
helped me a lot with details, that I didn't know so much about, like make-up and other girlsthings. This time I had dressed at home and I had found a wonderful little bike with three wheels,
made for a disabled person. I found it in my aunt's garage, she lived next to us. I think she knew
somehow about my whishes, because she called me and told me, that I could use the bike when I
I had dressed up in a wonderful little dress. I had made my hair so nicely. Anna had told me she
would have a party to which she invited me. I had wonderful, silk-like nylons on and I had taken
some jewels to make me a bit more female-feeling. It was wonderful to feel the soft and nice
stockings on my legs, I had never had such lovely clothes on my legs before. I've had these
wishes as long as I can remember, and they have been accomplished by a wish to have disabled
legs to show up for all people. I know that many disabled girls want to hide and are ashamed of
their disability, but that never came to my mind. I wanted to dress in short skirts and I was always
wondering how to get some leg-braces without questions from the authorities. I had found, that
this was a dream never being realized, and I had been gone on with my cross-dressing behind
the locked door. Nobody in my family knew anything about this strange thing.
Now I had an apartment of my own just close to my aunt's place. It was her house, really, and I
lived upstairs. She used wheelchair so she had made it comfortable for herself downstairs.
"Listen, she had said in the phone. I know a lot about you, but you don't have to be ashamed or
afraid. I took you because I knew about your little games, and I hope I can see you once as the
cute little girl that you are!"
"If you say so, I am very pleased and feel not guilty or ashamed in front off you!"
"Are you going out today?"
"Yes, I'm going to see my dear friend Anna in her house on the countryside."
"You can use my little bike if you like. It is in my garage here. Go out and take a look!"
"First I will come in and show up for you!"
"My dear, oh my God! How delightful! You are so welcome! But take a look in the wardrobe in the
room beside of yours. You will find something really useful for your poor, crippled legs! Don't try
to get downstairs without something to support you!"
I went to see what she had been talking about. It was quite an experience to walk on the
moderated heels I had bought to celebrate my new apartment and the freedom it gave me! I just
liked all the things I wore today, no regrets whatsoever! When I opened the wardrobe and
searched a little in the dark I felt some steel to my hand and I took out a pair old, but very
fashionable leg-braces! Beside them stood two wonderful wooden crutches!
I could almost not have my breath! So wonderful! I was so delighted!
I took my findings to my living-room and took a look at them. I looked at my legs in their
wonderful stockings! I had come that far, that I didn't any more take my girl-thing under the
mirror, there was no doubts anymore. I felt like a young woman, I thought I had all the emotions
and everything to really be one. I felt like someone who had reached the goal, Anna had been so
helpful and nice. But now, with the braces in my hands, I realized that I could get even more out
of my dreams! This was the occasion I had dreamed of!
I took my things to my bed and put the braces wide open on the bed. I made sure that I had the
crutches around, ready to be grabbed as I needed them. Then I took my little skirt up and sat
down beside the braces. I lifted one leg with my hands and put it in the brace. I couldn't stop
looking, it looked so wonderful to me! My own leg in the nice stocking with the brace's steel and
leather surrounding it! Oh!
I finally started to put on the brace's shoe by lifting my right though with my hand and at the
same time fold out my calf a little. I took the shoe on with my other hand. It fitted perfectly! It
was a nice little shoe, attached to the braces under the heel. The steel was moveable just over
my ankle, I found out as I laid my leg down in the brace and started to fasten the stripes. Finally I
had it all done, and my leg was straight and felt a little strange to me. I fastened the other brace
the same way. Now I had got to the door to my deepest wishes! I sat on the bed for a while
thinking of what all this meant. I should be known as a crippled girl to the world outside! But I
didn't care, this was what I had been longing for all my life! And now it was real!
I put my hand behind me to get support when I took under my left leg and lifted it out of the bed.
I realized, that I was not the fashionable girl I wanted to be, as I had to spread my legs to get up.
No matter, I took under my right leg and let it accompany the sister. The knees folded gently. I
lifted myself a little further to the bedside. Then I locked one of my knees and that leg became all
straight. I grabbed my crutches and succeeded to get on my feet. I put the crutches quickly
under my arms and pushed a little on my right crutch. The lock answered immediately, and both
my legs were straight. I had support from the crutches, thank God! As I stood there feeling really
helpless, I felt a kind of dream come through! And it was wonderful to feel the stripes caress my
legs trough the stockings! I felt it first when I let all my weight fall on my legs, and the stripes felt
so secure all over! My legs were straight and supported in their helplessness by these strong and
good applied walking-supports! I told my crippled legs to take a rest for the evening, maybe for
the week.
I had intended to travel to the country by bus. I was so feminine and satisfied with myself, and I
didn't have the slightest idea that anyone would have anything to say about me as a young
woman! I had done this trip before, many times, but always as a young man. I had had my things
in a purse and had dressed when I arrived to Anna's house. But the last time I had been out a
little in the neighborhood too. I thought, that the neighbors must be aware of the young woman,
who had entered the apartment. It had been a real thrill! I was not afraid at all to take the bus and
sit for an hour or so among the other passengers. But this was different! I had not even packed
my things for the night!
First I had to learn walking in these wonderful, so fine supporting things. My legs had already
remembered the time, when I was four and had to wear braces to correct my hips! They rested
so safe now, I had to rely on the braces for all my coming forward. As I tried to swing myself
forward my toes almost hit the floor and the carpet could have caught me! I got the balance at
last. I succeeded to sit down again and locked the braces at the ankles, so my feet would be
straight and the toes would be lifted every step I took. I also had to adjust the crutches, I am
among the taller girls on earth. After those little adjustments I felt pretty safe and started to try a
gait, I swung my legs between the crutches and got a little bit ahead each step I took. I trained
and got rather much skill, as my legs recalled the days in the braces from my childhood.
I began to take my new nightgown and other things I could need when I was at Anna's. At last I
was ready, but I had a fear for the stairs down to my aunt. It was a lot of new experiences,
wearing a case at the same time I should get down with two straightened legs!
But I had to!
I started after taking a little sweater on for the trip. I took a scarf over my hair and put a little
color on my lips before I started the big adventure! It was not that hard to get a good walk down
the stairs. I took both crutches under one arm and used the handrail to support me. I succeeded
getting down without an accident and my heart was running fast, as I knocked my aunt's door!
"Come in!" she shouted and I opened the door and entered into her apartment. She sat in her
wheelchair and looked at me, standing between my crutches.
"A nice little girl you are!" she said. "Won't you come and give your aunt a kiss?"
I crutched ahead and came beside her chair. I took away the crutches and gave her a little kiss on
her cheek. She caressed my leg!
"Isn't it lovely to feel a hand on the skin? You must have someone to fall in love with!" she said,
"I don't know...I ...why anyone should fall in love with me?"
"But - why not? You are the most wonderful creature I've seen for a long time!"
"And thanks for the braces!" I said and felt a little more common to the situation. I really loved
her hand on my leg, it was sensational to feel it through the stocking and with the brace just
under her hand!
"You have a driver's license, haven't you?"
"Yes, two years old now."
"Then I think you should take my car! And you find a wheelchair just beside the door there! Take
a seat and fasten the crutches on it and enjoy your day!"
"Oh, thank you so much!" I said and bent down to give my aunt a real kiss!
"Bless you young woman!" she said when she got the breath back! I found the chair and took it,
sat down and lifted my paralyzed legs onto the leg-rests. It was wonderful to see my nylon-legs
in the braces, resting in front of me, visible from the middle of my crutches. The knee-pads were
wonderful to see! I wheeled myself up to her and, supporting me with my left hand on the handrest, I wrapped my arm around her and gave her a big hug! Very gentle and feminine, but she
understood and gave me a kiss on my lips!
"It's wonderful with the youths, you dare to show your legs like I have never thought of!"
I became a bit red in my face! "It's the fashion, and I am glad that I live in these days!" I said,
hoping she wouldn't take it badly.
"You must take the days as they come, my little darling daughter!" she said and hugged me as
much as her position allowed.
"Now you must go to your friend!" she whispered. "Take my car, it's filled up."
"Oh, thank you so much! I said and gave her a kiss." I wheeled to the door and kissed her in the
air as I left.
It was cold outside! I felt it on my legs, they had not really experienced this before! Cold and just
nylons on! But soon I felt the support from my stockings, they were really warm! There was little
cotton in them, too. I wheeled my way to the garage and could open the doors with some trouble.
I wheeled into it and opened the car's door, lifted one of my legs into it after I loosed the handrest and then I could draft myself on my hands into the seat. My left leg hang as the paralyzed
limb it was, outside the car and I lifted it in with my hands and put my left foot gently a little to
the left, so my crutches could rest themselves together and get to feel their sister.
Oh! This was heavenly! I took away the crutches from the stand and put them in behind me. But
how to get the chair in? I took the wheels off and succeeded to get it all in the car. It was
somehow very easy, just to get the idea of it! I started the car and reversed it out from the
garage, Then I took my crutches and lifted out my legs, locked the knee-locks and swung back
and locked the doors. It was wonderful to feel how the braces supported me! I was a very
pleased young disabled woman now! I couldn't feel any toning in my muscles in the legs at all! I
was all related to my braces and crutches! I was happy, as I drove away along the road. I drove
with handcontrollers that my aunt needed to get anywhere. I needed them too, now! I was quite
happy about it!
As I arrived to Anna's house, I saw her coming out from the house, sitting in a wheelchair! I
stopped the car and followed her with my eyes. She wheeled down the bridge, that she had
arranged in the stairs, and came right in front of me. I saw, that she had striped up one of her
legs and looked to be an amputee! She smiled, looked so happy! I opened the door since I had
stopped the engine and I started to take out my wheelchair.
"Oh? You too? And such a lovely skirt you wear! My darling girl! You don't imagine what I've been
"You haven't lost your leg for real? I thought it was striped up for fun?"
"No, it isn't. But I will have a prosthetic soon. I was hit by a car three weeks ago."
She took up her skirt and showed me the stump with bandages all over it under a stocking. But
what have happened to you? Are we getting crippled at the same time?
"I don't know what I'm out for. The doctor said it was something old from my hips, and I can
understand it." My chair was all assembled and I lifted out my legs and handed over myself to the
wheelchair. I took out the crutches and closed the door.
"So what? Now we are both in the same condition."
"You are wonderful!" she said and wheeled into my side and gave me a little hug.
"Come inside and make love to me!"
I had never had sex in nylons before, but it was the most wonderful experience I've ever had!

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