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 楼主| 发表于 2024-9-2 21:54:21 | 显示全部楼层
我记得⼀切开始的那⼀天。确切地说,是那⼀天。我偷偷溜进了我哥哥的树屋,其实我不应该那么 做。那时我才⼗岁,⽽且我不是世界上最协调的⼥孩。嗯,当我妈妈看到我时,她⼤声斥责我,这让 我⾮常吃惊,以⾄于我摔了下来。我没有受重伤,但我扭伤了两只脚踝。我记得那有多疼,我有多害 怕。我妈妈⾃然很惊慌,带我去了医院,在那⾥我的脚踝被包扎起来,他们给了我⼀个轮椅,⼀个很 ⼤的医院轮椅,我妈妈把它带回家了。接下来的⼀个⽉,我真的不能⾛路,⾄少不能不带着相当⼤的 痛苦⾛路,我记得我的脚有多疼,我有多喜欢那个轮椅,因为我不必⾛路,不必伤害我的脚。我也记 得那些关注,我从家⼈那⾥得到的礼物,我的姑姑给我的⼀个⼩象⽑绒玩具,很多同情和早⽇康复的 卡⽚,有些⾥⾯还装着⼀两美元,⽤来买冰淇淋,等我好了。当我的脚踝好了之后,轮椅被放在阁楼上,⼀切基本上⼜回到了正常状态,我恢复了正常,没有更多 的关注或礼物,但这⼀切都留下了痕迹。到了我12岁的时候,我意识到我想念轮椅,不仅因为它让我 得到了⼈们的关注,还因为我坐在⾥⾯的感觉。我开始和其他学校的⼥孩玩医⽣游戏,是⽆害的那 种,当她们来我家的时候。有⼀天,我⿎起勇⽓问我妈妈我的旧轮椅,我们是否还有它,我是否可以 在房间⾥⽤它来玩医⽣。让我⾼兴的是,她对这两个问题都回答了 “是”,并把它拿下来给我。它在阁 楼上放了很久,上⾯满是灰尘和蜘蛛⽹。我在房间⾥坐了⼀个多⼩时,清洁它,擦亮它,抛光它直到 它闪闪发光。我的朋友们过来了,对我有⼀个真正的轮椅来玩医⽣印象深刻! 我通常是轮椅⾥的病 ⼈,但我分享了,因为我开始意识到我也喜欢看着其他⼈坐在轮椅⾥。当然,那时并不是⾊情的,但 我看到轮椅或拐杖上的⼈时,我不会退缩。我很好奇,⾮常好奇那会是什么感觉。多年来我⼀直在轮椅上玩耍,起初是⽆害的,后来不那么⽆害,试图想象坐在轮椅上⽣活的各个⽅ ⾯,没有使⽤我的腿。我练习洗澡,上床,甚⾄不⽤腿放卫⽣棉条。我从书籍和电视上学习了瘫痪的 ⼈如何从轮椅转移到普通椅⼦셅 沙发或浴缸。我⾮常擅⻓让我的腿变得松弛⽆⼒,根本不使⽤它们。有时我会假装⽤旧拐杖,有时⽤弹性绷带,总是尝试新的⽅法来 “残废” ⾃⼰。然后,我⾼中第⼀周发 ⽣了⼀个⼤变化。她的名字是迪娜。她因多发性硬化症失去了双腿的使⽤能⼒,被限制在轮椅上。她很漂亮,以⾼中⼥ 孩的⽅式,⾮常友好,尽管她真的没有任何朋友。即使对于没有残疾的⼈来说,⾼中也够难的了。嗯,观察了她⼏天后,我介绍了⾃⼰,我们很快成为了朋友。我们⼀起做了所有的事情,购物셅 看电 影셅 做作业셅 过夜,我们是⾼中⼥孩最好的朋友。没过多久,我就开始问她的残疾,她很快就对我完 全开放了,告诉我她能感觉到她的腿,但它们是⽆⽤的。她让我触摸和移动它们,感受它们是多么柔 软和没有⽣⽓。⼀天晚上,在迪娜家的过夜期间,我在她的壁橱⾥看到了⼀些前臂拐杖。我问她,她说她的医⽣⼀直 在试图让她使⽤拐杖⾏⾛的⽀架,但她没有兴趣,这对她来说很难,也很笨拙。我问她是否有⽀架,我是否可以尝试⼀下,看看它们是什么样的。她笑着说当然,如果我想要的话,我可以拥有它们,她 不想⽤它们。她把它们拿出来,两个塑料的膝下⽀架,有魔术贴闭合,她称它们为AFO。我穿上它 们,然后在它们上⾯穿上运动鞋。我完全不能动脚踝,真的。我从她的壁橱⾥拿起拐杖,开始拄着拐杖⾛来⾛去。迪娜笑了很多,说我 天⽣就会,但她对不想要它们是认真的,第⼆天它们就跟我回家了。⼜过了⼀个星期才把拐杖带回 家,它们有点太显眼了,不能公开做,但很快我就有了我的⽀架和前臂拐杖。轮椅现在不⻅了,因为 ⼀个上了年纪的姑妈需要它,我也太⽼了,不能再玩医⽣了,所以我把拐杖和⽀架藏起来,只有在确 定没有⼈能看到我的时候才使⽤它们。我和迪娜的关系在⾼中稳步发展,尽管我开始约会,但我对迪娜更感兴趣。看着她做事真是太神奇 了。那是我⼤三的时候,我刚刚开始开⻋,迪娜告诉我她相当确定⾃⼰是同性恋,男孩对她来说⼀点 也不感兴趣,她认为⼥⼈要美丽得多。她甚⾄向我吐露,她对着《花花公⼦》的中⼼折⻚⼿淫,⾼潮了 三次。她告诉我这⼀切时,她⼀团糟,哭了,困惑,不确定我会不会在学校⾥尖叫 “⼥同性恋!”。我没 有跑开或笑,我做了⼀些连我⾃⼰都没想到的事情。我吻了她,就在嘴唇上。她不知道是该哭还是尖 叫还是别的什么,所以她也回吻了我,深深地,然后我们开始笑,哭,拥抱,我抱了她⼀会⼉,然后 我们成了恋⼈。这部分也是有点惊喜。⼀周后,迪娜在我家,我们是家⾥唯⼀的⼈。我们正在谈论这个或那个,当我 问她是如何⽤《花花公⼦》的图⽚⼿淫的。我⼀直在想她是否以及如何可能从轮椅上发⽣性⾏为,或者 ⾼潮,或者任何东⻄。她脸红了,说她只是做了,所以我问她是在床上还是在轮椅上。她说是在轮椅 上,在她睡觉前。她发现杂志在浴室抽屉⾥,对⾥⾯的⼥性很着迷,她们有多美,所以她脱下内裤⼿ 淫。我让她为我做,她更加脸红,但说好的。我帮她脱下裙⼦和裤袜,这是我早些时候帮她穿上的,然后我⾃⼰也脱光了。我看着迪娜把她⼀条瘦 弱⽆⼒的腿搭在轮椅的⼀侧,开始像我⼀样⾃慰,但也有⼀些不同。当她在轮椅上⾃慰时,我戴上⽀ 架,拄着拐杖⾛到她身边,亲吻她,然后开始像她⾃⼰⼀样摩擦她。她也开始摩擦我,说她可以很舒 服地和我做这件事,因为我像她⼀样,我也是残疾⼈。她⼀说这话,我就⾼潮了! 我听到别⼈告诉我 我是残疾⼈时,我⾼潮得⾮常厉害。之后迪娜和我有很多次(违规用词,请立即整改,禁止带有成人内容),我总是戴着⽀架。我只在家⾥之外的地⽅穿过它们⼀次,那是和迪娜⼀ 起去购物中⼼,⼀个我不会很容易被认出来的地⽅。我真的很享受这次经历,但是很难去任何我知道 不会被认出来的地⽅,所以我从来没有真正做过。接下来的⼏年就是这样,直到发⽣了两件重要的事 情。我获得了⼀个⼤型艺术学校的奖学⾦,我在当地的医院找到了⼀个朋友。艺术奖学⾦是去加利福尼亚州⼀所著名的设计学校,离纽约州很远。朋友是玛丽,她是著名的⻣科医 院的护⼠助理。之后⼀切都完美地到位了,就像⼀个梦,或者命运,⽆论你相信什么。由于学校很远,我的家庭没有很多钱,我知道在学校期间不会有⼈意外来访。我⼀被学校录取,我就 开始和玛丽合作,实现我的计划。我不确定她是如何做到的,但在我离开学校的前三周,玛丽有了我 ⾮常想要的东⻄⸺⼀对全尺⼨的腿⽀架,配有三双可互换的鞋⼦。我⼀有机会就试穿它们,它们很完 美! 我很快把它们装箱并邮寄到我校园的宿舍,还有⼀对新的铝制前臂拐杖和⼀个新的轮椅,我需要 开始我的新⽣活的⼀切。这花费了我⼏乎⼀半的积蓄,但是奖学⾦⾮常慷慨,所以⼀旦我到了学校,我会没事的。我在下午晚些时候到达旧⾦⼭,然后乘公共汽⻋去学校。我等到天⿊才去宿舍,这样没有⼈会真正看 到我⾛进去。宿舍⾮常现代,有电梯和坡道,对于坐轮椅的⼈来说⾮常完美。我到了我的房间,发现 我是第⼀个搬进来的,正如我所希望的。这是⼀个两⼥房间,但我提前整整⼀周到达,所以暂时我⼀ 个⼈。房间⽐我预期的要⼩,这可能最终会成为我的问题,但⽬前还好。我的包裹在那⾥,我急切地 撕开它们。我⽴即戴上钢⽀架,把我穿着尼⻰的腿固定在它们坚固的怀抱中。我暂时把轮椅放在⻆落 ⾥,然后出去在校园⾥⾛⾛。我真的在这⾥,在加利福尼亚,我作为⼀个残疾⼥孩过着我的⽣活! 那⼀周,我得到了很多来⾃同学和⼯作⼈员的⽬光。我有⼀种⽤短裙或短裤셅 连裤袜和腿⽀架,或者 穿着轮椅上的轻薄连⾐裙셅 连裤袜和最严肃的⾼跟鞋或靴⼦来吸引眼球的技巧。我会去俱乐部셅 酒 吧,都是作为⼀个残疾⼥孩,我再也不⽤我的腿了。穿着⽀架最容易,因为我甚⾄不必考虑不⼩⼼移 动我的腿,穿着⽀架它们不会动。我习惯了公共交通,旧⾦⼭的公共汽⻋和⽕⻋很棒。欺骗学校⼯作⼈员让他们认为我真的残疾并不难,因为他们从来没有问过任何关于它的问题,我仍然 在我⽗⺟的医疗政策上,所以甚⾄没有任何医疗记录在学校档案中。就我的朋友셅 教授和学校⼯作⼈ 员所知,我是残疾的,⼩时候被多发性硬化症击中。跟随你所知道的,我在⼤学四年⾥都做到了,只有迪娜,我仍然保持联系,知道真相。正如我所预料的,我的家⼈从来 没有钱来看我,我只在两个假期回家。作为⼀个残疾⼥⼈的⽣活是美好的,令⼈兴奋的,我不想让它 结束。⼀切都进展得如此顺利,直到不可避免的事情发⽣了.... 毕业。这就像⼀场噩梦。我正离开⼤学的安全世界,进⼊职场,在职场上他们会检查诸如医疗历史之 类的事情,他们肯定会对⼀个22岁坐在轮椅上,戴着腿⽀架却没有医学理由的⼥性皱眉头。我不知道 该做什么,经过四年⼏乎完全不⽤,我的腿已经萎缩了,以⾄于我真的不能再很好地⾛路了。然后,毕业只有两周的时间,我所有的主要考试和项⽬都完成了并提交了,我有了⼀个想法。这很疯狂,但 这正是我想要的,甚⾄是必要的,所以在我认为仔细准备之后,我继续执⾏了它。计划是让⼀个⼤⾦ 属⽂件柜掉在我的背上,把它弄断,让我从腰部以下瘫痪,使我的⼈⽣⽬标成为现实。⽆论如何,那 是计划,但事情并没有那样发展。⽂件柜没有击中我的下背部,但不知何故放在柜⼦顶部的割草机引 擎块却没有错过。它严重地弄断了我的脊椎,在这个过程中粉碎了⼏个脊椎动物,并使我从胸部以下 完全麻⽊,完全瘫痪,我想我应该⽐实际上更⾼兴,因为⽂件柜确实没有击中我的背部,但它击中了 我的腿。两条都是。就在膝盖上⽅,压碎了它们,⼏乎完全撕掉了它们。医⽣们尽了他们所能,但能 做的并不多。毕竟,我⼀直想成为残疾⼈。我毕业时在医院,⼤约⼀个⽉后。然后是物理治疗,我真的需要,因为即使在所有的伪装中,我也从 未想象过真正瘫痪,没有腿会是什么样⼦。我是⼀个双腿截肢者,两条腿都在⼤腿中部不⻅了,我完 全从胸部以下瘫痪。我有很多要适应的,⽐如我下半身剩下的部分完全死了,⽐如因为瘫痪需要穿尿 布,还有因为我的身体没有⾜够的⼒量在没有腿的情况下保持平衡,我需要在轮椅上系安全带,我不 停地从椅⼦上滑下来,我甚⾄坐起来都有困难。这太难了,我真的想知道为什么我对⾃⼰做了这么可 怕的事情,直到我离开治疗中⼼的那个辉煌的⽇⼦。我在医院了解到,事实上每个⼈都认为这是⼀个 可怕的事故,并已经庭外和解了⼀⼤笔钱,主要是因为他们不想让我因为他们更⼤的⼀笔钱⽽起诉他 们。我肯定他们的律师想象着这个22岁的⼥孩坐在轮椅上没有腿来辩护她的案⼦。不,他们和解了,所以我离开中⼼的那天是去我的新全装修公寓。我仍然感到有点沮丧,仍然想知道我怎么会落到这种 地步,仍然想知道为什么,当我打开新家的⻔时。我差点被 “惊喜!” 的喊声吓死,当我进去时,我的家 ⼈,多年前的朋友,我⼗年未⻅的堂兄弟姐妹:⾃从树屋事件以来,他们中的⼀些⼈,都赶来欢迎我和 安慰我。然后,当我认为情况不可能更好时,我听到⼈群后⾯的某⼈在喧闹中喊道셊 “嘿,我喜欢你的 地⽅,凯⻄,像我这样的⼥孩很容易四处⾛动!” 我环顾四周,看到迪娜坐在她的轮椅上,对我微笑。“确实,凯⻄,我可以住在这⾥。” “那好,你为什么不呢?” 我只能通过喜悦的泪⽔回答。

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-9-2 21:54:53 | 显示全部楼层
I remember when it started. The very day, in fact. I had snuck up into my brother's treehouse,
which I wasn't supposed to do. I was only ten at the time, and not the most coordinated girl in
the world. Well, my mom yelled at me when she saw me, and it startled me so much I fell. I wasn't
hurt badly, but I sprained both my ankles. I remember how much it hurt, and how scared I was.
My mom naturally panicked and took me to the hospital, where my ankles were wrapped up and I
was given a wheelchair, a big hospital wheelchair which my mom took home with us. For the next
month, I really couldn't walk, at least not without quite a bit of pain, I remember how much my
feet hurt and ached, and how much I liked that wheelchair, because I didn't have to walk and hurt
my feet. I also remember the attention, the gifts I got from my family, a small stuffed elephant
from my aunt, a lot of sympathy and get well cards, some with money inside, a dollar or two for
ice cream 'when I got better'.
After that, when my ankles were fine again, and the wheelchair was put up in the attic, everything
went back to normal for the most part, I was back to normal, no more attention or gifts, but it had
all left it's mark. By the time I was 12, I realized that I missed the wheelchair, not only the
attention it had gotten me from people, but also the feeling I had when I was in it. I started
playing doctor, the innocent kind of doctor, with the other girls from school when they'd come
over to my house. One day I got up the nerve to ask my mom about my old wheelchair, if we still
had it, and if I could use it in my room to play doctor. To my delight, she said yes to both, and got
it down for me. It had been sitting for so long, in the attic, it was covered with dust and cobwebs.
I sat within my room for over an hour, cleaning it, armor-alling it, polishing it until it shined. My
friends came over and were so impressed that I had a real wheelchair to play doctor in! I was
usually the patient in the chair, but I did share, because I was beginning to realize that I also liked
looking at other people in wheelchairs. Not erotically at that age, of course, but I didn't shy away
when I saw someone in a wheelchair or on crutches. I was curious, very curious as to what it
would be like.
For years I played in my wheelchair, innocent at first, then less innocent, trying to imagine all
aspects of life from a wheelchair, without the use of my legs. I practiced bathing, getting into
bed, even putting in tampons without the use of my legs. I learned, from books and TV, how a
paralyzed person transfers from wheelchair to a normal chair, or couch, or tub. I was an expert at
making my legs flaccid and limp, not using them at all. At times I'd pretend with an old pair of
crutches, sometimes with ace bandages, always trying new ways to 'cripple' myself. The next big
change came for me in my first week of high school, though.
Her name was Dina. She had lost the use of her legs to multiple sclerosis and was confined to a
wheelchair. She was pretty, in a high-school girl way, and very friendly, although she really didn't
have any friends. High School is hard enough even for someone without a handicap. Well, after
watching her for a couple of days I introduced myself and we became fast friends. We did
everything together, shopping, movies, homework, sleep overs, we were best friends as only high
school aged girls can be. It didn't take long for me to start asking about her handicap, and it
didn't take long for her to feel totally open with me about it, how she could feel her legs, but hey
were useless. She let me touch and move them, feel how soft and lifeless they were.
One night, during a sleep over at her house, I saw some forearm crutches in her closet. I asked,
and she said that her doctor had been trying to get her to use braces to walk, with crutches, but
that she had no interest, it was hard and awkward for her. I asked her if she had the braces, and
if I could try them, to see what they were like. She laughed and said sure, I could have them if I
wanted, she wanted nothing to do with them. She pulled them out, two plastic below-knee
braces with Velcro closures, AFO's she called them. I put them on, then put my sneakers on over
I couldn't move ankles at all, really. I grabbed the crutches from her closet and began to crutch
around. Dina giggled a lot and said I was a natural, but she was serious about not wanting them
and the next day they came home with me. It took another week to get the crutches home, they
were a little too obvious to do in the open, but very shortly I had my braces and forearm
crutches. The wheelchair was gone now, because an elderly aunt had needed it, and I was too
old to play doctor anyway, so I hid the crutches and braces and only used them when I was sure
no-one would see me.
My relationship with Dina steadily progressed into high school, and even though I started dating,
I was much more interested in Dina. Just watching her do things was amazing to me. It was in my
junior year, just after I had started driving, that Dina told me that she was pretty sure she was
gay, that boys didn't interest her at all, that she though that women were far more beautiful. She
even confided in me that she had masturbated to a playboy centerfold and came three times.
She was a wreck as she told me all this, and was crying, confused and not sure if I would run
screaming 'DIKE!' all over school. Instead of running or laughing, I did something even I didn't
expect. I kissed her, right on the lips. She didn't know whether to cry or scream or anything, so
she kissed me back, deeply, and then we just started to laugh and cry and hug, and I held her for
a while, and then we became lovers.
That part was kind of a surprise, too. It was a week later, Dina was at my house, and we were the
only ones home. We were talking about something or other, when I asked her how she had
masturbated with the playboy picture. I had been wondering if and how she could have sex, or
orgasms, or anything from a wheelchair. She blushed and said she just did, so I asked if it was in
bed or in her wheelchair. She said it was in her wheelchair, before she went to bed. She had
found the magazine in a bathroom drawer and was fascinated by the women in it, how beautiful
they were, so she took off her panties and masturbated. I asked her to do it for me, and she
blushed even more, but said OK.
I helped her take off her skirt and pantyhose, which I had helped her put on earlier, and then I got
naked too. I watched Dina as she swung one of her thin, limp legs over the side of her chair and
start to rub herself, like I masturbated, but different, too. While she was masturbating in her
wheelchair, I put my braces on and crutched over to her, kissing her and then starting to rub her
like she was rubbing herself. She started to rub me, too, and said that she could feel comfortable
enough to do this with me because I was like her, I was a cripple too. As soon as she said that, I
came! I came so hard hearing someone else tell me I was a cripple.
Afterwards Dina and I had many lovemaking sessions, and I always wore the braces. Only once
did I ever wear them outside the comfort of my own home, and that was to a mall with Dina,
somewhere I wouldn't be readily recognized. I really enjoyed the experience, but it was so hard to
get anywhere I knew I wouldn't be recognized I never really did it. It was like that for the next
couple of years, until two important things happened. I earned a large art school scholarship, and
I found a friend in the local hospital.
The art scholarship was to a prestigious design school in California, a world away from upstate
New York. The friend was Mary, and she was a nurses' assistant in a prominent Orthopedic
Hospital. After that everything just fell into place so perfectly it was like a dream, or fate,
whichever you believe in.
Since the school was so far away, and my family didn't have much money, I knew I wouldn't be
getting any surprise visits from anyone while at school. As soon as I was accepted into school, I
started working with Mary to bring my plans to reality. I'm not sure how she did it, but three
weeks before I was to leave for school, Mary had what I wanted so badly- A fitted pair of full
length leg braces with three pairs of interchangeable shoes. I tried them on as soon as I could,
and they were perfect! I quickly boxed them up and mailed them to my dorm room on campus, a
long with a new pair of aluminum forearm crutches and a new wheelchair, everything I would
need to start my new life. It had cost me almost half my savings, but the scholarship was very
generous, so I'd be fine once I got to school.
I reached San Francisco in the late afternoon, and caught a bus to the school. I waited for dark to
go to my dorm, so no one would really see me walking in. The dorms were very modern, and had
elevators and ramps, perfect for someone in a wheelchair. I got to my room and found I was the
first one to move in, as I'd hoped. It was a 2-girl room, but I had arrived a full week early, so for
the time being I had it to myself. The room was smaller than I'd expected, which could eventually
become a problem to me, but it was fine. My packages were there, and I tore them open
hurriedly. Immediately I strapped on the steel braces, pinning my nylon-clad legs into their firm
embrace. I put the wheelchair in the corner for the time being and went out to walk around the
campus. I was actually here, in California, and I was living my life as a handicapped girl!
I got lots of looks that week from co-eds and staff alike. I had a knack for turning heads with my
short skirts or shorts, nylons and leg braces, or rolling around in my wheelchair in a skimpy
dress, nylons, and the most severe high-heels or boots. I'd go to clubs, bars, all as a crippled
girl, I never used my legs at all anymore. It was easiest for me while wearing the braces, because
I didn't even have to think about moving my legs by accident, in the braces they wouldn't budge.
I got used to public transportation, the busses and trains are great in San Francisco.
It wasn't hard to fool the school staff into thinking I was really handicapped, because they never
asked anything about it, and I was still on my parent's medical policy, so there wasn't even any
medical history in the school files. As far as my friends, professors, and the school staff knew, I
was handicapped, struck by Multiple Sclerosis as a child. (Go with what you know)
For four years of college I pulled it off, and only Dina, whom I still kept in touch with, knew the
truth. As I expected, my folks never had the money to visit me, and I only came home for two
Holiday breaks. Life as a handicapped woman was wonderful, exciting for me, I didn't want it to
end. It was all going so well, until the inevitable happened....
Graduation. It was like a nightmare. I was leaving the safe world of college and entering the job
market, where they check on things like medical history, and would certainly frown upon a
woman of 22 in a wheelchair and leg braces who didn't have any medical reason for them. I
didn't know what to do, after four years of almost complete disuse, my legs had atrophied , so
that I really couldn't walk very well anymore. Then, with graduation only two weeks off and all of
my major tests and projects completed and turned in, I had the idea. It was crazy, but it was what
I wanted, necessary even, so after what I though was careful preparation, I went ahead with it.
The plan was to drop a large metal file cabinet onto my back, breaking it and paralyzing me from
the waist down, making my life's goal a reality. That was the plan, anyway, but it didn't work that
way. The cabinet missed my lower back, but the lawnmower engine block that was for some
reason on top of the cabinet didn't. It broke my spine, rather nastily, shattering several
vertebrate in the process and rendering me totally numb from just below my breasts down,
complete paralysis, which I suppose I should be even more glad for than I really am, because the
cabinet did miss my back, but it hit my legs. Both of them. Right above the knees, crushing them
and tearing them almost totally off. The doctors did what they could, but it wasn't much. I always
wanted to be handicapped, after all.
I was in the hospital for graduation, and about a month after it. Then came Physical Therapy,
which I really needed, because even through all my pretending, I'd never imagined how it could
really be to be paralyzed, to be leg less. I was a double amputee, both legs gone right about midthigh, and I was paralyzed completely from the chest down. I had a lot to get used to, like what
was left of my lower body being totally dead, like needing to wear a diaper because of the
paralysis, and needing to wear a seat-belt in my wheelchair because my body wasn't strong
enough to balance yet without legs, I kept slipping out of my chair, I had a lot of trouble just
sitting up. It was so hard, I really wondered why I had done such a terrible thing to myself, until
that glorious day when I got out of the Therapy center. I learned while I was in the hospital that
the college, in fact everyone, had thought it was a horrible accident, and had settled out of court
for a very large sum, mostly because they didn't want me to sue them for a much larger sum. I'm
sure their lawyers were picturing this 22 year old girl in a wheelchair with no legs pleading her
case. No, they settled, so the day I left the Center it was to go to my new fully-equipped condo. I
was still feeling kind of down, still wondering how I had come to such a state, still wanting to
know why, when I opened the door to my new home. I was almost scared to death by the shout of
'SURPRISE!' that filled the room, and as I entered, there was my family, friends from years past,
cousins I hadn't seen in a decade, (since the tree house incident, some of them) all rushing to
welcome me and comfort me. And then, when I thought it couldn't get any better, I heard from
behind the crowd someone yell over the clamor "Hey, I like your place Cathy, easy for a girl like
me to get around!"
I looked around to see Dina sitting there in her wheelchair, smiling at me.
"Yes indeed, Cathy, I could live here"
"OK then, why don't you?" was all I could reply through the tears of joy.

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