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[正在更新] 哪位大神能帮忙翻译一下,两个全瘫妹纸的故事









发表于 2021-5-4 16:32:06 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

One old and one new of mine spending time together. I tried writing a story around the image. It became quite long. I hope you like it and the english not too bad.

Ellie and Minh rocking out:

It was a quiet Saturday morning in the residential care facility. But it wouldn’t be for long. The sky was blue, the birds were chirping and the temperature was just alright to leave the jacket at home. This early nobody was outside at the little apartment complex which rather resembled an university campus than a typical nursing home. Except for a single person. Slowly Ellie made her way to the apartment of her friend Minh. Ellie’s own one-room-apartment was less than 20 meters away from her friends home. Both were on the ground floor of the three-storey building which housed several dozen little apartments. Ellie passed several apartments until the reached the last door of the building. Minh had been lucky to get an apartment at the corner of the long building. Unlike the other apartments she had an extra window on the side.

Ellie didn’t stop at the door of her friend. She turned around the corner and to look into the window of the apartment. The shutters were up, but Ellie could not see anybody. Minhs bed was directly next to the window. But it was too low and Ellie could not see, if anybody was in it. The door to the garden at the other side of the elongated room was open. But a high wall blocked the view into the garden from the street. Ellie sighed and turned back around the corner. She stopped at the front door. Like all apartment-doors of the building there was an intercom with big buttons next to the door frame. It was positioned quite low. Next to a button for the doorbell was a button with the inscription “push to open”. Ellie anticipated, the door to be unlocked. Minh knew she was coming.

But no button was pushed. Instead, Ellie bend her head forward and grabbed a 10 centimetre long stick with her teeth. The stick was attached to a bracket on a long thin metal bar which was positioned horizontally in front of Ellie's head. Next to the stick was Ellie’s smartphone attached to the metal bar. With a pull of her head Ellie detached the stick from the bracket. The tip of the stick had a soft rubber cover. Ellie’s moth manoeuvred the stick to the screen of the smartphone. The wide mouthpiece at the end of the stick helped Ellie to control the stick as precise as a finger. The phone started a call. Ellie could hear a muffled punk song from behind the door. The ringtone stopped and before the called one could say anything, Ellie just spoke: “I’m here, open the door.” She still had the stick in the corner of her mouth.

"What took you so long, gurl. I can’t wait any more”, answered Minth. Apparently she also had something in her mouth. Ellie heard how Minh shouted “Debbie, door” and ended the call.
With ease Ellie's mouth snapped the stick back to the bracket on the horizontal metal bar.
Right in front of Ellie’s chin was a little joystick with a ball at the tip. At the side of the joystick two long plastic sticks went to the left and right side of Ellie’s head. At the end both sticks had a big button. With a little twisting of her head the young woman pushed the right button and from the wheelchair a soft humming sound emerged. Just at this moment the door was opened by a young black woman with big curly hair.
“Hey Ellie. Sorry, I was in the garden hanging out the laundry.

“Hi Deborah, no problem”, Ellie smiled and put her chin on the joystick. Deborah stepped away from the door and Ellie drove carefully through the door. Only her head moved a tiny bit. She mostly just moved her chin on the Joystick, which resulted in some wired faces. Her upper body shook a bit, as the chair jerked as it drove over the door frame. Ellie’s hands lay perfectly still on huge armrests. Debbie waited patiently and closed the door behind Ellie.

“There you are, finally!”, it rang to the right of Ellie, as soon as she entered the apartment. Minh lay on her bulky hospital bed, which stood to the right of the front door next to the big window. Minh had a big smile on her face and Ellie smiled back, as she turned her chair to face Minh and positioned herself close to the bed.“
I came as soon as you called. So it’s finally here?” Ellie laughed. “It is already in the player”, Minh answered excited and indicated with her head at the dresser on the wall between the bed and the front door. On top of it, next to some medical devices, Minh’s drugs and some new catheter bags, stood a big old-fashioned stereo system with big speakers. On one of the speakers lay an open CD cover. Deborah took it, tuned it around and showed the front cover to Ellie.“
The fucked up frats”, exclamated Ellie excited, reading the band name from the cover. “I didn’t think they would deliver it in time。


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-5-4 16:32:34 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
“Tomorrow they release all the songs on iTunes, but the album is out just one day before. They really give a fuck about money.” Minh chipped in. “I know. So awesome”, Ellie said.

Obviously both girls were huge punk fans, which was visible all over the room. The walls were plastered with posters of old and new punk bands. The “fucked up frats” were the new underground hit and had entered the mainstream recently. Despite being only 23 Years old Minh preferred old school CDs and even vinyl albums to the easy streaming services of today.

She had immediately ordered a copy of the new album. Now both girls would listen to the new songs one day before everyone else. And they would make damn sure all their neighbors in the hole facility would be able to appreciate the new album as well. They would blast the songs as loud as the speakers could.

Minh lusted for angry shouts from next doors. She had always been a little rebel. Mainly to piss of her conservative parents. She loved them and they loved her. But after they had discovered Minhs severe SMA after her birth they needed a long time to adjust to having an abnormal child. Minh would never be able to fulfill the duties of an upstanding daughter of a well respected family. The big career in the medical field or as a praised musician in classical music, the early marriage with an honorable son of an important family - perhaps the son of a politician -  and the many children who would continue the family lineage. All this was, in the minds of Minhs parents, now out of the question.

In the early years after Minh's birth they tried to hide her from colleagues, friends, and business partners, to prevent rumors about bad genes running in the family. Luckily they were not living in their homeland of Vietnam anymore. In Canada they faced much less superstitious people. They focused on their other “normal” daughter, who would hopefully be able to fulfill all her duties.
Minh had from an early age revolted against her parents. Convincing her parents, that she could (with a little help) have a successful life was useless. Every Accomplishment of her, be it good grades or her praised mouth painting, were just insignificant for her parents. They smiled and praised her and returned quickly to push her sister for the important goals.
As a teenager Minh tried to piss of her parents as much as possible. But how can a little girl who can’t move 90 percent of her body rebel? With music and attitude. She discovered punk and annoyed her parents with noise and a bad mouth in public situations.
After years she and her family had made peace and both accepted each other for what they were. Still, right after Minh turned 18 a friend took her to a tattoo studio. A final act of revenge. Her parents were horrified at the sight of Minh's body covered with colorful dragons, flowers and stars. In Vietnam only gangsters had this kind of tattoos.

On this morning Ellie could easily see the impressive artwork on Minhs body. As usual Minh wore short clothes to show off every tattoo on her slim and well build body. A short red top which ended right below her firm breasts, very short jeans and a pantyhose was a typical outfit for Minh. The upper part of her bed was tilted slightly upwards. The middle section of the bed was also tilted upwards. This made her thighs go upwards. Her knees were bend, as the lower section of the bed was tilted downwards. Her ankles rested on a rolled towel. This was Minhs preferred position in bed, when she was not sleeping. Like this, she had spent countless hours together with Ellie listening to music.

Ellie was dressed appropriately for the occasion. She wore her wine red leather jacket open. Beneath it she just wore a short black top which revealed her flat tummy She was overall a quite skinny girl without. Her dark jeans fit tightly to her slim legs. Two massive black boots with a lot of spikes rested in the footrest. The boots had never touched dirty ground.

“I didn't listen to a single song so far. I keep my promises”, explained Minh as Deborah took the CD cover away from Ellie’s face and leaned it against one of the speakers on the dresser. She had opened the CD cover so that both the back and front was visible and Ellie could read the track numbers of the songs.

“Let’s rock”, Ellie said and nodded her had decisively, which made her shoulders shake a bit.
"Do you want me to put the controls away?" asked Deborah
“Nah, I wanna rock out”, Ellie answered.

The horizontal bar which held the mouth controls was held by another metal bar which run over Ellie's shoulder and was attached to the backrest of her big power wheelchair. It could be swung over Ellie’s head. This was more comfortable, as Ellie's head could move around more freely. But then she would need to call out for Deborah, if she wanted to move the chair or received a message on her phone.

“Alright have fun”, Deborah said and quickly went out into the garden to safe herself from the upcoming noise.

“Make yourself ready”, Minh grinned to Ellie. Both had waited weeks for this moment. While Ellie was more into goth than punk they both shared the love for loud and powerful rock music.

Ellie’s youth hadn’t been as rough as Minhs. With six years she had broken her neck in an accident at the pool. But her parents had always supported her. But they insisted she went to a public school and experienced the harsh group dynamics there. She was never bullied but was often reduced to the role of the poor frail girl. She dived deep into the goth-scene, as she felt more accepted by other outcasts of the school. After Highschool she immediately went to the residential care facility where she met Minh. They shared similar interested and hobbies. A year older than Minh, Ellie was less rebellious but shared the deep desire to live an independent life as much as possible in her condition.

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 楼主| 发表于 2021-5-4 16:33:20 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
Minh was had moved in a year earlier and was happy to meet another young woman. The majority of the residents were over 50. Both studied at the nearby university. But the dormitories there were not suited for students with such severe needs as Ellie’s and Minh’s. The vietnamese girl was studying graphics and design. Ellie was good with numbers and was going to be an accountant.

But today university didn’t matter.

“Alexa, start CD” A “ping”-sound emerged from the little black box next to the stereo system. The first song started. “Turn up volume to max”, Minh shouted and the speakers started to vibrate from the noise. The CD cover fell over. Outside several “fucks”, “police” and “system” were audible. Windows from neighboring apartments were closed.

“Yeah”, Ellie shouted and head banged as much as she could. Her chair jerked back and forth, as she accidentally hit the joystick with her face several times. She didn’t care. Her upper body shook quite a lot, but was firmly held in place by the big straps over her upper breast. The movement of her shoulders was transferred to her arms. Even her hands moved back and forth ever so slightly. When her neck was tired Ellie put her chin on the joystick and let her chair spin around several times. Minh laughed, as Ellie bumped into the bed and other furniture.

Minh was singing along to the songs, She had looked up the lyrics from a little booklet which came with the CD. As her neck was weaker than Ellie’s, she banged her head just slightly. But her index and middle fingers twitched with the rhythm of the songs.
“This one is shit, Alexa, play the next song.” Minh said.“
No, it’s slow but nice”, Ellie protested. “Alexa rewind”. And the previous song played again.“
As long as you have your chair under my roof…”, threatened Minh and grabbed her mouthstick with her teeth.

Similar  Ellie’s chair a horizontal metal bar was attached to the hospital bed and run across Minh's chest. But it only held Minh’s phone and a mouthstick. Minh didn’t need any other devices. She could control her hole room with her smartphone. She could raise her bed, control the radio, TV and the intercom at the door. Even the shutters of the windows and the air conditioning could be controlled with the phone.

With a few taps with the moutstick Minh switched the speech recognition of Alexa off. With her phone she ordered the CD player to fast-forward to the next song.
“You big meany”, Ellie laughed and her shoulders were shaking in anger. Her motionless hands lay flat in the armrest. Ellie put her chin on the joystick and jerked her chin forward. The chair bumped into the hospital bed right where the metal bar with Minh’s phone was attached to the grid around the bed. The impact made the metal bar shake heavily.

“Shit” Minh had just tried to attach the mouthstick back to the bracket on the metal bar. She had the stick just barely in her mouth.   Due to the shaking the mouthstick fell of the bracket and fell to the side of Minh's face. Mint tried to grasp the wide mouthpiece with the corner of her mouth and made some freaky faces. But she didn’t succeed. The mouthpiece slipped away and the mouthstick slipped down on her shoulder. Minh stretched her head and neck, trying to reach the stick. But it was just a few centimeters too far away.“
You dumbass. Now we can’t control the CD player at all”, Minh laughed. “Debbie, Debbie... Come here, help”. She shouted. “Help, help” Ellie sang along. Her voice was stronger than Minhs. But the noise was too loud.“
Now get her. It’s your fault after all.” Minh ordered.
“I roll to the rescue”, Ellie said and put her chin on the Joystick to drive to the garden door.
Debora’s back was facing the door, as she was still occupied with the laundry. Ellie stopped in the door frame. “Deborah, we are in dire need of your assistance. We cannot stop the music without you”, Ellie alerted Minh's assistant.

“Oh boy”, Deborah turned around and Ellie drove slowly backwards into the room. Deborah puckered her face, when she entered the noisy room. First she switched off the music and then grabbed the stick and stuck it back in its bracket in front of Minh’s face.
“Thanks Deb’”, Minh said meekly to her caretaker. She knew how much Deborah hated the noise. The little accident had pushed both punks girls out of their little dreams of freedom and rock music. Suddenly they were reminded how severely dependent they were on the help of other people. “It’s difficult to rebel against the hands which keep you alive.” A thought Minh had had so often during her childhood. Even after she left her parents house to live an ‘independent live’, Minh knew this feeling would never fully disappear her hole life.

Minh and Ellie continued with their music session. After they had listened to the album two times their ears were ringing. “That was awesome”, Minh said. “But no complaints from neighbors so far. I am surprised”, she laughed.

“You guys are finished? Can I get you something?” Deborah entered the room again. Without waiting for a response she grabbed a little bottle with a straw from the table. Minh sucked eagerly on the straw. “You have to drink more”, Deborah scolded. “You too?”, she turned towards Ellie. Ellie affirmed and Deborah changed the straw in the bottle and held it to Ellie’s mouth. While sucking Ellie realized how thirsty she had been.

“You are sweating a bit” The concerned Deborah dabbed Ellie’s forehead with a small towel. “I’m alright. Spinning around to the music is hard work”, Ellie explained. Deborah smiled and returned into the garden.Ellie turned her head and watched Deborah leave the room. “Did she lose weight? She looks great.”
Minh smirked and answered: “She is trying out a new workout-plan again. You should see her biceps.”
“I wasn’t looking at her biceps”, Ellie laughed.
“Oh, I know where you were looking”, Minh laughed.
“I wish I could get an ass like this. But nobody would see it anyway”, Ellie sighed.
“Sure, you just appreciate the hard work of a fellow friend”, Minh teased. “Be honest. Like they said in the last song of the album: ‘You just wanna bite that ass’”.
“My mind is completely innocent, unlike yours”, Ellie said, maneuvering her chair closer to Minhs bed. She didn’t want Deborah to accidentally eavesdrop.

“Every girl wants to feel one of her many sisters sometimes”, Minh quoted another lyric from one of the songs. “Don’t worry, you don’t need Deborah’s ass to lure in your sisters. Not with those pointy things sticking out of your shirt”, Minh’s eyes wandered over Ellie’s breasts with a suggestive look on her face.

Ellie was a head taller than the little Vietnamese girl. But her little a-cups were no match against Minh’s firm bs. Like most of the time Ellie didn’t wear a bra under her tight shirt. Her nipples were visible under her tight black top. She wore an open red jacket and tight dark jeans with her big black goth-boots.

“Are you hitting on me by any chance?”, Ellie smirked but then her face turned red, when Minh didn’t give a witty response right away”.
“Umm, I mean… I really do think you are a good-looking woman”, Minh didn’t seem to know what to say.“
Is this because of Mark? When did he leave you? More than a month ago. I didn’t think you to be that thirsty, girl”, Ellie tried to sound funny.“
I’m not thirsty and it’s not that”, Minh frowned. And there was this awkward silence again.
“But have you never thought about it?”, Minh whispered.
“I, too, had a boyfriend…”, quite a while ago” Ellie pressed the second part of the sentence through her closed teeth.

“Come on. You know that doesn’t mean anything. And don’t worry, I’m not going to become some ultra lesbo. I don’t want to marry you.”, Minh said with a red face. Ellie’s heartbeat increased and she could feel a drop of sweat run down her forehead.

“But this is university after all… And we both are pretty close. I thought you would understand. I’m sorry.” Minh continued. She really wished she could use her hands to play with something and focus on something else. Both girls tried not to look in each others eyes.
“No, don’t be. We always want to be honest to each other. I didn’t want to make you feel bad. … But this is still a crazy idea”, Ellie said.

“What do you mean?,” Minh had a questioning look on her face.
“Goddamn look at us. Minh”, said Ellie. “It doesn’t matter if we want it. What do you want us to do? To send kisses through the air? We can both decide to do it here and now and the one-meter distance between us would still be impossible for us to cross”, sadly Ellie looked down on her unmoving hands and legs. Both girls were not newcomers to sextalk. They had frequently shared their experiences. But all her partners had been men and more importantly able-bodied. Ellie got a boyfriend in the last year of high school. After she moved out of town he had visited several times. But slowly they had drifted apart. Minh got her first friend in university. After two years they broke up. Since then both had occasional one-night stands.

Ellie knew that one part of the discussion had been lurking in the shadows for quite a while. They had seen several couples among their fellow residents. In some cases both partners appeared severely disabled. But as most of them were quite old, them having sex never occurred to the two girls. “How old-fashioned of me”, Ellie thought to herself.

To Ellie’s surprise Minhs face lit up.
“That’s your problem?” she laughed. Have you never thought about how the couple in the apartment right above mine does it? They are almost as helpless as we are.”
“Yes, almost”, Ellie was still not convinced. “Let’s face it. We are both basically dead mannequins. At least the woman upstairs can move her arms a bit. No… for us a man who can hold us in his strong arms is the best solution for both partners concerned. He can handle our bodies in the way, both can enjoy it. Or a strong woman if you want it. How would we even be able to please each other?”, Ellie said.
“Well that’s the part we need to find out. I must remind you, that my fingers are not as dead as yours”, Minh said and lifted index and middle fingers of both hands up for a centimeter. Powerless they sank down on the mattress. In her wheelchair she used fingers of both hands to control a very sensitive joystick.

“Minh… I can’t just get up and lie down in your bed next to you…” Ellie sighed.
“As I said, this is the least of our problems”, Minh replied. "You know that Deborah handles my specific needs. If she is not afraid of a dildo, she won’t be afraid of helping us out. Which one of your assistants is the one who does the sexy stuff with you? Linda was it, right? She will definitely help out too. But I’m sure Deborah could handle us both alone, if you don’t want Linda to get involved.”

Indeed, Ellie was not happy about the idea of involving more and more people in her potential experiment. Linda had always helped her to prepare and insert remote controlled toys. But Ellie had always enjoyed sex alone with her partners. It was a way to get away from the professional cold hands of the assistants. The clumsy way how the of often insecure men handled her frail body was part of the charm of the experience.

“I don’t know”, Ellie said. “Telling Deborah exactly what we desire to do to each other? Always having her stand around the corner, so we can call her to rearrange our hands on each other's bodies... Doesn’t sound very erotic. She would never see me in the same way as before. She is your career after all…”, Ellie pondered.

“This is our fate, Ellie. You know that”, With sad eyes Minh looked down on her own still body. “As always we have to push the idea of having the assistants next to us out of our head. Make them fade out of our mind. They have always explained this to us. They are our tools. Otherwise independence, privacy and intimacy will be unattainable for us. This is what they meant. They were talking about this exact situation.”

Both sat in silence for a moment.

“I don’t know”, Ellie repeated.
“Come on you little Sissy. What’s the worst that could happen. Smelling each other's bad breath? Not liking our kisses? We know us for so long. I trust you. If it’s a let-down we both will laugh about it the next day”, Minh tried to lighten up the mood.
“Having sex with your best friend is quite a big deal, Minh”, Ellie responded seriously, but had a faint smile on her face.
“We will not destroy our friendship over a little sexy time. We are not men”, Minh teased. Ellie smiled briefly at her and then looked away again.
“Come on now, you want it too”, Minh pushed.

Ellie looked back at her: “We will only tell Debora.”

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发表于 2021-5-5 03:42:29 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2021-5-5 14:33:50 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2021-5-5 16:32:07 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2021-5-6 04:37:52 | 显示全部楼层
扭曲禁锢 发表于 2021-5-5 03:42

英语专业的。我翻翻看吧。可能会有点慢 每天抽点时间来翻

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发表于 2021-5-6 04:48:15 | 显示全部楼层
就这点吗 大致看了一下 没有什么特别a的

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发表于 2021-5-6 08:18:23 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2021-5-6 10:12:51 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
t3m19870312 发表于 2021-5-6 08:18


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