楼主: t3m19870312

[已经完结] 原创翻译+魔改 经理与助理 5/24 49楼完結









发表于 2019-5-22 07:50:23 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2019-5-23 07:05:40 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


来了来了  详情 回复 发表于 2019-5-23 07:14

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-23 07:13:20 | 显示全部楼层


   我尽可能的张大嘴,将她残肢的末端一口含入。这远比我想像中所需要张的还要更大,但我还应付得来。并令我讶异,我曾在嘴裡含过,不论是前任男友的JJ,还是分手之后我自我慰藉用的假阳具,都没有它来的又大又粗。就当我正吮吸着她右手腕的残端,或许她的这裡就跟我的瘫脚一样敏感,导致她大声娇喘着“啊呀~就是这样!替我吸我的小残肢~感觉真是爽呀!哦啊!”接着她低声说道 ”经理快点把我弄湿呀~我还要替经理妳服务呢~“



“ 就是这样~把它包进去唷“梅丽莎笑着说,接下来她开始缓慢的抽插着,以促进我的鲍鱼能接受更多手臂的部位。当我感到她的手臂充满我的鲍鱼时,我高兴地大声喊道。”呼啊!我能感觉到~妳的手臂~就在我的身体裡!真是太棒了呀!“


梅丽莎控制她的手臂,保持着缓慢而稳定的节奏,来回进出的抽插我。并且她也弄得我鲍鱼的缝隙,不停分泌着兴奋的蜜汁,以保持上头的润滑,并逐渐加快她抽插的步伐。当我感受她努力伸展残臂,并抚摸着我炙热的爱管内壁上的每一寸肌肤时,我闭上了眼睛,并不停发出“嗯啊~哦呀~”愉悦的娇喘声。甚至当我喘息着呻吟时,从我的两条残腿之间,传来阵阵的“噗啾”声,更洩漏了我异常的兴奋感。此刻我正沦陷在比以往任何时候,都更加充实的欢愉快感中而无法自拔 。


“哦~是的。 我打算用我的胳膊~把经理妳弄到高潮唷!“梅丽莎笑着说,并再次伸出手臂,将其旋转着插进我疼痛不堪的身体内。

“噢!@#$!!好爽呀!好爽呀!!我要去了呀!!呀啊啊啊啊!!!!!!” 被插个正爽的我放声大喊,同时感觉我久违的高潮完全塞满我的胸膛,并透过我的咪咪涌遍我的身体,让我不受控制的抖动痉挛起来。抱括我那两条不听话的废腿,此时也紧绷起来并像是有生命似的,剧烈抖个不停,甚至力道之大几乎把苗条的梅丽莎从我身边撞了出去,但是她紧紧抓住她的手臂,并拼命向我的爱管内侧持续抽插着,因为我不断倾洩出蜜汁的鲍鱼肌肉,此时也用力的紧紧夹住它。


  我的鲍鱼因高潮已全部被蜜汁给湿透,并因收缩而紧紧掐住她的残肢,伴随着一些剧烈的馀震,然后,随着高潮的结束, 在她的手臂上鬆弛下来,回到瘫痪的它们本来的状态。梅丽莎慢慢的将手臂从我体内缩回去,让我再次“呼啊啊啊!!!!”叫出来,因为我觉得她手臂的残肢伸出我的洞时,就像一根雄起的男人大JJ一样,带给我无比的愉悦,那些我平时用的情趣玩具根本比不上。 她将残臂从我刚潮湿透的鲍鱼中滑了出来,然后伸到我的嘴裡。我贪婪地从她敏感的残肢上,吮吸着来自我爱管的蜜汁,同时也带给了她欢愉感,并“嗯啊~嗯啊”的娇喘着。 她把残肢从我的嘴裡拉出来,用自己的舌头取而代之,因为她也想分享我的蜜汁。

“哇~原来经理妳既性感~又淫荡呢~呵呵”梅丽莎说。 “我在想,经理妳应该很喜欢我把手放进妳体内对吧。”

“是呀,那感觉真棒, 谢谢妳,梅丽莎。”我回答她,然后再次对着她吻了上去 。


再次更新 预告明日完结  详情 回复 发表于 2019-5-23 07:13

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-23 07:13:58 | 显示全部楼层
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-5-23 07:13
接下来发生的事令我感到非常惊讶。我看见她解开她那合身的红色长袖衬衫袖口,然后用左手抓着她的右手,并 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-23 07:14:24 | 显示全部楼层
YYSS 发表于 2019-5-23 07:05


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发表于 2019-5-23 08:04:06 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2019-5-23 21:57:08 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-24 08:26:15 | 显示全部楼层



“接下来我们最好穿上衣服离开这裡,因为清洁工很快就会来的“我说并捡起梅丽莎的内裤,把它放在我的鼻子裡,吸着她鲍鱼的甜美香气。我看着她用单手将她的内裤穿上,并将她捲起的裙子从腰际顺下。 接着她蹲了下来,从地毯上捡起她扔下的右手假肢,将她的前臂残肢放回假肢的接合腔中。然后,她用左手将衬衫的袖子,扣到她的右手腕上,然后来到我面前捉住我瘫软并被黑色丝袜包裹的脚丫,一摸到我脚上湿搭搭的丝袜,她立刻说“哎呀,我都给忘了,经理妳的丝袜被我弄湿了,可不能让经理妳穿着回去呀!我这裡刚好有备用的,经理妳不嫌弃的话,让我给妳换上吧”

她脱下我的黑丝,并将我两条光熘熘的废腿轻轻的放到地上,在地毯的衬托之下,更将严重萎缩、细瘦不堪的它们显得孱弱无助,因血液循环功能不良而病态苍白的肌肤,甚至皮下的青色血管都依稀可见, 瘫软无力的脚丫也呈内八字俩俩相对,十个脚趾头更是朝着脚心内扣蜷缩着。我好想将羞于见人的它们给缩起来,但此刻我却无法办到,只能任由这双儿麻废腿毫无遮掩的展示在她面前。梅丽莎在右手假肢的辅助下,先将长筒丝袜捲好,然后坐在我面前的地毯上,用戴着假肢的右手一一的捞起我的残腿,并用一双白丝玉足夹着我无力下垂并无法控制的脚丫,好让它们不会在半空中乱晃,然后麻利地用左手,将捲好的丝袜从我蜷曲着的脚尖套上,并一路向上穿到大腿处,这条腿弄完了再换另一边。途中她时不时要抚平丝袜上因我的腿太过细瘦而产生的皱摺,我则感受到她隔着丝袜抚摸我一双废用但敏感的残腿,再度传来的那股酥麻快感。替我的残腿穿完丝袜后,她还替我伸直丝袜裡蜷曲成一团的脚趾,并对我说“经理妳的脚很好看呢!如果能再涂上指甲油的话,一定会更美、更性感的!若有需要的话,我也可以帮忙唷,嘻嘻。”,然后要将我的踝靴,套回本来是黑色丝袜、而现在是被透明肤色丝袜包覆的儿麻瘫脚上,然而我却阻止了她“不用穿了…反正就要回去了…而且妳若真的觉得…我这双一无是处的儿麻瘫脚很好看的话…给妳看也没关係…”说着这些话时,我能够感觉我的脸明显涨红到耳根子。她对我露出灿烂的笑容,接着她将我的内裤拉回原位,并将我包覆在丝袜裡无力的双脚,放回到我这辆快速轮椅的脚踏板上 。




“ 妳自己住吗?” 我问。






完结撒花 可以歇一阵了~ 附上原文: Melissa strutted into my office for the umpteenth time that day. I glanced at the clock on my desk to see that it was ten to five on a Friday afternoon. Most o  详情 回复 发表于 2019-5-24 08:27

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-24 08:27:21 | 显示全部楼层
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-5-24 08:26
接着梅丽莎将头,放回我两条依旧门户大开的残腿之间,然后用舌头灵活的舔着,从我仍然开阔的鲍鱼洞口中, ...


Melissa strutted into my office for the umpteenth time that day. I glanced at the clock on my desk to see that it was ten to five on a Friday afternoon.  Most of the other members of staff would have gone home at four. I had told Melissa that she could go too but she'd insisted on staying to finish off the contract she was preparing. My heart rate quickened as I watched her move so sensuously round my office wearing a navy blue pencil skirt hemmed above mid thigh and sexy cream nylons. She turned away from me to use the fax machine to send out the contract. I studied her long legs from the four inch heels of her fire engine red court shoes, then followed the black seem that ran up the back of her nylons until it disappeared under the hem of her skirt.I knew she could feel my eyes on her legs as she slid her feet further apart and arched her back slightly as she bent over to feed the papers into the fax machine, pushing up her firm young buttocks and giving me a look a her inner thighs via the six inch vent in the back of her skirt. She had my heart pounding in my chest as I imagined putting my hand on the inside of her nylon covered thigh and slipping it up under her skirt to find the treasure between her legs.

'Damn. Forgotten the last page. I will just go and get it,' said Melissa.

I watched her strut back out of my office, her pert breasts shaping the fitted front of her blouse, which matched her red heels. Her black hair was cut straight to hang over her shoulders. I had been aware of her hemline rising during the week; her first week working as my private secretary. She had dressed conservatively at her interview and for her first day on Monday in a navy trouser suit. She had worn a knee length skirt on Wednesday and gone for an above the knee dress on Thursday but Friday's pencil skirt was by far the most revealing. She must have known that I had been studying her legs to go with the seemed cream nylons that she wore today for work.

She strutted back into the office, gave me a sexy smile then walked over to the fax machine. She definitely wriggled her hips as she stood with her feet well parted as she worked the fax. She looked back at me over her shoulder.

'I hope you didn't want to get away early. I really wanted to get this sent out before the weekend,' she said. ' Everyone else in the office has gone home. '

'No that's fine. I wouldn't want to stop you working. Have you enjoyed your first week working for me? ' I asked.

She turned to face me then leaned back against the desk with the fax machine on it parking her beautifully firm buttocks on the edge leaving her thighs slightly parted.

'Yes thank you. I wanted to thank you for offering me the position. I am finding it as challenging as I thought I would. I needed a new challenge,' said Melissa.

' Good. I'm pleased that you are settling in well. However there is something I need to discuss with you. Close the door then come here please, ' I said with a less confident voice than I wanted to use.

My heart was nearly leaping out of my chest in excitement and I felt my legs beginning to tremble as she strutted to the door. I watched her seemed stockings as she walked away from me. On the way back to my desk I watched her heels leave little indentations in the carpet.

She sat down on the chair on the opposite side of the desk then slowly crossed her right leg over her left. I heard the swish of nylon sliding on nylon. The tremors in my legs grew stronger. I had to put my hands on my thighs to try and stop them shaking.

What do you want to discuss with me?  I thought I had been carrying out my duties at least satisfactorily. It is my first week after all,' said Melissa.

' Your works fine. I don't have any issues there. I wanted to discuss your working attire, ' I said rather hesitantly.

' Why. Don't you approve of my skirts and heels? You have been staring at my legs all week. I just thought I would give you a Friday treat. I know you have been paying special attention to them today.'

'I love the way you dress. You certainly have set my pulse racing today with your seemed nylons and high heels. You have beautiful legs, which I appreciate you sharing with me. It's just that the company has a dress code which states skirts should be no shorter than having a hem line three inches above the knee. I'm sure that you are breaking that rule today and probably were yesterday too.'

Melissa smiled at me as she un crossed then re crossed her legs the other way flashing plenty of cream nylon clad inner thigh and stocking top.

'I didn't think my skirt was that short. Where do you measure from anyway? ' She asked.

'From the crease in the back of your knee, ' I said.

' Well. How am I supposed measure round the back of my leg?' Asked Melissa.

I took a deep breath. It was now or never. I hoped she hadn't just being teasing me. I knew my next move could result in a complaint against me for sexual assault.

' Come here. I will measure your skirt length for you,' I said picking up a plastic twelve inch ruler from my desk drawer.

Melissa un crossed her beautiful long legs again very slowly giving me a smoldering look at the same time. I felt sure she wanted me to touch her but I still felt very nervous that she might be playing me along. She stood up slowly and smoothed her skirt down over her thighs before confidently strutting round to my side of the desk.

'Turn round,' I instructed.

She did as she was told.

I put the plastic ruler against her nylon clad calf then ran it slowly up the seem on her nylons.

' Stand up straight with your feet together,' I said.

She slid her right heel along the carpet to join her left one then stood straight. I admired her firm shapely calves and taut thigh muscles as I slid the ruler further up her leg.

I stopped when the edge of the ruler touched the hem of her skirt. I read the measurement at the crease in her knee.

'Six inches. Twice the maximum permissible measurement. I thought so,' I said with a smile.

' Let me turn round. You can try it again from the front up the inside of my leg. My skirt might be longer at the front,' said Melissa shyly.

I knew her coy manner was just part of the game.

'Very well. Turn round again and let's see, ' I said with a slightly shaking voice.
Melissa turned round to face me and stood with her feet slightly parted. I put the ruler on the inside of her knee and slid it up the inside of her nylon covered thigh until I judged it to be level with the hem of her skirt. I inhaled deeply and was sure I detected the scent of aroused pussy only a foot away from my nose. My legs began to tremble again as I got more excited. Melissa looked down as I slid the ruler further up her leg under her skirt.

'That's not fair. I'm sure you've gone under my skirt. You will be touching my stocking top if you go any further,' she said in mock outrage.

I slipped it up another few inches until only the end that I had in my hand was below the hem of her skirt.

'Stockings or pantyhose? Which do you prefer? She asked.

' I love nice legs clad in stockings but pantyhose can be sexy too, either crotch less ones or normal ones if the girls not wearing anything underneath,' I said rather hoarsely. I pushed the ruler further up until I felt resistance. I knew I had found her crotch. She twisted her hips slightly causing the end of the ruler to rub against her panties. I heard her stifle a cry as she felt the hard plastic end rub her crotch.
She looked down at me as she slid her feet apart giving me full access up her skirt. I rubbed the end of the ruler back and forth between her open thighs causing her to gasp. We both wanted to move things along but had seemed to hit a bit of a stalemate situation.

'So I think we have established that my dress today is against company policy. What are we going to do about it? 'She asked as I continued to stimulate her pussy with the ruler.

' I think some form of punishment is in order,' I said rather hesitantly.

' What are you suggesting? You're not seriously thinking of spanking me, are you?' Said Melissa.

' A good spanking might remind you to wear more appropriate clothing for work in the future, ' I said as I drew the ruler back down her inner thigh to her knee again. My legs began to tremble violently at the thought of uncovering her firm buttocks and smacking them.

'Why are your legs shaking?' She asked with some concern.

' They are spastic. They go into spasm when I'm nervous or excited,' I said.
'Does it hurt,' she asked.

'Not really. I can barely feel them. They are always numb. Don't worry. The spasms will pass,' I said.

I backed away from my desk to give me some room then lifted my legs with my hands to plant my feet well apart.

' Now arrange yourself over my legs and lets get your punishment over with,' I said more forcefully as I thought my spasming legs were getting in the way of any more sexual possibilities.

Melissa knelt on the carpet and then lifted herself over my thighs to lie across them. I grabbed the hem of her skirt and began to work it up her legs uncovering her nylon clad upper thighs and then her stocking tops. I ran my hand up the inside of her right thigh from her knee to her stocking top. Then I went higher, caressing her bare inner thigh above the top of her hold up stocking. She rolled her hips to allow me to get her skirt up to her waist. Once the restriction of her skirt was removed she shamelessly let her legs fall apart. I ran my hand up the inside of her thigh until I found myself cupping her aroused pussy through the pink silk of her French knickers.

' Yes,' I heard her whisper, confirming that she wanted me to touch her there.
I looked down at her sexy cream nylons with the black seem up the back. I squeezed her sex through her pretty pink girly panties before pulling them down to the tops of her thighs. The way the crotch stuck to her sex lips told me that she was as aroused as I was by the situation.
'I think a bakers dozen with the flat of my hand should warn up these cheeks sufficiently to remind you to dress more conservatively in future,' I said as I lovingly caressed her firm young buttocks.

Thirteen. That's too much. I won't be able to sit down for days, ' cried Melissa.
' Very well. Thirteen on each cheek for protesting, ' I said as I carried on caressing her bum.

'Oh god, ' she gasped.

I brought the flat of my hand down smartly on her left cheek.

'Ow. That stings,' whined Melissa.

I smacked her right cheek just as firmly.

'Ouch,' she gasped as the pain spread across her bum.

' Stop whining. You know this will do you good, ' I said.

'Sorry,' she whispered.

I then gave her several blows on each buttock in rapid succession, alternating between the left and right cheek.  Her baby soft skin took on a reddened hue. She sobbed a little but managed to hold her tongue. I watched her pussy lips swell in response to her smacking, as her parted pert buttocks did nothing to hide them from my view. The darker tips to her pussy lips and black hair showed she must be partly of Asian descent. Her pussy lips were full and had parted of their own accord. I couldn't resist tracing their outline with my fingers before stroking the pink flesh between them. I circled her hole with my fingers encouraging it to open then slipped two fingers easily up inside her. I circled my fingers round just inside stirring her sex cream.

'Oh yes, ' she whispered in response to my fingering. Encouraged, I delved in deeper, circling round inside. I spread my fingers, opening her vagina more, allowing her welled up love juice to flow out on to my thigh. I watched her anus clenching and relaxing as I slowly fucked her with two fingers. I pushed my thumb inside her to coat it with her love oil then put it to her tight little ring.
'No. Not there. I've never had anything up there, ' cried Melissa in anguish.

I circled her hole with my thumb to grease it with her love juice then slowly forced it up inside her.

'Oh, oh,' she gasped as I worked my thumb in as far as I could. I could feel my fingers in her vagina through the thin wall separating it from her arse. I rubbed my fingers and thumb together through the thin membrane, inducing groans from Melissa as she found out that it was a nice feeling. Her pussy was squelching round my fingers. I knew she was close to coming. I wanted her to come on my hand. My little finger found her exposed clit. I began to rub it whilst I worked my fingers inside her.

'Oh my god. You're going to make me come if you keep doing that, ' she gasped.

' This is supposed to be a punishment, not pleasure, ' I said sternly as I smacked her cheeks hard with my free hand whilst jamming three fingers right up inside her vagina. Melissa cried out as her vaginal muscles clamped tightly down on my fingers. Her legs spasmed and kicked. Her shoes fell off her feet as she gasped and cried out in her spending.

' Oh fuck yes,' she cried as she clamped down hard on my fingers as her upper body convulsed.

Then it passed and she relaxed totally, flopping over my knees. Her vaginal muscles relaxed, releasing my fingers. I slipped out of her pussy and slowly pulled my thumb out of her arse. Her love juices oozed out to wet my thigh as she gasped in contentment.

Melissa slipped off my knees to kneel on the carpet. She looked up at me with smiling eyes.

'That was amazing. Thank you, ' she said. ' I didn't know being chastised could be so arousing. I might have to be naughty on a regular basis. Now let me do something for you.'

She stood up and walked round the desk in her stockings with her skirt still up round her waist. Her panties fell round her feet so she kicked them off. She pushed the chair on its casters round to my side of the desk. Melissa sat opposite me then reached down and grabbed my right leg below the knee. She lifted it out straight and placed my ankle booted foot between her parted thighs on the seat of her chair. She slowly untied the laces on my black ankle boot then slipped it off my foot. She watched my toes curl up instantly.

' Why do they do that? ' She asked.

'My feet are spastic like my legs.  I can't control the muscles. You can straighten my toes out for me if you like,' I said.

'Does it hurt?' She asked.

' My feet are numb like my legs. I know they are there but can't feel anything really,' I said.

  Melissa began to caress my black nylon clad leg from my knee down to my foot. She straightened my toes then lifted my foot to her mouth.  She opened her mouth and put my toes in before sucking on them gently.

' I love having my toes sucked. I find it so sexy,' she said as she massaged her saliva into my foot through my stocking.

' I used to enjoy it when I could feel my feet. I haven't had it done for me since my accident, ' I said.

She placed my right foot gently on the carpet then lifted my left leg. She took off my left ankle boot then caressed my left calf. She slid her chair closer so that she could reach to run her hands up my black nylon covered leg right up under my knee length skirt to my stocking tops.

' Stockings. That's nice. I prefer stockings. Do you always wear stockings rather than pantyhose? ' She asked.

' Pantyhose are too much trouble when I want to go to the loo, having to work them over my hips and bottom so I usually wear stockings,' I said.

'Such lovely legs,' she said as she caressed them through the nylon.

' I'm glad you like them. They are pretty useless to me, ' I said with a hint of bitterness in my voice.

' Can you walk at all?' She asked.

' I can't stand without my leg braces as I can't keep the muscles tight enough. I can move around stood up wearing my braces but I wouldn't exactly call it walking. I need to use crutches too,' I said.

' I would love to see you standing wearing your leg braces. I bet your legs look so sexy shackled into chromed steel and leather. A sort of bondage really. I could fuck you standing up then,' said Melissa.

I watched her take my toes into her mouth again wetting the nylon of my stocking before opening her legs and guiding it in to her crotch. I watched her spread her sex lips with one hand then rub my unfeeling big toe up and down the inner pink of her slit.

'I love foot sex. Toes are so sexy in my pussy, ' she said.

I watched her rub my nylon clad toes up and down her slit before teasing her opening with my big toe. She gasped as she managed to get it inside her pussy. She rubbed herself just inside with my toe then brought it out and lifted it to her mouth.
'I’ve made your stocking dirty. I had better suck it clean, ' she said before putting my toes back in her mouth.

Melissa lowered my foot gently to the carpet then slipped off her chair to kneel before me.

'Pull your skirt up and let me see those sexy paralysed pins,' she said.

I shimmied my knee length pleated black skirt up round my hips.

' Lovely.  Open those sexy legs for me, ' she demanded.

She watched me lift each leg in turn and plant my feet well apart.

' So sexy that you need to use your hands to move your pretty little legs, ' she whispered.

Melissa moved in to kneel between my widely parted legs and began to run her hands up my inner thighs from my knees to my stocking tops. She leaned forward and began to lick the bare flesh between my stocking tops and my panties.

' Ah. The delightful scent of aroused pussy, ' she said as she brushed her nose against the front of my panties.

I watched her stick her tongue out and probe the crotch of my panties. I reached down between my legs and pulled them to one side, exposing my pussy to her.
'Ah. Shaved pussy, ' she said as her tongue just touched the end of my sex lips. I watched her lap either side of my pussy lips then cover them with her mouth and suck on them. She let my lips slip from her mouth.

'Can you feel me sucking your pussy?' She asked.

' I have enough sensation between my legs to know you are touching me down there but not enough to distinguish where you are touching me,' I replied.

'Can you come? ' She asked.
'Yes,' I replied. 'But I have more feeling up inside. My lips are a bit numb, like when you have had an anesthetic at the dentist and its beginning to wear off. I can feel them but they feel fat and clumsy.

' Well we had better go inside then, ' she said.

I watched her spread my sex lips with her thumbs and begin to lap the length of my slit. Her tongue found my love hole beginning to open.  She worked her tongue inside to encourage me to open further. Then she slipped two fingers into me and began to caress the walls of my vagina just inside.

' That's nice. I can feel your fingers inside me, ' I whispered.

Melissa pushed them right up into me and began to circle my cervix.

' Oh wow. Yes,' I gasped.

She began to work her fingers inside me, scissoring them to open me up inside.
'Oh yes, ' I cried as she found a hot spot deep inside me. I began to squeeze my tits through my bra and blouse. I could feel the hard points of my erect nipples.
' Fuck me with your fingers,' I cried.

' Such a beautiful pussy,' said Melissa as she pulled her fingers out of me and offered her cream coated digits to my lips. I licked my own pussy honey off her fingers as I slipped my own fingers up inside my creamy hole.

She grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away from my crotch. ' That's my job. Play with your tits if you want something to do with your hands. I'm going to do something really special for you.'

I was amazed as I watched her unfasten the right cuff of her red long sleeved blouse. She then gripped her right hand with her left one and pulled it off her forearm. I Iooked at the thin stump that was all that remained. Her arm had been amputated just above her wrist. I looked down at her right hand lying disconnected on the carpet. I remembered that it did feel strange in texture when I had touched it. I had noticed that she used her left hand for most things but had just thought she was left-handed. Melissa looked up at me and smiled. Then she offered her neat little forearm stump up to my lips.

'Kiss my stump. Make it all wet and slippery, ' she said.

I opened my mouth and managed to get the end of her stump in. It was a stretch but manageable. I wondered if I had ever had a dildo that big in my mouth. I sucked on the end causing her to gasp out loud.

' Ah that's it. Suck my little stump for me. It feels so nice,' she whispered. 'Make it all wet for me. '

I made sure I wet it well as I had a good idea what she hoped to do with it.
Melissa pulled her arm away from my mouth and put it between my thighs. She spread my sex lips with her good hand then offered her rounded forearm stump up to my pussy. She lodged it in the entrance to my love hole then began to rotate it slightly as she pushed it against my swollen sex lips. I gasped as I watched my sex lips spread and wrap round her forearm as she slowly pushed it up inside me.
' That's it. Take it right in,' said Melissa as she began a slow fucking motion to encourage my pussy to accept more of her arm inside. I cried out with pleasure as I felt her stretching and filling me. I really could feel her arm up inside my vagina.

' Oh yes. Fuck me slowly. I'm so full,' I cried as she began to twist her arm back and forth with at least four inches of it buried in my body.

Melissa kept up a slow and steady rhythm as she worked her arm in and out of me. She kept drooling spit on to it to keep it lubricated, gradually increasing the pace of her fucking. I closed my eyes and panted with pleasure as I felt her stretching and caressing every inch of my hot vagina. The squelching sounds coming from between my legs betrayed my arousal as I gasped and moaned, lost in the pleasure of being filled more than ever before.

'Oh yes. Fuck me senseless with your arm,' I cried as I felt my orgasm rising in my chest. I pinched my nipples hard through my blouse and bra as she pumped her arm in and out of my squelching love tube.

' Oh yes. I'm going to make you come on my arm,' said Melissa as she thrust and twisted her arm up inside my aching body.

'Oh fuck. Yes. Yes. Yes,' I cried as my climax surged through my body from my completely stuffed cunt up through my chest. My legs tensed and kicked almost knocking Melissa away from me but she held on, thumping her arm as far up inside me as it would go as I clamped down hard on it with my love muscles.

'Oh yes. Come on my arm. Ride it out,' said Melissa as she kept twisting her arm slightly to prolong my pleasure.

Then it was over. A few sharp clenching aftershocks and then my cunt went all wet and slack on her arm. Melissa withdrew slowly causing me to cry out with pleasure again as I felt her dragging her arm out of my stretched hole.  She slipped her arm out of me completely riding on a tide of my hot pussy cream then offered her stump to my mouth. I sucked my love honey off greedily giving her pleasure too. She pulled it away from my mouth and replaced it with her tongue, as she wanted to share my love honey.

' Wow, you sexy bitch,' said Melissa. 'I think you enjoyed having my arm inside you.'
'Thank you. It felt amazing, ' I replied before kissing her again.

Melissa put her head back between my legs and lapped the love honey still oozing from my still wide-open love hole.

' Your cunts still hanging open. I hope I haven't caused any permanent damage, ' she said.

'No. Its fine. It always takes its time closing up again after sex. Its because I don't have any control of my muscles down there, ' I said reassuringly.

' We had better get dressed and get out of here. The cleaners will be in soon,' I said as I picked up Melissa's panties and held them to my nose to breath in the still sweet aroma of her sex. I watched her put her knickers on one handed and smooth down her skirt. She then crouched down and picked up her discarded hand from the carpet and slipped her fore arm stump back into the socket of her prosthesis. She then buttoned the sleeve of her blouse down to her wrist before straightening out my toes and putting my ankle boots back on my black nylon clad feet. She pulled my panties back in place before lifting my feet and placed them on the footplate of my quickie wheelchair.

I shimmied down my skirt to cover my knees and fastened the buttons of my blouse and found two missing. I must have ripped them off during my urgent mauling of my tits.

' Time to go home, ' I said.

'Yes. Home for the weekend. A pretty boring weekend probably,' said Melissa with a sigh.

' Do you live alone?' I asked.

'Yes I do at the moment,' replied Melissa with obvious regret.

'Me too,' I said in a much more upbeat tone as I followed her out of my office.

As I transferred to my car I watched her walk away towards the tram stop.  I did think of offering her a lift but something held me back. I felt that things between us could get pretty intense if I were to let things develop from just an office liaison to a full-blown romance.  I needed to decide whether I wanted a lesbian relationship before encouraging any contact outside work time. I didn't know if she was lesbian or bi like myself. I would need to find out as I couldn't imagine being in a monogamous girl only relationship.


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