楼主: t3m19870312

[已经完结] 原创翻译+魔改 淘气的邻居 登门拜访篇 4/18 38楼完結









发表于 2019-4-16 07:46:17 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2019-4-16 13:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
卡洛琳 会因为马丁的喜好 而且假扮成残疾人嘛  好想看 马丁和一个真儿麻  还有一个扮残的假儿麻 一起游戏啊  真儿麻 还能 指导一下 卡洛琳 如何能更真实的扮演一个儿麻  


敬请期待后续  详情 回复 发表于 2019-4-16 13:58

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-16 13:58:55 | 显示全部楼层
pdd 发表于 2019-4-16 13:55
卡洛琳 会因为马丁的喜好 而且假扮成残疾人嘛  好想看 马丁和一个真儿麻  还有一个扮残的假儿麻 一起游戏啊 ...


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发表于 2019-4-16 15:56:22 | 显示全部楼层

看来楼主心里早已安排了一切 期待马丁大战真假儿麻

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-17 06:40:46 | 显示全部楼层






本人脑洞大开 直接把正宫也给弄残了  详情 回复 发表于 2019-4-17 06:41

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-17 06:41:45 | 显示全部楼层
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-4-17 06:40
当晚,卡洛琳觉得身体疲累使不上力,并开始发烧、头晕、觉得噁心想吐,并认为自己应该是不小心感冒了,便 ...


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发表于 2019-4-17 09:21:50 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-18 06:49:39 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 t3m19870312 于 2019-4-18 06:51 编辑

  在经历过这样的转变之后,让卡洛琳从一位慕残/扮残者,成了一名货真价实的残疾人。并和同是小儿麻痹症受害者的吉莉安,成了情同姐妹的好闺蜜。一开始吉莉安有些内疚,毕竟自己是造成她终身残疾的罪魁祸首,但卡洛琳并没有责怪她的意思,反而还感激着她,在某方面让她内心中的愿望得以实现。当然同为双性恋的两人,并非单纯的闺蜜关係而已。她们常常在没有马丁的情况下,私自相约共度两人在一起的时光,表面上是同为小儿麻痺症病友间康復的交流,但私底下却是两位残疾女人彼此享乐的时间。像是过去总是精心打扮一双玉腿及纤足的卡洛琳,在患病致残之后,还是不忘替每根无力向着脚心内扣蜷曲的脚趾头,一一的涂上各式各样的指甲油,并且也鼓励过去羞于将一双残废的腿脚见于外人的吉莉安,即使它们失去了应有的功能,无法自行站立及行走跟摆设没两样,那何尝不好好的装饰它们?毕竟这双看似废用无能的腿脚,对某些人像是马丁来说,便是身为残疾女人的她们最大的魅力所在!吉莉安也渐渐被她说服,开始好好护理并精心打扮她那两条麻杆一样细、无法自行动弹的儿麻残腿和瘫软如同麵团似的脚丫。卡洛琳也从旁协助,像是要涂指甲油的时候,吉莉安无力而蜷曲的脚趾不好上色,然而用专门的分趾器硬撑开的话,又会弄的娇弱的脚丫疼的难受,甚至还会抽筋!因此卡洛琳会直接将这双瘫软无助的脚丫子给捉在手中,细心的将指甲油帮忙涂在每根向着脚心内扣蜷曲的脚趾上,并凑到嘴边一一的将它们吹乾。她吐出来的气弄的吉莉安敏感的脚丫酥痒酥痒的,但又无法自行将脚从她手上抽回,只能任由卡洛琳摆佈。甚至有的时候,卡洛琳还会调皮的挠着她娇嫩又敏感的脚底,令吉莉安又笑又叫的哀声求饶着“哈哈…不要啊……哈哈…我的…哈哈…我的脚最怕痒了…求求妳…停手呀…哈哈哈…哈哈哈哈…不要…哈…哈哈…不要再挠我的脚啦… 哈哈哈…哈哈哈哈…饶了…我…哈哈…饶了我吧…哈哈…哈…我受不了了…哈哈…再这麽挠下去…哈哈…我怕我…哈哈…我怕我会…哈哈…我怕我会憋不住呀…哈哈…”卡洛琳担心会她失禁,这才住了手。另一方面,由于吉莉安知道,过去卡洛琳总是在一双纤纤玉腿上穿上各式各样的丝袜,然而小儿麻痹症带来的严重萎缩,让她在残疾的一开始,只能选择不会在细瘦不堪的残腿上轻易滑脱的连腿裤袜,然而这对腿脚不便的她来说,无论是穿上还是脱下都绝非易事。尤其是到了要上厕所的时候,儘管她的膀胱还憋得住尿,但还是相当的不便。有经验的吉莉安则告诉她,可以选择、或自行将连腿丝袜改成开裆的形式,并且既然她没有漏尿失禁的问题,那内裤的方面可以都只穿性感的丁字裤,这样如厕的时候只需把丁字裤拉开,连丝袜都不用脱,这将不会有所困扰。而且目前市面上,有款在袜口的蕾丝处背面带有硅胶,具备防滑功能的长腿丝袜,她自己大多时候都穿那款,也提供给卡洛琳参考。很快的,各式各样美丽的丝袜,就频频出现在这两位残疾女人身上,总共四条细瘦不堪却又给人柔弱美感的儿麻残腿上,再搭配数双不同款式的性感高跟鞋,增添了她们成熟的魅力!







完结撒花 后半段全是本人狗尾续貂的 附上原文: Martin was working up in his studio one Saturday morning when he heard a knock at the door. His girlfriend was out at work as usual on a Saturday so Mar  详情 回复 发表于 2019-4-18 06:52

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-18 06:52:08 | 显示全部楼层
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-4-18 06:49
在经历过这样的转变之后,让卡洛琳从一位慕残/扮残者,成了一名货真价实的残疾人。并和同是小儿麻痹症受 ...



Martin was working up in his studio one Saturday morning when he heard a knock at the door. His girlfriend was out at work as usual on a Saturday so Martin saved the file he was working on and went down to see who was there. He looked through the spyglass first as he would not open the door to any Jehovah Witness types who might keep him talking all day when he wanted to do some work. He was pleased to see Gillian stood outside. Then he did a double take. She was STOOD outside. She must be wearing her leg braces he thought as he felt his cock begin to fill with blood on its way to a full erection. He looked further and spotted her black underarm crutches, confirming his suspicions. He quickly opened the door.

Hi Martin,’ said Gillian with a smile. ‘I did wonder if you were out as you seem to have taken an age to open the door.’

‘I’m sorry,’ quipped Martin as he tried to tear his eyes away from the chromed steel struts enabling her to stand.

‘I thought you would like my legs,’ said Gillian.

‘Oh fuck. You knew I would,’ quipped Martin. ‘Now what can I do for you. It’s too cold to stand out there all morning.’

‘Can I come in then?’ asked Gillian.

‘Well. Sure,’ said Martin as he moved back away from the door.

Gillian passed him her right crutch and then bent down to grab the brace on her right leg outside her knee and lift her leg with her hand to get her ankle boot clad foot over the lip on his front door and on to the doormat. She then pushed her body up to stand on her right leg with her crutch allowing her left leg to swing stiffly through and plant her left foot on the mat. She then took her right crutch off Martin and began to heel and toe her way past him down the hallway into his house. Martin closed and locked the front door and then followed her into his lounge, loving the view of her black nylon clad legs strapped so tightly into the black leather knee and ankle cuffs of her full length leg braces, her pleated tartan skirt hiding her thigh bands from his view. Once in the lounge she turned to face him, her chest heaving with the exertion, the firmly rounded shape of her full breasts plainly visible through her thin, well fitting burgundy roll neck sweater.

‘So what can I do for you?’ asked Martin.

‘Well you know what you did to me last time for flashing my panties at you when my overalls split?’ reminded Gillian.

‘Yes?’ said Martin, the question hanging in the air between them.」

‘Well I’ve done it again and I should be punished for my sins,’ said Gillian.

‘What do you mean?’ asked Martin.
‘I flashed my pussy at my new boss whilst transferring from my wheelchair to my car seat last night,’ and now I feel so guilty, as I am sure he thought I was offering him something, which I wasn’t,’ said Gillian.

‘Well if you weren’t wearing any knickers, what else would he think?’ said Martin.

Exactly. Look I’d had a little accident yesterday afternoon. I had run out of panty pads and my knickers were soaked so I had taken them off to avoid sitting in the aroma of warm piss all afternoon. I forgot that I had taken them off and so wasn’t as careful as I should have been when transferring to my car seat. Mike had walked down with me as his car was on the next row back behind mine.’

‘Oh yes. Pure coincidence then?’ said Martin.

‘Look he is almost as old as my Dad and is married with four teenage kids. Anyway, I don’t fancy him,’ said Gillian.

‘So now you want me to spank you for your sins,’ said Martin with a smile.

‘Look. I feel so guilty as I didn’t mean to lead him on. How will I be able to look him in the eye on Monday morning feeling like this? A good spanking will remind me not to flash at him again,’ said Gillian.

‘So why the braces?’ asked Martin.

‘I knew my chromed steel shackled legs would have that effect on your cock, and that you would not be able to resist spanking your sexy crippled neighbor,’ said Gillian.

Martin moved his erection to a more comfortable position inside his pants as she watched, leaving her in no doubt as to the state of his arousal.

‘Where is your treatment room then?’ asked Gillian rather nervously.

‘We will use my office, upstairs,’ said Martin with a wry smile.

‘Why didn’t I guess that?’ said Gillian.

He watched her drag her dead legs with her crutches as she moved out into the hallway to the foot of the stairs.

‘A handrail both sides. That’s great,’ said Gillian.

‘You can do that, then?’ asked Martin.

‘As long as you bring my sticks up for me, yes,’ said Gillian as she leaned her crutches against the wall.

Martin then watched closely as she grabbed the steel strut of her right brace again just above the knee and lifted her stiff leg to place her ankle boot with a low heel on the first step. She then gripped both handrails and pulled her body up to stand on her right leg. Her left one followed obediently behind, her left foot falling into place beneath her body to allow her to stand. She then put her weight on her left leg and repeated the move with her right before pulling her body up to stand again. Martin marvelled at her strength although he did realise this was going to take some time. When she was half way up the stairs he began to get a view up her pleated tartan skirt to her black leather thigh bands. A few stairs higher and he knew she was wearing black stockings, as her bum was bare, her black thong having pulled up snugly between her cheeks. He watched from the bottom of the stairs until she finally got to the top, and then went up himself taking her crutches, which he handed to her.

Gillian was panting for breath.

‘Oh my. It’s a long time since I last climbed a flight of stairs,’ she gasped. ‘Where is your toilet? I had better go before you spank me. I don’t want to make a mess in your office.’

‘Its in there,’ said Martin, pointing to the door opposite the top of the stairs.

He opened the door for her.

‘I will need a hand getting on and off the loo with my stiff legs as you don’t have any grab rails,’ said Gillian.

He followed as she crutch walked into the bathroom.

‘You will have to tell me what to do,’ said Martin.

Gillian shuffled round so that she was stood with the toilet behind her. She handed him her crutches, which he leaned against the bath.

‘It will be easier if you pull my panties down now whilst I am stood up,’ said Gillian.

Martin crouched down and put his hands up under her skirt to find the waistband of her thong over her hips. He pulled them down to the top of her thighs and then had to work them down over the laced up thigh cuffs of her braces. He picked up the scent of warm, aroused pussy as he did so causing him to leak semen into his boxer shorts. He then had to work her panties over her knee locks and down to her ankles.

‘Now grab my hips and guide me down to sit on the loo seat,’ said Gillian.

He did as she asked. Gillian put her arms round his body and let her stiff legs pivot on her heels as he lowered her to the seat. He then took her panties off completely and watched as she tripped her knee locks and lifted her thighs with her hands to make her knees bend. She then pulled her skirt up, flashing her newly shaved mound and naked pink pussy lips to his gaze.

He watched as she spread her lips with her fingers and caressed her pee hole to encourage her piss to flow. After a few seconds she gasped as her golden stream began to flow out of her and splash noisily into the toilet.

‘So you don’t need catheters, then,’ said Martin.

‘No. Just rubbing like that usually works. I don’t have any control though so I can’t stop the flow once it starts, and I get very little warning that I’m getting full. If my bladder gets too full it just happens. I can feel it flowing but as I said, I can’t control it at all.

She finished pissing and wiped with the toilet roll. Martin picked up her thong and went to start to put it back on her right foot. He lifted her feet together and worked them back up to her knees. Gillian lifted her right leg below the knee until her knee lock snapped into place holding her leg stiffly straight. She then put her hands on Martin’s back and pushed her body up to stand on her stiff right leg. The left one fell into place and the lock snapped shut allowing her to stand once again on two braced legs. Martin then worked the panties up over her thigh bands and snuggled them back up into her crotch.

‘So which room is your office?’ asked Gillian.

‘Next door,’ said Martin, as he handed her sticks to her.

Gillian crutched out of the bathroom followed by Martin as he inhaled her warm pussy aroma from his fingers, gathered from the crotch of her panties.

He opened the door to his office for her.

‘Where do you want me?’ asked Gillian.

‘Stand over there and face the wall with your back to me,’ said Martin.

Gillian did as she was told. Martin sat down at his desk and looked at her thin para legs so tightly shackled into their chromed steel supports.

‘Are we going to start then?’ she asked after a few minutes.

‘I’m in no hurry. I have all afternoon. You will await your punishment in silence,’ said Martin sternly.

After another few minutes he stood up and went over to her. He took her crutches and put them out of reach against the wall in the corner of the room. He got her to put her hands behind her back and then wrapped neoprene wrist cuffs with strong Velcro fastenings tightly round her wrists. He then joined them together with a screw gate carabinier, which he knew she would not be able to undo. He then unfastened the waistband and zipper of her tartan skirt and let it fall to the floor, exposing her naked buttocks and her black thong panties as well as the thigh bands on her braces. He then went back to his chair and studied her legs again from afar. She squirmed under the scrutiny but could not move. She stared resolutely at the wall. He studied the way she seemed to sit on the tops of her braces as the thigh cuffs came right up to her buttocks, which sagged a little over them. His erection strengthened in his pants as he realised she was actually in an acute form of bondage, even without ankle cuffs or a leg spreader bar. With her hand secured behind her and no crutches she could stand but she could not move.

‘This games boring,’ she quipped. ‘When do I get my punishment? Don’t you have the bottle to spank a little crippled girl?

Martin stood up sharply and left the room, slamming the door.

‘Oh fuck,’ she whispered. ‘Don’t leave me here like this.’

Martin went down to the kitchen and filled a whisky tumbler with ice from the freezer ice-making tray and poured over a large measure of Highland Park single malt. He knew a Scot would scoff at his treatment of such fine malt whisky but as a Sassenach it was how he liked it. He took a gulp and savoured the smoky, peaty flavour and then went back upstairs. Gillian sighed with some relief when he returned to the room.

Martin put his drink down on his desk and then went to stand before her. He quickly lifted her sweater up under her armpits to expose her well-filled black bra. He put his hands round her back and flicked open the clasp then pulled the warm material away from her well rounded breasts. He bent down and sucked hard on each nipple, already erect with her arousal. He fished an ice cube out of his drink and began to circle her right nipple with it. She could only stand and watch as he quickly chilled her nipple, causing it to grow further and become even firmer. When he judged he had numbed it completely he took a heavy chromed steel chain with a cruel looking crocodile clip on each end from his pocket and clipped it to her nipple. She watched the teeth bite into her skin but felt nothing. He did the same with his ice on her left nipple and then clipped the chain to that one too, joining her nipples with his heavy steel chain. She watched the chain pull them down slightly and began to feel the discomfort as her nipples warmed up again. Martin picked up his black leather tawse from the desk and smacked the outside of her left breast with it. He watched the shock ripple along the chain. He then smacked the outside of her right breast and watched the ripple run the other way. She gasped in pain, but knew that she must endure it in silence. He began to smack each breast in turn, keeping the chain moving. Tears filled her eyes but she also felt the juices welling up in her sex.」

Say your sorry,’ he demanded.

‘What for?’ whispered Gillian.

‘For flashing your cunt at your new boss. That’s what we are here to punish you for isn’t it?’ said Martin.

‘Oh God. Yes. I am sorry. I didn’t mean to lead him on,’ whispered Gillian.

Martin wiped a tear away from her cheek, showing his tender side, and then sucked hard on her engorged right nipple causing her to cry out in pain.

‘Jesus. That hurts,’ she cried.

‘Its supposed to,’ said Martin. ‘Now lets have a look at this hungry cunt of yours.’ He grabbed the front of her thong and tugged it up sharply pulling the damp material hard up into her slit.

‘Oh fuck,’ she gasped, as he pressed her clit back against her pubic bone.

Martin tugged the panties down, snatching them from her slit and pushing them down over her thigh bands. He then crouched and worked them down over her braces until they were round her ankles. He ran his fingers up the black leather of her thigh bands until they grazed her sex lips, hanging open in invitation.

‘Shaved it for him, did you then?’ he asked.

‘No. I shaved it this morning for you if you must know,’ said Gillian. ‘I hope you like it.’

‘How do you know I prefer shaved pussy?’ asked Martin.

‘Caroline told me so,’ replied Gillian.

Martin went and got a chair from by his desk and brought it over to place it in front of her. He went round behind her and unfastened the screw gate carabineer before bringing her hands round to the front, where he joined her wrists together again. He then helped her lean forward with his hands on her shoulders until she could grip the back of the chair with her shackled hands. Martin then walked round to stand behind her and kicked her feet apart to get her to stand with her stiffened legs well spread. He picked up his black leather studded smacking paddle and rubbed it slowly over her exposed buttocks.

‘So when did you have a discussion with Caroline about the type of pussy I like?’ asked Martin as he brought the paddle down smartly on her right buttock.

‘Ow,’ cried Gillian. ‘Last Sunday whilst you were away at the match. She came to help finish stripping the lounge walls, remember?’

‘And how come you talked about sex?’ asked Martin as he smacked her hard on the left buttock.

‘I commented on her lovely shaved slit as she lowered it on to my face as I lay on the sofa. She said she kept it shaved for you,’ gasped Gillian as he hit her hard again on each buttock in turn.

‘So you are not content to seduce me. You want my woman too,’ said Martin as he continued his smacking of her arse. ‘Did you pull the split crotch in your paper boiler suit trick again?’

‘I didn’t need to. Some paper fell in my cleavage again and she couldn’t wait to help me get it out. She had my tits in her hands by morning coffee break.’

Martin stopped smacking her and went quiet. He moved back to look at her reddened buttocks and the swollen sex lips hanging beneath.

‘You’ve gone quiet. Didn’t you know she went both ways?’ asked Gillian, taunting him.
She cried out sharply then as he took an upward swing with his pussy whip, landing a blow with all strands right in her slit.

‘Jesus. That hurts,’ she cried.

As I said before. It’s supposed to. Now shut up and take your punishment,’ commanded Martin.

He began to flick the pussy whip sharply up against her swollen pussy lips, just stinging them to keep them warmed up. She moaned and mewed but managed to stop herself crying out again. After six strokes he turned the leather handled whip round and rubbed the rounded end along the length of her slit between her hanging sex lips. She gasped in pleasure. He centred the end of the whip on her hole and pushed it up inside. She gasped again as he felt some resistance to its passage up into her body. Martin withdrew the whip handle and slipped his index finger into her instead. He soon came up against the hard plastic bauble of one of her love eggs, which she had hidden inside to help provide stimulation during her punishment. He fished round with his fingers and found the string loop attached to the love egg to facilitate its withdrawal from her body. He pulled the sting out into the open and then pulled down gently on it to drag the first love ball down to the entrance to her vagina, leaving it lodged just inside.

‘So you were planning to enjoy being punished,’ he said, as he brought his smacking paddle down firmly on her right buttock again.

‘Oh God. Stop talking and just get on with it,’ she moaned.

Martin began alternating smacking each buttock again as he pushed the love balls back up with his fingers and then tugged them back down again causing her pussy to cream up inside and her clit to stand proud at the top of her slit. Then he stopped abruptly and went to sit back at his desk leaving her bent over and exposed with the nipple chain dragging painfully on her erect teats.

‘Oh God. Don’t stop. Please. I’m so close. Spank me till I come. Please,’ pleaded Gillian.

Martin laughed as he watched her squirm in thwarted ecstasy. He even spotted her cunt drip its juice down the inner thigh section of her black leather thigh cuff.

‘So what else did you talk about whilst you were having my girlfriend?’ asked Martin.

‘She knows you’re a dev. Has done for some time,’ gasped Gillian.

‘Does she know about last time we were together?’ asked Martin.

‘Yes. I told her you had fucked me over the kitchen table. She wasn’t surprised,’ quipped Gillian.

Martin picked up the tawse and went quickly back over to her. Before she could protest he smacked the outside of each hanging breast several times.
‘Christ no. Stop. It hurts,’ she cried.

Martin then unfastened the nipple clamps. The blood flowed quickly into her teats causing her to cry out in pain.

‘What else. There is more you want to tell me. I can sense it,’ said Martin.

‘Your girlfriend is also a dev, but more so than you. She is a wannabe. She told me that.’

Martin didn’t want to believe her. He moved back behind her and smacked her arse again. ‘Why are you saying these things?’ he pleaded.

‘What are you going to do about it. Shoot the messenger?’ she taunted him.

Martin took his solidly swollen cock out of his jeans and forced his knob into her mouth.

‘Oh I fully intend to shoot the messenger,’ he said. ‘Now shut the fuck up and suck on that you gimpy whore.’

Gillian worked her lips round his bulbous glans with pleasure. She loved having his cock in her mouth. Martin became more tender, lifting her breasts gently to fondle them, keeping his fingers away from her sore nipples. He then reached down under her belly and found her clit, standing proud at the top of her slit. He wet his finger and began to massage it, causing her to shudder as she took his knob to the back of her mouth. He new she could bring on his spending any minute and so pulled away from her hot mouth. He went to stand behind her and put his thumb through the string loop of the love balls hanging from her hole. He tugged sharply on it to pull both love balls from her hot vagina. Drools of sex cream oozed down her slit from her gaping open hole as he rubbed his knob up and down her slit between her widely parted sex lips. He pushed a love ball into her panting mouth.

‘Shut up and suck on that you bitch, whilst I fuck this dirty cunt of yours, and don’t you dare spit it out,’ commanded Martin as he slammed his length right up inside her hot belly.

Gillian could only do as she was told, savouring her tangy girl cream, which coated the love ball whilst he pounded away at her pussy, hanging so wet and open for his cock. He gripped her hips and thrust at her hard and deep, pumping her love juices out to run down her shackled thighs. Gillian felt him circling her anus with his thumb and relaxed, thinking he was planning on switching holes. She had never taken a real cock in there but she was far more worried about the chances of him making her pregnant if he stayed in her pussy. She gasped as he pulled the duo ball out of her mouth and then almost screamed as he forced it up into her arse. He quickly followed it with the second one, loving the way they had tightened her pussy round his cock. As he thrust he could feel the balls rubbing his knob and shaft causing his spunk to rise rapidly along his swollen length.

‘Oh Jesus. Fuck me, fuck me harder,’ she moaned as he found her clit with his forefinger and began to press it back against her pubic bone in time with his thrusts into her squelching wet vagina.

Her upper body tensed. He felt her orgasm begin to rip through her body as she began to pant and gasp. He encouraged more feelings to flow through her by continuing his pressure on her clit. He felt her pussy muscles spasm tightly round his shaft and could hold back no longer, pumping spurt after spurt of his semen along his shaft to spatter the top of her love tube. She felt his cream filling her up too but put her concerns aside in the heat of her passion, content to feel his love cream filling the space at the top of her vagina. He stilled inside her until he had squeezed every last drop of sperm from his cock. When her pussy muscles relaxed he slipped his softening shaft from her wet and creamy vagina. He pulled the love balls slowly out of her arse and then helped her to stand, taking the weight off her hands and kicking her feet together.

‘Oh God. That was so good. Thank you,’ whispered Gillian. ‘Now can I sit down, my legs are killing me?’

Martin turned the chair round and held her hips whilst lowering her bottom to the wooden seat of the dining chair with her legs still locked out straight.

‘Ow, that hurts,’ said Gillian as her tortured buttocks came into contact with the hard seat.

Martin unfastened the screw gate carabineer holding her wrists together. Gillian put her right hand between her opened thighs and caught a drool of his thick semen in her palm. She brought it to her mouth and slowly licked his cream with her tongue before savouring his taste in her mouth. Martin put his cock away as he felt too tender to have her suck it.

‘Mmm. That’s so thick. It tastes so full of sperm. I hope you realised you might get my belly up while you were fucking me,’ she said with a smile.

Martin looked at her with a perplexed expression on his face.

‘Look. Caroline shared more with me than you know. Ask her,’ said Gillian as she took her bra off and then slowly and carefully pulled down her sweater over her throbbing nipples. ‘I don’t think I will be able to wear a bra for a few days. Those nipple clips really hurt.

Martin picked up her skirt and lifted her booted feet to start working it back up her legs.

‘Now you have fucked me you want to get rid of me, do you?’ quipped Gillian.

‘Not really, but Caroline will be home soon,’ said Martin as he worked her skirt up over her thigh bands.

‘OK. It would be best if I were not here when she came home. You can tell her about today if you want too. I’m sure she will get it out of me next time we play otherwise.’

Gillian put her hands on his shoulders and let him pull her to her feet.

‘Pass me my sticks then,’ she said.

Martin did as she asked and followed her as she dragged her stiffened legs though as she crutched her way out of the room.

‘Can you hold my crutches while I get down the stairs?’ she asked.

Martin watched in awe as she got down the stairs much more easily than she had got up them. He handed her sticks to her and opened the front door before watching her crutch away down the path and round to her own house next door. He then made a coffee and took it up to his office to try and get the work he should have been doing done before Caroline got home.

Caroline arrived home an hour later and came straight up to see him in his office. He pretended he had been working all day as he watched her strut about on her navy blue stiletto heeled court shoes wearing a well fitting light grey pencil skirt than hemmed just above her fine cream nylon sheathed knees, as he asked her about her day managing the store. He noticed she had spotted something on the floor by his stationary cupboard and watched her crouch down to pick it up. Caroline held the black thong to her nose and inhaled the scent of Gillian’s arousal before standing up and turning round to face Martin.

‘She’s been here then. How did you get her up the stairs?’

‘She came round wearing her full length leg braces,’ whispered Martin.

‘I see. I bet you loved that. Did you fuck her? I bet you had her standing up bent over that chair,’ quipped Caroline.

‘She came round asking me to punish her. I,’ said Martin.

I bet you did too,’ said Caroline as she opened his top desk drawer and spotted the smacking paddle and whip where he had quickly placed them when he had heard her car pull into the drive. ‘I bet these hurt too,’ she said as she held up the nipple chain and opened one of the clamps.

Martin felt his face redden. He didn’t know what to say, as Caroline didn’t know of his enjoyment at punishing consenting women. Caroline shimmied her skirt up to her hips and crouched before him showing off the tops of her cream stockings and her suspender straps. Her hands went to his zip. She quickly unfastened his jeans and the button fly of his boxer shorts and brought out his rapidly swelling cock. Before he could protest she had taken him into her mouth and begun running her tongue round his helmet, savouring the combined taste of his spunk and her pussy honey.

‘Mmm. I love sucking your cock up to a full stand,’ said Caroline before engulfing him with her mouth again. Martin just sighed contentedly.

She let his by now solid shaft slip from her mouth. ‘You didn’t wear anything then. I can taste her honeydew all over you,’ she said as she looked lovingly up at him.

She said something about you telling her all about us. What did she mean?’

‘Oh I suppose she meant the IVF and all that. I told her that you wanted to be a dad, but that it looked like I wasn’t going to be a mum,’ said Caroline before taking him in her mouth again.

Martin gasped as she ran her tongue along the slit in the end of his penis, drawing out a bead of seminal fluid.

‘She desperately wants to be a mum, but doesn’t feel she will find the right man in time due to her disability,’ said Caroline before going down and licking his balls.

‘I hope you didn’t offer my services,’ said Martin.

‘Not exactly. I just said you had a thing for crippled women and that you had a very high sperm count according to our test results,’ said Caroline as she ran a sharp finger nail along the length of his shaft causing him to spasm. Martin felt his semen beginning its journey along the length of his shaft again. ‘I said I wouldn’t mind if she got you to fuck her. She said she had already had the pleasure of a ride on this rod of yours. I said I didn’t mind sharing you as long as you had enough strength for both of us.’

Martin gasped as she spread a bead of pre come over his throbbing glans.

‘Oh Christ,’ gasped Martin as he fought to keep his sperm in his shaft. Caroline slowly let go, not wanting to tip him over the edge. She stood and worked her skirt up to her waist before pulling her French knickers away from her shaved sex and stepping out of them. She pressed the damp crotch of her knickers to his face and then turned and walked with a deliberate sway in her hips out of the room towards the bedroom. Martin wiped away the tear of fluid from his knob with her panties and then left them on his desk. When he got to the bedroom he found Caroline kneeling on the bed with her back to him and her naked bottom in the air.

‘Now get in here and fuck me like you did her. Show me that you are man enough to keep us both happy. Martin knelt behind her on the bed and offered his leaky knob to her tight hole. Caroline reached between her legs and opened her sticky sex lips for him. Martin grabbed her hips and plugged her with his solid cock, knocking the breath out of her lungs as he filled her completely with his first savage thrust.

‘Oh my God. You’re in my head. Oh Jesus. Fuck me senseless,’ moaned Caroline breathlessly, goading him on to give no mercy with his cock.

Martin could last a while having come only an hour before and so gave her pussy the battering she demanded, thrusting her towards her orgasm. Caroline hastened this along by putting her hand between her legs and rubbing her clit. She came hard, squeezing him so tightly with her vaginal muscles that he had to still deep inside her and let her grind out her spending on his throbbing length. Eventually she stopped spasming and went limp, falling forward on the bed. He slipped wetly out of her sated hole. He knew she was finished and would have to make other arrangements for the shooting of his spunk, which was dangerously close to the tip of his cock.
Martin slipped her shoes off and caressed his throbbing length with her cream nylon clad feet. He gasped as he pumped his sperm all over the soles of her feet after shooting the first spurts to land on the back of her knees. He was surprised to have enough come to soak her stockings after pumping Gillian so full an hour before.

‘Oh God. You have messed up my stockings again,’ moaned Caroline.

She rolled over on the bed and they kissed.

‘Thank you for that. I needed a good hard seeing to. I have been horny all day, wondering if she would come round and get you to fuck her. It sounds like you enjoyed the experience. Now lick your spunk off my wet stockings, as they feel uncomfortable on my feet. Worship my nylon-clad peds as I know you want to. If you do a good job I will not make you wear your gates of hell cock harness for the rest of the day as a punishment for fucking our crippled neighbor behind my back.


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