楼主: t3m19870312

[已经完结] 原创翻译+魔改 淘气的邻居 装修篇 4/9 28楼完結









 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-7 04:12:57 | 显示全部楼层
“所以妳刚才说,如果妳的双腿戴上支架的话,妳就可以站起来? “ 他问着。



“哼!你以为我没试过吗? 因为穿支架真的是折磨,光是将它们绑在我这双动弹不得的废腿上,就要花上好多时间。还不包括为了避免支架每一处绑带勒的紧紧,而将我那细嫩柔弱的残腿肌肤磨破皮,必须先帮两条不听话的残腿,穿上足够长的丝袜作为保护,那在一般女人身上看似简单的动作,对我来说也相当费劲。而且支架金属跟皮革的组合,实在是没有美感可言,只能提醒别人:我是个双腿不良于行的瘸女!我不只一次想过,无论如何,都要摆脱那副该死的支架!在刚出院的那段期间,我确实有试着不靠支架,只藉由拐杖的帮助,试着站起来并且移动。我还记得很清楚:我坐在床上,将那时使用的腋下拐杖放在一旁,先帮两只无力的脚丫子套上白袜,穿上运动布鞋,而且还因着无法控制的脚趾,常常会在鞋子裡打弯,弄了很久才好不容易穿上鞋。接着我将双拐夹在腋下,奋力撑起身子,试着站起身来。但缺少了支架的支撑,我那两条废腿软趴趴的就像麵条一样,完全使不上一点力气,我的身体才一离开床面不远,就无助的跌坐了回去。我连试了两次,都以失败收场。第三次好不容易站了起来,但也却险些摔倒,两隻穿着运动鞋无力的脚,也呈内八字并且向外翻,无法正常的踩在地上。也因为残腿上没有一丝力气能支撑我站立,我只能将全身的体重用那副拐杖支撑,抵的我胳肢窝疼得难受。而当摇摇欲坠的我小心翼翼地,试着分别伸出两边的拐杖时,才伸出第一根而已,就脚下一软重心不稳,无助的摔倒在地上,而且要不是我爸妈听见声响跑进来看,光靠我根本无法自行爬起来。我真是恨透自己残废无助的样子,只好乖乖接受要穿上支架才能站立的事实。并且在腋拐加上衬垫,减少它对我腋下的折腾。总而言之,没有支架和拐杖的话,我这双废腿连站都站不起来,更别说走路了!“吉莉安捏着枯瘦的膝盖,有些愤愤不平的说道。

“所以妳从腰部以下都瘫痪了?” 马丁问。

“对。虽然我的双腿仍然有感觉,甚至还很敏感,但我再也无法自愿地动起肌肉 “吉莉安说。“这种形式的小儿麻痹症,会侵袭嵴柱周围的组织,并且运动神经所受到的伤害,会比感觉神经来的更严重,因为它们在外侧的缘故。而且比起典型的病例,这种类型的残疾程度会更加严重,像我这样下肢全瘫还算轻微的了,有些患者再严重的甚至会全身瘫痪,包括肺部的肌肉都失去功能,这辈子只能仰赖呼吸器才能维持生命了。唉,都是我害的。”

“然后它就是永久性的伤害了吗?妳的双腿不会随着时间推移,而恢復任何动作吗?“ 马丁问。

“唉,我患病残废已经两年了,它们除了不断萎缩、日渐消瘦几乎只剩皮包骨、脚踝还下垂变形、脚趾内扣蜷曲之外,完全没有任何起色。我到现在依旧连一根脚趾头都动不了。而且因为无法自主运动的缘故,我双腿的血液循环都变得很差,一年四季它们都是冰凉的,到了冬天更是冻得难受,甚至有时候还会无预警的抽筋,对我来说根本是折磨。所以我并不认为,它们还会有所进步,我这一生都要这个样子了吧,唉!”吉莉安用双手轻抚着两条骨瘦如柴的大腿,长叹了一口气无奈地说道 。


“ 那这次要不要换您去厨房将它装满,好让我可以去下厕所呢?我可以在我们等水再次沸腾时,替我们弄一些午餐。“ 吉莉安说。




“噢!我的老天爷啊!马丁。对不起!因为刚才我为了上厕所将裤子脱掉,并且嫌麻烦就没有再穿会去了。我并没有意识到我的工作服裂开了!真是太丢人了!当我坐在轮椅上,让我的内裤和大腿内侧被你看个精光,你一定觉得我很糟糕对不对? “吉莉安故作害羞的说。




“ 我认为我现在应该离开了 ” 马丁说。





继续更新 有应要求添了一小段没支架的剧情 但依旧走不了  详情 回复 发表于 2019-4-7 04:13

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-7 04:13:10 | 显示全部楼层
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-4-7 04:12
“所以妳刚才说,如果妳的双腿戴上支架的话,妳就可以站起来? “ 他问着。

“是的,戴上支架我就可以站起 ...


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发表于 2019-4-7 07:20:29 | 显示全部楼层
很喜欢 感谢楼主

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-8 05:14:31 | 显示全部楼层



  经过一分钟的沉思,她摇着轮椅来到厨房的尽头, 用煞车将轮椅上的轮子锁定。她从轮椅的脚踏板上抬起无力的双脚,并把它们放到地板上。然后,她看着他的眼睛,彷彿在说“别小看我!同时用双手在椅垫上一撑,将身体向前一推,用残腿膝盖着地的方式,把自己从轮椅上给跩到了地板。在落地的一霎那,她及时的用双手撑在身体前面,以防脸部直接狼狈的撞上地面。然后吃力的用双手转过身子,背对着他坐在地上。接下来,她依次捞起无力的两条残腿,将瘫似烂泥的它们向前伸直,并将右脚的脚踝交叠在左脚上方併拢着,然后开始用双手向后撑地倒退的方式,吃力的将身体拖向他。当他看到她艰难挣扎的样子时,马丁感觉到他直立的JJ悸动着,并且将前列腺液流入他的四角内裤裡。她很快就爬到了他身边,并用背靠着他的腿稍作喘息。当她沉重的呼吸使她的胸部上下起伏时,他趁机低下头,欣赏着她丰满大咪咪之间深谷的景色。






“天啊!” 当吉莉安感觉到他再一次用温暖的手抚过她的臀部,她低声说道。





“噢!不好了!我憋不住啦!拜託现在不要!呀!我很抱歉!!我控制不了呀啊啊!!”她惊慌的喊道。由于小儿麻痹留下的后遗症,让她也失去了对膀胱的控制力,在这样的刺激之下受不了而溃堤。她的小便开始浸透她的内裤并淅沥沥的流到地板上,尿量也从一开始的渗漏变成了洩洪般, 哗啦啦的一发不可收拾。他继续按摩她的鲍鱼,让她的尿量越来越大,温热的小便顺着他的手指,并从她的腿上一路流下来,将她的纸製工作服浸溼变成了纸浆,并也将她牛仔裤的腿部整个浸透了。

“ 哇!!我真的很抱歉呀!呜啊啊啊!!! ” 她的上半身因着她的高潮剧烈的甩了起来,他仍然不间断的用拇指抚摸她鲍鱼的缝隙。他一直搓揉她,直到她的尿液不再涌出才停下,让被弄的绝顶高潮的她,浑身脱力的瘫软在他腿上。

“噢!@#$! 我不是故意要尿下去的!只是这该死的小儿麻痺症!害我无法对我的膀胱有任何控制能力!现在我害两个人都弄湿了!真的对不起!“ 她慌张的喊道。




精彩的来了! 继续更新!  详情 回复 发表于 2019-4-8 05:15

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-8 05:15:19 | 显示全部楼层
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-4-8 05:14
马丁离开客厅经过走廊进了厨房。吉莉安摇着轮椅跟在他身后。他将一把高背椅从松木厨房的桌子上移开,坐了 ...


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发表于 2019-4-8 08:33:48 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报








发表于 2019-4-8 09:40:23 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-9 05:27:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 t3m19870312 于 2019-4-9 05:30 编辑


“ 噢~天啊~用你硬硬的JJ~狠狠地抽插我呀!“ 她娇喘着说“让我好好享有它~你这个溷蛋~呀啊!!“

  马丁抓住她的臀部,以防她因下身瘫痪无力支撑从桌子上向下滑,并开始将肿胀的JJ剧烈的撞击她柔软湿润的鲍鱼。当他奋力地抽插着她又湿又鬆弛的鲍鱼洞时,吉莉安可以清楚得听到每一下“噗啾~啪叽~”的声响,这令她的慾火又被挑的更旺了 。






“啊!不要射在裡面呀!我没作避孕!现在不安全!!不要呀啊啊!!!! “ 她兴奋又慌张的大叫着。


“呼…真他妈的爽…我就是想要这样…谢谢你…马丁…“ 她有气无力的说道 “因为小儿麻痹症的缘故….我不能吃避孕药….否则会造成血栓…谢谢你及时退出…并让我嚐到你的味道…嘻嘻。“



“ 这没关係。它算是和瘫女孩一起做的时候,唯一会有的一个小缺点罢了。我确信我可以忍受的,妳不要担心。但在卡洛琳回家之前,我确实需要回家洗个澡,并将我的工作套装给洗乾淨。“马丁说

“可怜的卡洛琳。我觉得我欺骗了她, “ 吉莉安说。

“为什麽说卡洛琳可怜? 她又不像妳,这辈子只能禁锢在轮椅上。而且我必须确保她不会对任何事起疑心。“马丁说。

“那你能把我的轮椅给我吗?” 吉莉安问。


“ 我真的很需要像今天这样。我的意思是包括被打屁股和被上这所有的一切,即使我的屁股非常疼…嘶啊….“ 吉莉安一边说,一边吃力的挪移到轮椅的垫子上,并因着碰到刚才的痛处而哀哼了一声。“ 我希望当我有需求的时候,你会愿意效劳。正如我所说,我确实很需要定期的被惩罚。“











又更完了一篇 敬请期待续集 依照惯例原文在此 Martin was working on some prints in his studio, which was situated in the front bedroom of his suburban semi when he heard a light knocking at the doo  详情 回复 发表于 2019-4-9 05:29

使用道具 举报








 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-9 05:29:39 | 显示全部楼层
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-4-9 05:27

“不。让你上我是一回事,但是让你令我怀孕会是另外一回事。“吉莉安羞红 ...



Martin was working on some prints in his studio, which was situated in the front bedroom of his suburban semi when he heard a light knocking at the door. He hit print on his computer to start the printer making the next print and then went down to answer the door. He looked through the spyglass and saw a rather short woman with black hair outside. Martin  opened the door and then realised she wasn’t particularly short, her lack of height being the result of her sitting in a wheelchair. He quickly took in her black bomber jacket and blue jeans, and the black ankle boots on her feet. He then looked back up at her pretty face and long black hair cascading over her shoulders. On first look he put her in her early thirties.

‘Hi. My names Gillian. I’m your new neighbor,’ she said holding out her right hand clad in a black leather glove.

‘Hi. I’m Martin. Pleased to meet you,’ he said as he shook her hand very gently.

‘I won’t break,’ said Gillian in reference to his very gentle handshake.

‘I’m sorry,’ said Martin. It’s just with you being.’

‘Sat in this chair. I know. I am disabled but I am not ill. Lots of people make the assumption that just because I am in a wheelchair that I am ill or weak or something,’ which is not the case.

I didn’t mean us to start off on the wrong foot,’ said Martin. He then smiled at his unintended pun.

Gillian smiled too. ‘I apologise for being so sensitive. I seem to have become much more feisty since I lost the use of my legs. Anyway. I came to bring you some post, which I think has been put through my letterbox by mistake.’

Gillian opened the small satchel in her lap and offered two padded envelopes to Martin.

「Thank you. We must have a new postie again as any post for the business should be held at the sorting office for my partner to pick up on her way home from work,’ said Martin. ‘Not that excuses him for putting it through the wrong door.’

‘So you are Martin Mills, and you are a professional photographer,’ said Gillian.

‘That’s right. I also make prints for other clients as well as selling my own work and I work from home so I am here most days,’ said Martin with a smile.

‘I am Gillian Jones and I will be your new neighbor, although I will not be moving in until I have had chance to redecorate the house,’ said Gillian.

‘Oh. I thought you had moved in already as I heard voices when I was sat watching TV last night.

‘Oh that was my mum and dad helping by bringing some of my things from their place and offering all sorts of ideas on decoration. I live with them at the moment but I think they are rather keen to help me move out again.’

‘So will you be living here alone?’ asked Martin.

‘Well yes. Unless I can find someone who wants to share his life with a gimp, I suppose I will. Oh and can you thank your partner for the ‘welcome to your new home card’, I have been meaning to come round and thank her but you know how it is, lots to do and all that.’

‘Will do. I am sure you will meet her soon. She is at work during the day,’

‘As I will be too when I move in. I have just taken a week off to start getting things sorted here. Anyway I mustn’t keep you from your work as you are at work when at home. See you round.’

‘I’m sure you will. And if you need a hand with anything you know where we are. Just knock and ask,’ said Martin as she backed away from the door and wheeled back down the path to go next door.

Martin went back up the stairs to his studio, feeling his semi erect cock brushing the cotton of his boxer shorts as he did so. Oh God. I hope she didn’t see that, he thought. He had been very conscious of not coming on to her too much as he didn’t want to put her off him right away. He didn’t know what she would think of him if she knew about his fascination with disabled women. He looked through his studio window down to the paved car parking area in front of next-door where the garden used to be. He watched her open the driver’s door of her retro but new VW beetle and transfer from her wheelchair to the drivers seat and then lift her legs with her hands to lift her booted feet off the footrests of her wheelchair and place them on the floor. She then leaned out took the wheels off her chair and lifted them over her body and into the back seat. Her seat cushion and folded chair followed. She then lifted her lifeless legs one at a time with her hands under her denim clad thighs and placed her feet in the foot well of her car before looking up at his window and smiling, as she knew he would be watching her.  She then pulled the door closed and started the engine. He watched her back out on to the road and drive away.

Martin went back to his work but could not stop thinking about his new neighbor. He had wondered whom would be interested in purchasing the house when it came on the market as the old lady living there had moved into a retirement home. He knew she’d had a stair lift and other modifications made to the house, as she could no longer walk unaided. Martin had thought the wheelchair ramp to the front door and stair lift would put off any buyers other than another older couple with mobility issues. He was now very excited about having a disabled neighbor who was his own age and very good looking. It did make him nervous that she was currently single, as he knew he was attracted to her, and not just because she needed a wheelchair to get around. He was not single and was in fact in a happy long-term relationship with his partner, Caroline, whom he had been living with for some years. He didn’t know if she knew of his fascination with disabled women as he obviously tried to keep it to himself. And if she didn’t know already, how would she react if she did find out? Having a sexy para girl living next door could potentially change his life in ways he didn’t really want it to go, so he decided he would have to keep his distance from Gillian and play things very carefully. However, he could not help feeling excited about the prospect of having her living next door and possibly seeing her most days.

Over the next week or so Martin noticed her car and another, a silver BMW saloon, parked in the driveway on several occasions, and heard someone scraping at the wallpaper in the upstairs bedrooms on a few evenings. He tried not to look out for Gillian arriving or departing, as he knew he would have to stop and watch her transfer back and to her wheelchair. He did find himself spending more time watching para videos on you tube to satisfy his fascination. He rather disliked the label ‘dev’ which is what he realised he was from his Internet research, but could not deny his fascination for women who needed wheelchairs or leg braces to enable them to get around. He began to fantasise about Gillian strapping her thin para legs into her leg braces and then crutching round the house. He had no idea whether she used leg braces or not but his cock often spurted into his hands before getting up in the mornings as he thought about her crutching round the house wearing only a long t shirt and sexy panties.」

「One afternoon Martin was watching her from the bedroom window. She was just leaving, transferring into her car when Caroline arrived home from work. Caroline went round to her and chatted for a few minutes before Gillian drove away. Martin discreetly moved away from the window and did not let on to Caroline that he had seen her come home until she came in through the door.

‘Hi Martin, I’m home,’ she called up the stairs.

‘Hi love. Have you had a good day?’ called Martin from his studio.

‘Yes. It was OK as usual. I have just seen Gillian. She seems nice,’ said Caroline.

‘Yes. I thought so too,’ called Martin down the stairs.

He heard her coming up to see him. Caroline clacked into his studio on her steel tipped business heels. ‘You didn’t say she was disabled when you said you had met her last week,’ said Caroline.

‘Well. I never thought to mention it really. Mrs Prentice was disabled and she lived next door for several years, so what’s the big deal?’ quipped Martin defensively.

‘Mrs Prentice was just getting old, I suppose, so it didn’t seem unusual that she needed her wheelchair. Gillian is a pretty woman of our age. It just seems unfair that she has to be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. That’s all. I just thought you would have told me. It seems rotten that we are letting her scrape off all that wallpaper on her own.’

‘When I first met her she made a big point of letting me know that although she uses a wheelchair she is not ill or weak or sick. I think she fights hard to keep her independence. Anyway it could be her mum or dad doing the scraping when we hear them at night.’
‘Not this week. Her parents have gone away on a cruise. Her dad has said that he will help her paint the walls when they get back, as long as she has finished stripping them. She just told me that,’ said Caroline.

‘I wonder if she has a steamer? Scraping off wallpaper can take forever without one,’ said Martin.

‘She will have when she strips the lounge walls on Saturday. I have just offered your services for the day as I will be working and you did say that you didn’t have anything on this weekend,’ said Caroline

‘But we don’t have steamer either,’ said Martin.

‘We will have by the weekend. You know I want to do our bathroom and now Pauline has left work at our place I don’t have access to her steamer, so I have decided to purchase our own. You can try it out for the first time on Saturday.’

Caroline clacked off down the stairs again to make a coffee, leaving Martin feeling decidedly worried. He could not back out of the offer to help Gillian with her decorating but knowing they would be alone together in the house all day while Caroline was at work made him very nervous. Would she realise he was a dev? And if so what would her reaction be? He was not looking forward to the weekend.

Saturday arrived too quickly for Martin. Caroline had purchased the steamer as promised and agreed with Gillian that he would be round to help her get the wallpaper off the lounge walls just after nine. Martin was getting into his boiler suit when she left for work. Caroline kissed him on the cheek and said she would be late home, as she wanted to go into town after work to look for a new business suit, as she would be going away on a training course in two weeks time.

Martin knocked on her front door and waited. Gillian opened it then pulled back in her wheelchair to allow him into the hallway. He noted her white paper disposable boiler suit and trainers on her para feet. She had tied her black hair back off her face and looked ready for work. He followed her into the lounge then began to unpack the new steamer from the box.

‘I am so glad that Caroline offered your services for today. It seems a big room to strip by just scrapping away at the paper. The paper in the bedroom I am doing seems very well glued on. This room would take forever if its as well attached,’ said Gillian.

‘And you can only reach so far up the walls from your chair. How would you get at the top of the walls?’ asked Martin.

‘I have to wear my leg braces so that I can stand, but its hard work,’ said Gillian.

Martin felt his cock begin to swell involuntarily at the thought of his crippled neighbor wearing her leg braces and so changed the subject.

‘We need to fill this with cold water,’ he said, holding up the water tank for the steamer.
‘Pass me the tank. I will go and fill it in the kitchen,’ said Gillian.

Martin did so and then began to take the rest of the parts out of the box and put them together. She soon returned carrying the full water tank in her lap.

‘The nearest plug socket is in that corner,’ she said, as Martin uncoiled his extension lead.

He soon had the steamer switched on. Gillian filled the uncomfortable silence whilst they waited for the water to boil by saying ‘I must thank Caroline for lending me her man for the day. What is she doing today?’

‘She manages a department store in town, so she always works Saturdays,’ said Martin.

‘Well I will have to get her a present for offering your services,’ said Gillian with what Martin detected as a suggestively cheeky smile.

The steamer boiled and they got started, Martin scraping the paper from the top of the wall whilst Gillian did the lower part from her wheelchair. The room soon became warm and damp with the steam. Gillian opened a window but the gale blowing outside created a draught so she closed it again. It got increasingly warm in the room.

‘Its getting uncomfortably warm in here,’ quipped Gillian as she wiped her brow on her sleeve.

‘It does get very hot and stuffy, using a steamer,’ agreed Martin.

‘I think I have too many clothes on under my overalls,’ said Gillian. ‘I put on a few layers as my Dad’s not checked out the central heating yet so I don’t have it on when I’m here.’

‘I only wear a thin T-shirt and boxer shorts under my boiler suit when I am doing this job. Any more clothes and I would melt,’ said Martin.

‘Well I think I will go and take a few layers off as I don’t like being uncomfortably hot,’ said Gillian as she wheeled her way out of the room.

Martin carried on working. Eventually she rolled back into the room and carried on too. After a while Martin glanced down at her and almost dropped his scraper in surprise. She had pulled down the zipper of her boiler suit and was now showing off a deep cleavage between her well-rounded breasts. He tried not to stare and just concentrate on the job but his cock began to swell again as he glanced repeatedly at her shapely torso. She didn’t seem to mind showing her tits and he pretended not to notice. After a while she suggested a stop for coffee and rolled off into the kitchen to make it. When she called that it was ready Martin tried to move his swollen but not fully erect cock to a less obvious position in his boxer shorts before joining her in the kitchen. Gillian turned round from the worktop to face him and offered him a mug of coffee.

Martin noticed she had a piece of wallpaper lodged in her cleavage.

‘You have a piece of wallpaper between your,’ he said looking obviously at her breasts.

Gillian looked down at her chest and spotted the piece of paper in her cleavage. She flicked it out and looked up at him.

‘Hey. I’m sorry. I didn’t realise I had so much of myself on show. I just pulled down the zipper as I was still too hot I guess,’ she said but made no attempt to zip her overall up.

‘I don’t mind. It’s a nice view from here,’ quipped Martin.

‘I’m sorry. Its naughty of me. What must you think of me coming on to you when you are here to help me decorate? What would Caroline think? She lends me her man for the day. I bet she wouldn’t expect her gimpy neighbor to come on to her man?’

‘Its OK,’said Martin. I’m not offended. It is hot in there.’

‘I bet your not offended. I think you’re excited,’ said Gillian as she reached out her hand and ran it across the front of his overalls brushing his cock. ‘See. I thought so. I think you have a thing for disabled women. Does Caroline know?’

‘What do you mean,’ said Martin as he felt his face redden which rather gave the game away.

‘I’ve seen you watching me transfer in and out of my car, and the look on your face when I mentioned standing using my leg braces. Look. I don’t mind. If I run away so to speak from every dev I meet in my life I will always be lonely. I know that. I don’t mind being attractive because I am crippled, as long as that’s not all someone is attracted to me for. I don’t know what Caroline would think though?’ she said before moving away round the other side of the table to get her coffee.

They drank in silence, neither knowing what to say. It was a relief to both of them to finish their drinks and get back to work. Once back at work in the lounge the easy conversation picked up again.

‘So you live with your parents at the moment?’ said Martin.

‘That’s right. But Mum and Dad have sold the house and are downsizing to a nice little bungalow on the coast, so I have to move out,’ said Gillian.

‘That’s a bit hard, isn’t it? said Martin.

‘Well. When I moved into the granny flat I didn’t expect to stay long, so maybe two years is long enough,’ said Gillian.

‘So why did you move back to your parents house?’ asked Martin.

‘When my illness left me without the use of my legs I couldn’t carry on living on the tenth floor of a block of flats with a frequently out of service lift,’ so as gran had already passed away and the flat was empty I moved back in with my parents. Dad also paid off the mortgage on my flat and then sold it for a profit after doing it up a bit,’ said Gillian.

‘So it was an illness rather than an accident that left you paralysed,’ said Martin.

‘Yes. A rare form of polio only now existing in Africa. I must have picked the virus up whilst working with it although I was obviously very careful and don’t know how. I must have nicked my gloves and scratched my skin whilst working with cultures in the lab. I became ill with what seemed like a bad dose of flu and went to bed but when I tried to get up to go to the loo my legs would not hold my weight. They took me to the hospital for tropical medicine where they diagnosed the disease, which quickly attacked the tissue round my spinal chord and left me with no muscle control below my waist. In two weeks I was ready to be discharged from hospital in a wheelchair feeling fine but crippled for life. Two weeks to change your life forever,’ sighed Gillian.

‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ said Martin.

‘Why? Its not as if its your fault is it?’ said Gillian.

‘No it isn’t, but I guess that’s what most people say  when you tell them your story,’ said Martin.

‘So you are a photographer,’ said Gillian to change the subject.

‘Well yes. But I spend more time making prints for other pro photographers than I do shooting things myself these days. It’s a steadier job with less advertising outlay needed. And I enjoy working at home rather than rushing round the country doing photo shoots.’

‘I found your web site,’ said Gillian. ‘I liked the pictures and your style.

‘Thank you. I didn’t think you would be into photos of steam trains,’ said Martin.

‘No I’m not really. But its your other site I am talking about.’

Martin began to blush. ‘Oh you mean.’

‘Wildest Dreams Photography,’ said Gillian. ‘I like your style photographing women that seem to like being restrained. You do seem to photograph most of them bent over ready for a spanking, don’t you?’

‘Well that’s the fetish photographer in me, I guess,’ quipped Martin.

Well I like a man who knows how to keep his lady in check. I have always had certain needs in that way,’ said Gillian

‘They are just posed pictures,’ said Martin rather hesitantly.

‘I don’t think they are. Some of the shots show women with very reddened buttocks, so someone must have spanked them if not you,’ said Gillian.

‘Well maybe one or two, but most are just poses for the camera.’

‘I think you know how to treat a lady too, as some of the women look very aroused judging by the bulging panties,’ said Gillian with a smile.

The air was becoming far too sexually charged for Martin so he excused himself and went to the loo. He had to go upstairs to the bathroom and passed the stair lift on the way. In the bathroom he noted the hoist to lift someone out of a wheelchair and into the bath, and the roll in shower cubicle. He imagined Gillian suspended in the slings of the bath lift all ready for a good fucking. He took out his cock to pee but it became stiff instantly effectively stopping him from emptying his bladder. He went back down to carry on stripping the wallpaper. He decided to open the conversation to get it away from spankings.

So you can stand if you wear leg braces,’ he said.

‘Yes I can. But its hard work dragging my body around with my forearm crutches. I cannot keep my leg muscles tight enough to stand without my braces.’

‘So you are paralysed from the waist down?’ asked Martin.

‘Yes. I cannot move my muscles voluntarily although I still have some feeling in my legs,’ said Gillian. ‘This form of polio attacks the tissue round the spinal chord and the motor nerves get hit worse than the sensory ones as they are on the outside.’

‘So its permanent damage then. You will not regain any movement over time?’ asked Martin.

‘Well it’s been two years and there has been no improvement so I don’t think so,’ said Gillian.

‘I think we need more water for the steamer,’ said Martin as he noticed the tank was almost dry.

‘In that case why don’t you fill it in the kitchen whilst I go and use the loo. I can fix us some lunch then whilst we wait for the water to boil again,’ said Gillian.

Martin watched her back away from the wall and turn in her wheelchair and then wheel out to the hallway. He took the steamer into the kitchen to refill the tank. After a few minutes he heard her call to him from outside the living room. He went to see what she wanted and found her sat on the seat of her stair lift half way up the stairs.

‘Martin. I think the fuse has gone. I saw something flash in the motor below the seat and now its stuck. It will not go up or down. Can you help me down the stairs, as I don’t have the room to get from this seat to the stair safely. I might fall down the stairs.

Martin went up and picked her up and carried her carefully back down to her wheelchair. When he placed her on the seat he could not help but see that she had split the seem of her paper boiler suit at the crotch and was now showing off her panties to him between her widely parted thighs. Gillian followed his gaze and pretended to see for the first time too.

‘Oh my God, Martin. I’m sorry. I didn’t realise I had split my pants when I took them off to use the toilet. What must you think of me, sat here in my wheelchair flashing my inner thighs and panties at you?’

Martin looked up from her crotch to see that she hadn’t bothered to zip her boiler suit up much past her waist either as she was also showing off her well filled scarlet bra with black lace trim. At least it matches your panties, he thought.

‘You know what you said about your ex knowing how to keep you in check. I don’t think he would be impressed if he knew you were flashing your panties to your next-door neighbor,’ said Martin rather sternly.

‘I know. He would punish me severely. Maybe I deserve it. I don’t think Caroline would be too pleased with my behaviour either,’ whispered Gillian.

‘I think I should leave now,’ said Martin.

‘Oh no. Please don’t go. We still have lots of work to do today. Why don’t you give me the treatment you know I deserve, then we can get on with the decorating,’ said Gillian.

Martin’s cock throbbed uncomfortably in his pants as he imagined her bent over for a spanking. He had never chastised a disabled woman but had a strong urge to do it for the first time.

‘Follow me, young lady,’ he said very sternly. I am going to give you what you need.’

Martin walked through the lounge to the kitchen. Gillian wheeled after him. He moved a high backed chair away from the pine kitchen table and sat down with his thighs well spread.

‘Lay across my knees face down and lets get this over with,’ he commanded.

Gillian sat in her wheelchair and wondered how she would get from there to being in position over his thighs. He was obviously not going to help her in any way.

After a minutes thoughtful silence she rolled away to the far end of the kitchen and locked the wheels on her chair. She lifted her feet off the footrests of her wheelchair and placed them on the floor. She then looked him in the eye as she pushed her body forward to fall on to her knees. She stopped herself falling flat on her face with her hands and then twisted round to sit with her back to him. She then lifted her right leg to cross her ankles and then began to drag her body backwards towards him. Martin felt his erect cock spasm and leak fluid into his boxer shorts as he watched her struggle. She soon reached him, and sat with her back resting on his leg. He looked down and enjoyed the view of the deep valley between her tits as her heavy breathing made her chest rise and fall.

‘You will have to help me up over your knees,’ she said breathlessly.
Martin helped her turn round so that she was kneeling with her body across his lap. He then gripped her hips  and lifted her into position lying across his knees. Gillian felt his erect cock poke her in the ribs as he did so and hoped he she could persuade him to more than just give her the spanking she knew she deserved. Martin saw that her boiler suit ad ripped almost up to the waist at the back. He grabbed the thin material and pulled the seem apart, ripping it almost to her shoulders. He then opened the paper suit exposing her from the top of her thighs. He ran his hand lovingly over her flaccid buttocks in preparation for her spanking. He decided to leave her thong panties in place, as they did not cover her cheeks at all.

‘I think a bakers dozen on these soft white buttocks should teach you the error of your ways, young lady,’ said Martin firmly.

‘Thirteen strokes. That’s too much for just flashing my panties accidentally,’ protested Gillian as she looked down at the quarry tiled floor.

‘Very well. As you dare to challenge my authority in this matter it is now thirteen on each cheek,’ said Martin.

‘Oh God,’ whispered Gillian as she felt him run his big warm hand over her buttocks again.

Martin decided not to keep her waiting and so brought the flat of his hand down twice on each cheek alternately in quick succession. The blows firm enough to sting but holding back from full power. Gillian’s upper body flinched but she made no sound in protest, just a sharp intake of breath with each stroke. He felt her exhale after the four blows. He knew she had been punished before. The next four blows were much harder causing her to cry out. She did manage to stifle most of the sound escaping from her lips but he knew that she could feel the pain now. He rubber her cheeks again, feeling the heat spreading to all parts of her rump. Now she gasped in pain.

Martin smacked her harder again, four more times on each cheek. He aimed his blows lower to sting the top of her thighs as well as her buttocks. She squirmed above the waist in pain but only let gentle sobs and moans escape her lips. He knew she had been well trained in the past. Martin then pushed her legs further apart and cupped her swollen sex through the thin material of her thong panties. Gillian moaned with pleasure. He felt her panties turn damp under his fingers as he massaged her swollen lips gently through the material. She just gasped in pleasure rather than objecting. Gillian felt his cock twitch against her belly where it was trapped between them and so knew he wanted her as much as she needed him.

Before she could get too comfortable he returned to his smacking of her buttocks, causing her to cry out initially in surprise as she went from feeling pleasure to more intense pain as he stung her already sore and tender flesh. He now began to count out the strokes aloud as he completed her punishment, letting her know the ordeal was coming to an end. His blows however were harder than ever causing her tears to flow and drip on to the tiled kitchen floor. When he had finished he ran his hand up the inside of her open thigh again and returned to kneading her sex through her panties.

‘Oh God. That feels so good. Don’t stop,’ she moaned as he pinched her sex lips through the material. He began to rub her, running his thumb up and down the crease between her swollen love lips. She gasped in even more pleasure. He thought her love tube might boil over if he carried on with his caress. Then he felt it. His fingers became wet with her hot juices.

‘Oh my God. I’m sorry,’ she cried, as the leak became a flood as her bladder gave way and her piss began to soak through her panties and drip on to the floor. He carried on massaging her pussy as her flow increased to piss over his fingers and run down her legs, turning her paper boiler suit to a pulp and soaking his denim overall legs too.

‘So sorry,’ she sobbed as her upper body was racked by her climax, induced by him still caressing her slit with his thumb. He carried on rubbing her until her flow stopped and she went limp across his lap.

「Oh fuck. I didn’t do it on purpose. I just don’t have any control over my bladder. Now I have soaked us both. I am sorry,’ she cried.

Martin decided to use the situation to his advantage, as he knew he would now have to go home and change and put his boiler suit in the wash before Caroline got home. He pushed her off his lap to kneel in the pool of her own piss on the kitchen floor. She sat down in the puddle. Just as Martin was about to stand up she reached up and ran her hand over his erection pointing up towards his navel. She twisted round to face him and quickly ran up the zipper in his fly to allow her hand inside the sodden crotch of his overalls. She found the waistband of his soaked boxer shorts and tugged them down before extracting his swollen length from his pants.

‘I’m so sorry,’ she whispered again, before engulfing his piss-coated knob with her warm mouth. Martin gasped as she began to circle his knob with her tongue whilst running her delicate fingers up and down his shaft. He felt the first bead of pre come ooze out of his knob into her eager mouth and knew he could not hold off his ejaculation for long. He wanted her.

Martin pulled away from her mouth and stood up. She protested as he grabbed her round the waist and lifted her to her feet. He walked backwards pulling her with
him towards the pine kitchen table, her legs sagging and dragging along the tiled floor behind her. When he got to the table he turned her and pushed her down on to it on her belly. He then kicked her feet apart and ripped what was left of her soggy overalls from between her legs. He then pulled her thong to one side and planted his knob in the entrance to her vagina. He let her feel him there for a few seconds before thrusting viciously right up into her creamy cunt. She felt his balls bash against her sex lips, hanging wet and open round his shaft.
‘Oh Jesus. Fuck me with your hard cock,’ she gasped. ‘Make me have it, you bastard.

Martin gripped her hips to stop her sagging off the table and began smashing his swollen length up into her soft wet pussy. Gillian could hear how turned on she was as he squelched and slurped with his fucking of her slack, wet hole.

‘Oh yes. Fuck me harder,’ she moaned, encouraging him to thrust even deeper.

Gillian only had limited feeling inside and so needed him to give it to her hard and fast if she were to reach orgasm by being fucked. She so wanted to come on his cock.

Martin felt her fingers brushing his shaft as she frantically rubbed her clit to help her climb towards her orgasm. He knew he would never come just by shafting her as her cunt was too slack and wet so he circled his own shaft with his thumb and forefinger to give himself a tight ring to fuck though.

Gillian cried out as she brought on her own climax. Martin was surprised to feel her cunt contract sharply round his shaft as she came. Her thighs also began to tremble as she rode out her orgasm on his cock. He was glad of his fingers round his shaft as he managed to clamp them down tight enough to stop his imminent ejaculation deep in her belly, as he didn’t know if she was safe.

‘Oh Jesus. I’m going to come,’ he gasped.

‘Not inside me. I’m not safe,’ she cried.

Martin pulled out slowly and moved round to the opposite side of the table holding his semen in with his tight grip on his shaft. She opened her mouth just in time to catch his first spurt, which hit her on the tongue. The second one hit the back of her throat and made her gag. The third one hit her nose as her mouth was closed. She then took his knob inside her warm mouth and encouraged him to leak every last drop of semen on to her tongue. He stayed in her mouth until he began to soften, then she let him slip out. Gillian swallowed is seed and then looked up at him with a very contented smile on her face before flopping lifelessly on to the tabletop.

Oh wow. What a fuck. I so needed that. Thank you,’ she whispered. ‘And thank you for pulling out. I’m not on the pill.’

‘I didn’t want to chance it,’ said Martin.

‘No. Getting you to fuck me is one thing, but letting you make me pregnant would be quite another,’ said Gillian. ‘Now can you help me up as I need to get this floor cleaned up. I am really sorry about the piss but I didn’t get any warning and I can’t stop it when it happens anyhow.’

‘That’s OK. It’s only a small drawback to having sex with a para girl. I’m sure I can live with it. I do need to go home and shower and put my boiler suit in the wash before Caroline gets home though.」

Poor Caroline. I feel like I have cheated on her,’ said Gillian.
‘Why poor Caroline? She’s not confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. I will just have to make sure she doesn’t suspect anything,’ said Martin.

‘Can you get me my chair?’ asked Gillian.

Martin zipped up his still sodden overall and wheeled her chair over from the other end of the kitchen.

‘I really needed that. And I mean all of it even though my arse is very sore,’ said Gillian as she transferred on to the cushion of her wheelchair. ‘I hope you will be able to oblige when necessary. As I said I do need regular punishment.’

‘It may be difficult with you living just next door,’ quipped Martin.

‘I’m sure you will find a way to keep our little secret. If I were to tell Caroline that you came on to me as you like your women handicapped I think your cosy little life might be over. And I am sure you would miss her tight little pussy, as I know my sloppy cunt is not the best fuck in the world. Anyway, next time I might wear my leg braces. You wont be able to resist me then.’

‘I can’t deny that fucking you whilst you stand up wearing your leg braces would be a dream come true. Anyway I had better be going. I will leave the steamer here until next time as we still have lots of paper to remove.’

Martin closed the front door and quickly went home before anyone might see him in his wet boiler suit.

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