楼主: t3m19870312

[已经完结] 原创翻译+魔改-儿麻痴女OL玛莎-结局篇 4/2 23楼完結









 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-1 07:41:08 | 显示全部楼层
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-4-1 07:40
玛莎扶着桌子,吃力的用上身的力量,摆盪着两条无法自行动弹的支架残腿,向前挪了一小步的距离,直到她的 ...


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发表于 2019-4-1 14:32:00 | 显示全部楼层
楼主辛苦 今天一早没看到,以为楼主不更新了


前一天工作到通宵 不过还是会更的  详情 回复 发表于 2019-4-2 03:42

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-2 03:39:31 | 显示全部楼层


“ 给我闭嘴!妳这个把肚子给搞大的小贱人! ” 保罗严厉地说道,同时用手狠狠地在她右边的小屁股上打了下去。

“ 这是惩罚,而不是享乐,这位同学!” 他说。



“噢~我的天啊!”她喊道 “上我呀!上我呀!上我呀!”并配合着他每一下抽插的节奏,兴奋的叫着,将自己是个孕妇的事实都抛到脑后。


“呀啊!!!”这一下让玛莎又疼痛又惊愕地大喊道。保罗抓住办公椅,把它放在她身后,然后将她的身体拉直,并将她通红疼动的小屁股引导到座椅的冰凉黑色PVC材质上坐了下来。接着站在她两条穿着支架的细残大腿之间,用手捉着被支架固定直挺挺的残腿,将沾满浓厚蜜汁的JJ强行塞进她的嘴裡,以阻止她的抗议。然后,他先将在菊穴裡满弄髒的安全套从假阳具上退下来,再将假阳具递给她。玛莎飢渴难耐的鲍鱼急需要填充物,所以她迫不及待的用蛮力,狠狠的插进了自己的鲍鱼裡。保罗也大力的扯开了她的衬衫,让钮扣喷飞了出去,衣服也被撕裂了,因为他也非常要揉着她肿胀丰满的大咪咪。他发现她孕妇胸罩的罩杯是用扣子和肩带固定的,便解开它们,让她肿胀不堪的咪咪从罩杯裡溢出到他的手中。她的小红豆也露了出来,直挺挺地从她昏暗的色晕上伸出来。当她反覆地将假阳具来回抽插她的鲍鱼时,他同时也挤压着她的咪咪,看看是否可以让它们挤出一些孕妇早期的乳汁。当她因着高潮而鲍鱼一紧,夹住假阳具时,他感觉到她的身体开始痉挛,并且她的喉咙试图吞下他的JJ似的大力吸着。保罗已准备好要喷射,并从JJ从她嘴裡拉出来。 他把矇眼的丝巾从她的头上拿掉,并把他的JJ放在她咪咪间的深沟裡,然后把用丰满的大咪咪夹住JJ并来回的抽插着。恢復视力的玛莎喘着粗气,并且第一眼看到的,是他JJ末端的眼睛打开,将他乳白色的体液,第一下喷射到她的脸颊上。她迅速用手捉住他正在悸动的JJ末端,将其馀的喷射物指向她的咪咪和肿胀的肚子上。在他又厚又多的体液,不断的从他的JJ末端喷在她的咪咪和肚子上时,他们都想知道,他什麽后才会停止喷射?当他的喷发好不容易停下时,玛莎将手放在肿胀的肚子上来回摸着,将温热的体液满满的涂在她绷紧的肚皮上。保罗弯下腰,从她大咪咪肿胀的小红豆上吮吸自己黏稠的体液,在极其敏感的小红豆遭受刺激之下,引起另一波愉悦的涟漪直达她的肚子。然后他跪在她两条被支架绷直,向前伸出的残腿之间,从她已湿透的鲍鱼裡取出假阳具。她把鲍鱼的嘴唇掰开,并鼓励他把舌头深在她的鲍鱼内部,好舔她浓厚的蜜汁。玛莎紧紧按着他的头对着自己的鲍鱼,让他脸上都沾满自己的蜜汁,因为她在她高度敏感的鲍鱼中,正享受着他的呼吸和舌头。

“天啊!你弄的我肚子到处都是,我也把你弄的满脸呢,嘻嘻。” 当保罗从她的鲍鱼退开后坐下来,她看着他笑着说道。保罗站起来弯腰吻她,让她从自己脸上舔掉一些蜜汁。然后在他将滑熘的体液,按摩到她肿胀的咪咪中的同时,她也将他逐渐软化的JJ含入口中,丝毫不浪费的用舌头收集最后一滴体液。






这个系列终于完结了! 谢谢大家的支持 接下来还继续替各位翻译国外儿麻D文 敬请期待!! 原文在此: Paul parked his car on the road outside Martha’s house having spotted her car in the driveway. It was a  详情 回复 发表于 2019-4-2 03:41

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-2 03:41:42 | 显示全部楼层
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-4-2 03:39
保罗很快的解开了牛仔裤上的拉鍊,露出了因兴奋而肿胀并滴着前列腺液的JJ。虽然此时他的手指放在她嘴裡, ...


Paul parked his car on the road outside Martha’s house having spotted her car in the driveway. It was a Saturday afternoon six months after he had been replaced on the job of rewiring her house at the request of Stephen, Martha’s jealous partner and owner of the property. Paul had been avoiding coming round to the house to ask if he could retrieve an expensive test meter that he had mistakenly left in the loft when he had cleared his tools out. He had not wanted to return in case he met up with Stephen or embarrass Martha, as he knew that she would have had nothing to do with him being replaced on the job. He had been borrowing a meter from a colleague on the odd days that he needed one, and so the company had not known one was missing. However, he had now decided to move on, as his relationship with his boss had not really recovered from the allegations Stephen had made about him over the phone the Monday after he had come home to find that Paul had fucked his wife whilst she was tied up and blindfolded laying over the spanking bench, where he had left her to contemplate her fate whilst he played his usual Saturday afternoon round of golf. He now needed to hand in the meter with the rest of his tools or admit its loss, and thus have deducted the considerable sum from his last months pay cheque to pay for its replacement.

He closed his car door and walked up the drive. He hoped Stephen would be on the golf course as usual. He took a deep breath to compose himself and then pressed the doorbell. He heard it chime in the hallway and then after a minute or so the rattle of the bolt on the back of the door being withdrawn before the door swung open to reveal Martha sat in her wheelchair.

‘God. Look what the wind blew in,’ she quipped. ‘I never thought I would see you round here again. What do you want?’

Paul took in the stunningly beautiful woman sat in her quickie wheelchair. Her auburn hair had grown and she had decided to leave it loose to cascade over her shoulders. She wore a white blouse and navy pleated skirt that just covered her knees when sat in her wheelchair. Her lower legs were clad in tan nylon and she wore flat black shoes on her feet that were pointing slightly inward on the footrest of her wheelchair emphasising her disability.

‘Well I am pleased to see you again, even if the feeling does not seem to be mutual,’ said Paul.

Martha noticed him looking over her shoulder to see if anyone else, namely Stephen, was in the hallway.

‘He’s out on the golf course as usual on a Saturday,’ she said. ‘Now what do you want. I’m getting cold sat here in the doorway.’

Paul watched her smooth out the creases in her skirt over her obviously swollen belly as she said this, her hands then coming to rest in her lap under her bump.
‘I left a test meter up in the loft when I cleared my tools out. I have been putting off coming round to ask for it back, but I need to hand it in now as I am moving to another company. If I don’t do so they will charge me for it, and they are not cheap. May I go up into the loft and get it?’

‘I don’t see why not. You know the way. Come inside and close the door. Its freezing out there,’ said Martha, wheeling herself back away into the hall.

‘Thank you. I will not be more than a few minutes,’ said Paul.

‘I was just about to go and make a coffee. You can stay for one if you have the time,’ she said as she turned and wheeled her way down the hall towards the kitchen.

‘Yes. I would like to stay for coffee as long as Stephens not due home,’ said Paul.

‘Your ok on the front. He rang a few minutes ago to say that he is going out for a meal with colleagues after his golf. He wont be back until late this evening,’ said Martha.

Stephen went quickly upstairs past the stair lift that he had installed the wiring for, and into the spare bedroom where the access to the loft was located. He was thinking about the time interval between the last time he had his cock inside her and now, and was worried that she looked to be in about the sixth month of her pregnancy. He took heart from the fact that Stephen had also being leaving his semen inside her at that time, and so at least there was some doubt as to the identity of the baby’s father. He pulled down the loft ladder and went up into the roof space turning on the light with the switch that he had placed by the top of the ladder. He spotted the yellow rubber case of the meter immediately and so retrieved it and came back out of the loft. He looked round the spare bedroom and smiled to himself when he spotted the spanking bench in the corner of the room, although it was now covered up with a blanket. Is that where you were impregnated, Martha, he wondered? Paul’s cock began to swell in his pants, seemingly in recognition of its exploits. He then noticed a black curtain hanging over another piece of equipment in the other corner of the room. He lifted this to see that they had finally assembled the St Andrews Cross punishment frame that he had seen boxed up on his first day working in the house. All covered up and seemingly unused, he thought.

Paul decided he should not linger, and so went down to the kitchen to find Martha sat with her back to him as she made the coffee.

‘Did you find it?’ she asked, as she poured the coffee.

‘Yes thanks. It was easy as its bright yellow, and I knew where I had left it.

‘Lets go and sit in comfort in the lounge,’ said Martha. ‘Can you bring the coffees? It’s not as easy to carry things on a tray on my lap as it used to be. My bumps getting in the way,’ she said, smoothing her hands over her swollen belly again. ‘I’m afraid I am rather larger than when you were here last,’ she said.

‘You look absolutely stunning,’ said Paul. ‘I think being pregnant really suits you. In fact I think most women look stunning when they are swollen with pregnancy.’

‘Well you would say that. I bet you cannot remember how your wife used to look before you started knocking her up. How is she?’

‘She’s fine. She had a little boy back in the summer.’

‘So she’s not pregnant again yet?’ quipped Martha.

‘She had a coil fitted as soon as she had him. She has decided to get her body back in shape before she has any more kids. She did say the other night though that she would still like to have a couple more.’

Paul watched Martha transfer from her wheelchair to the sofa thinking that it seemed to be harder work that it used to be. He put the coffee mugs down on the coffee table and sat down to join her, his cock stirring again as he watched her lift her lifeless legs to get her feet off the footrests of her wheelchair and place them on the carpet. He didn’t know what fascinated him about watching her lift her crippled legs but something definitely did.」

‘So how are you finding it? Being pregnant, I mean,’ asked Paul.

‘Its been fine after the first few weeks, but now as I get bigger I am finding transfers harder. I don’t go out wearing my leg braces any more though, which makes me feel more crippled than ever. I’m ok standing wearing them. I just worry that I might fall and hurt the baby.」

‘How far gone are you?’ asked Paul rather tentatively.

’28 weeks now, give or take a few days,’ said Martha with a smile as she ran her hand over her bump again.

Paul quickly began counting off weeks and months in his head. To disguise that fact that he was dong so he said ‘and looking very proud of yourself too.’

‘Look Paul. There is something you should know. I wouldn’t have needed to say anything if I had not seen you until after the birth, but as you are here things have changed.’

You think I might be the father,’ said Paul. ‘The timing certainly puts me in the frame. But don’t forget, the only reason I had you without wearing a condom was that you were already full of Stephens’s spunk when you came home from that business trip to London wearing your braces. Remember?’

‘I know all that. Look, even though you were inside me on the same day there is a much better than 50% chance that you are the father. I feel ashamed for using you, but I really wanted a baby. I still do really want this baby.’

Paul moved along the sofa and sat close to Martha, putting his arm round her shoulder. ‘Go on. You can tell me. I’m not going to get angry with you. What do you mean when you say that you used me?’

‘As I said. I really wanted to get pregnant. I had thought my chances of having a family had gone when I was struck down with polio, then Stephen came along and I breathed a sigh of relief.  That Friday, on the train to London his only condom split so I got him to cream inside me.  I needed to know what he would think if I were to find myself pregnant by him so I brought to subject up. He then told me that he had been trying to make a baby with his wife for two years without success. In the end she had made him go for tests and they found out that he had a very low sperm count. Making me pregnant was not impossible, just very unlikely at the first attempt. It could take years. When I got home and you were still here, I knew you wanted to fuck me. I decided not to insist you wore a condom. You found me full of Stephens’s spunk and so assumed no doubt that I had taken precautions and so you didn’t need to. Of course I couldn’t stop you creaming me up the next week when I was secured over the spanking bench. And to make it even more likely you plugged my pussy afterwards, which stopped your potent goo running back out of me. So you see, I feel that I led you on a bit and am more than a little responsible for my swollen state.’

‘So I am likely to be the father, but it’s not completely impossible for it to be Stephens baby 」

inside here,’ said Paul, running his hand appreciatively over her swollen belly.’

‘That’s right. And if you had not turned up today you would not have known.’

‘How’s Stephen taking it?’

‘Well he knows the chances are that its yours, but as there is no proof he is looking forward to being a father for the first time. He will never need to know for sure, and neither will I. I hope you will not feel the need for proof either.’

Paul ran his hands over her swelling and then up to her tits, feeing them through her top and bra. ‘These puppies have grown too,’ he said as much to himself as to Martha.

‘They have. A cup size already. And they are so sensitive now that they are getting full and heavy,’ whispered Martha as Paul continued to fondle them.

Paul moved to stand behind the sofa and reach over her shoulders to lift and fondle them better. Martha mewed with pleasure at his hands feeling her swollen and sensitive tits.

‘Oh that’s nice,’ she whispered. ‘Its so good to have them caressed like that. I wish Stephen would appreciate them so. Don’t stop.」

‘Does he not caress them for you then?’ asked Paul.

‘He hasn’t really being interested in my body since I began to show,’ whispered Martha. ‘Oh that feels so good.’

Paul reached over and began to unfasten the buttons on her blouse all the way down to the high waistband of her skirt. He then slipped his hands inside and began to caress them though the lace trimmed cups of her maternity bra.
‘They have grown, but I think they will grow even more over the next few months, he whispered as he circled her throbbing nipples though the cups of the bra.

He moved back round to sit beside her.

Martha took his hand and smoother it over her bump, encouraging him to feel her swollen belly.

‘So Stephens neglecting his duties in the sex department, is he?’ said Paul.

‘You could say that. He seemed to stop wanting me as soon as my waistline began to disappear,’ said Martha with a sigh.

‘I noticed all your sex toys in the spare room are covered up. Not being used for a while I guessed.’

‘I get so frustrated, as I feel so horny all the time, but he does not want to know. I wonder if its because he thinks his sperms not reasonable for my swelling. I hope he is not getting it elsewhere, that’s all.’

‘He will come back to you after the babies born, I’m sure,’ said Paul in an attempt at reassurance.

‘That seems along way off at the moment,’ sighed Martha. ‘This morning he said I had woken him up in the night by talking in my sleep. He said I had been saying, “fuck me sir. Spank me for my sins if you must, but please put your warm cock inside my pussy. I’m pregnant already so you cannot do me any harm. I won’t tell Sir. Please fuck me with that strong cock of yours.” I remembered the dream when he said this and so I told him all about it, that I had dreamt that I was still at school in the sixth form, and had returned at the start of a new year showing obvious signs of being knocked up. The headmaster had demanded I see him in his study to be punished for my sins. I hoped describing my dream in such detail would get his interest, but he just said it was all down to my hormones as I was pregnant, and got up for a shower leaving me laying there with my fingers stirring round in my slit again. I thought I would dress up as a sexy sixth former this afternoon and hopefully get him to act out my fantasy with me when he came home from golf, but now he has decided to stay out for the evening. You see why I am getting frustrated.

Paul didn’t have any need to rush away, and the throbbing feeling in his pants told him he wanted to be inside her again. He also wanted to uncover those gorgeously full tities and get his lips round her swollen nipples. He decided to come to her aid in her hour of need.

‘The Headmaster wants to see you in his study at five o’clock, I hear. That only gives you half an hour to go and prepare yourself. It would not do to be late, as he is in the mood to punish you severely to set an example to the rest of the girls in the sixth form.’

Martha looked up at Paul, attempting but failing to hide a smile. ‘I had better go and finish off getting ready then, as it would be unwise of me to keep him waiting. I take it that his study is the door next to the kitchen.

‘I believe so,’ said Paul attempting to sound gravely serious.

‘There’s more coffee in the pot in the kitchen if you want any, ‘ said Martha as she transferred back into her wheelchair and then wheeled down the hallway to the stair lift.

Paul gave her time to get up the stairs and then waited in the hallway until he heard her close her bedroom door. He then went quickly to the spare room and hunted out the things he would need to carry out her punishment fantasy.

He went back downstairs with a smacking paddle, cane, small whip, wide black silk ties and an impressively sized real feel pink rubber dildo. He placed these in the drawer of her desk. He then went and poured himself a coffee and sat in her swivel office chair with the door shut to await the appointed hour of five o’clock.

At five o’clock on the dot he heard a knock on the study door.

‘Who is it,’ shouted Paul from inside the study.

‘Martha Jones. You asked to see me Sir.’

‘Wait outside until I call you. I am busy at the moment,’ shouted Paul

He checked his watch and decided to make her await her fate for a full five minutes before calling her into his study. He knew she would be excited and find the wait excruciating. He also found the waiting very arousing, having to move his swelling cock to a more upright position in his boxer shorts.

When the five minutes had passed he removed his black leather jacket and hung it on the back of the door, remembering to take a packet of condoms out of his pocket and place them on the desk along with the pink latex dildo to be in plain view for Martha when she entered the small study.

‘Come,’ he shouted, knowing that she would be right outside the door.

The door handle turned and then the door swung open revealing Martha standing wearing her leg braces and crutches. Paul’s cock spasmed in his pants at this as he had fully expected her to be in her wheelchair as she had said she didn’t often wear her braces anymore. He stayed seated at the desk as he watched her drag her body into the room with her crutches, her braced legs following stiffly as she pulled her body through to stand upright. She looked beautifully swollen and had made a real effort with her schoolgirl appearance. Her hair fell over her shoulders plaited into two pigtails. She wore a school tie with the end tucked into her white blouse between her swollen mounds. Her navy blue skirt was pulled up high to get the waistband up over her bump, emphasising her swollen belly. She had kept the tan nylons on her legs and flat shoes on her feet. She crutched into the centre of the study, obviously finding it hard work to drag her swollen body about on her leg braces.

‘You wanted to see me Sir,’ she said breathlessly.

‘Yes I did. And I think you know what my reason is,’「quipped Paul.

‘No Sir. I don’t think I do. I haven’t being misbehaving in class and all my course work is up to date, said Martha, rather cheekily considering she was speaking to the head of her school.

‘It has been brought to my attention, not that I needed it pointing out, that you have returned from the summer vacation with a rather obvious swelling under your skirt.’

Martha looked down at the carpet and said nothing.

‘Lift your skirt and let me see it,’ demanded Paul.

‘But Sir. You’re a man. That wouldn’t be proper without matron here too,’ whispered Martha.

‘Do it,’ said Paul. ‘If you refuse your punishment will be all the greater.’

Martha shuffled her feet further apart to get a more balanced stance then passed her right crutch to her left hand. She then reached down for the hem of her pleated skirt, which was now above her knees due to wearing her waistband so high. She lifted the hem right up to her chest revealing all her belly in its gloriously swollen state. Paul stood up and ran the tip of a plastic ruler gently over her belly from her red French knickers pushed down under her bump up to her chest. He was pleased to find that her maternity pantyhose were crotch less, the waistband being up above her bump.

‘That is some swelling my dear. How far gone are you?’ he asked.

‘In my sixth month Sir, ‘ said Martha.

‘I see you are not wearing your rubber pants any more,’ said Paul.

‘No Sir. My doctor said they would be too tight for the baby,’ said Martha.

‘But surely, you still need them,’ said Paul.

‘I just have to go more often so that I don’t get caught short,’ whispered Martha.

‘Your belly button is beginning to get pushed out,’ he said, pressing it with the end of the ruler. ‘You have the dark line coming too.’

‘Mum says that means it will be a girl,’ quipped Martha.

‘You may lower your skirt to cover up your shame,’ said Paul. ‘If you are six months now, you were well on the way at the end of last term. Why didn’t you tell matron you were pregnant?」

‘I hadn’t decided whether I wanted to keep it, then,’ said Martha. I knew if I told her there would be pressure for me to get rid of it whilst there was still time, so I kept it hidden.’

‘You silly girl. I am finding this rather hard to take. I cannot believe that of all the pretty girls in the sixth form it’s the one that needs all this steelwork just to be able to stand up that ends up getting knocked up. I have been told that you are very popular with the opposite sex. Is it because you cannot run away from the boys in the Grammar school across the road? I know you are pretty but maybe they find your braced legs somehow attractive.’

‘I don’t know Sir. They just seem to like me,’ whispered Martha.

‘Was it one of the boys from there that put your belly up?’ asked Paul.

‘I cannot say Sir,’ whispered Martha shuffling her weight from side to side as she was getting uncomfortable standing on her braced legs.

‘Cannot say, or don’t know which one? How many cocks did you have inside you that month?’

‘That’s not fair Sir. I am not a tart,’ quipped Martha.」

Paul reached out and picked up the dildo off the desk. ‘Have you seen this before?’ he asked.

‘Yes Sir. It’s a rubber penis like the one matron makes us fit a condom on in sex education classes Sir.’

‘Give me your sticks,’ demanded Paul.

Martha reluctantly handed them to him. Paul leaned them up against the end of the desk leaving her balancing on her braced legs, which was not easy with her extra weight out front. He took a condom out of the packet on the desk and handed it to her along with the dildo. ‘Show me how you fit a condom on an erect penis,’ he said, feeling his own swollen cock twitch in his pants at the thought of watching a pregnant sixth former roll a sheath over a cock.」

Martha put the dildo under her arm whilst she tore open the foil packet, and then placed the teated end on the tip and slowly rolled the sheath down over the dildo.

‘So if you know how to do it, why didn’t you use one on the day he got your belly up? You know Matron will give you them if you ask.’

‘I did use one but it slipped off when he pulled out of me. He softened very quickly Sir. I had to put my fingers inside and pull it out of me,’ said Martha.

‘You should have told Matron, so that she could give you a morning after pill,’ said Paul.

‘I know Sir. But I was embarrassed to go and see her, and the end of the condom was still full of his stuff Sir, so I didn’t think I really needed to.’

‘You silly girl,’ said Paul. ‘Now I know you are so far gone that things will progress to their natural conclusion and that there is nothing anyone can do about it now, but that does not mean you will go unpunished for your transgression of school rules, my dear.」

‘Oh Sir. Please don’t beat me. You wouldn’t beat a pregnant woman, would you Sir?’

‘Oh yes. I fully intend to make your bottom so sore that it will be obvious to the other girls when you try to sit down at dinner tonight that you have been severely punished for your stupidity. Now bend over and put your hands on the desk. We shall have to attend to this with you standing as your swelling will prevent me putting you across my knees in the normal way.’

Martha shuffled forward a step until she was within reach of the desk. ‘Help me bend over Sir, I don’t want to fall and hurt the baby,’ said Martha.

Paul moved to stand behind her and put his hands on her hips to support her as she bent forward and put her hands on the desk.

‘Now bend further and put your forearms on the desk,’ he said as he rubbed his swollen length up against the crease between her buttocks.

Martha smiled as she bent further, feeling his erection against her flesh through the material of her skirt and panties. God, I need your cock, she thought.

Paul moved away and lifted her skirt up over her back, exposing her buttocks. He grabbed the waistband of her French knickers and pulled them down to the top of her thighs, as far as the thigh cuffs on her leg braces would allow.

‘We will start off with a bakers dozen with my hand on each cheek just to warm you up a little so that the cane does not leave such deep marks,’ said Paul.

Martha just sighed, resigned to her fate as he moved s to stand beside her. Paul brought his hand down very firmly on her right buttock, landing with a loud slap, causing Martha to shout out in surprise.

‘You will bear this in silence you knocked up little whore,’ said Paul. He then brought down slaps repeatedly on alternate buttocks until his hand began to sting. Her buttocks quickly coloured up to rosy red. When he had finished his prescribed dose of blows he pit his hand between her legs and cupped her swollen sex, feeling her cunt lips all engorged and heavy, hanging open in invitation.

‘I bet this slit of yours is growing too, getting ready for the day when it will need enough flesh to stretch and bear the child,’ he said as he stirred his index finger round in her open hole.

Martha gasped. He didn’t know whether that was in pleasure or pain but his throbbing cock told him that he couldn’t carry on this punishment pretence forever as he didn’t want to spurt in his pants.」

‘I think we will use the cane next,’ he said. ‘I think six on each cheek should be sufficient punishment for your misdemeanours.’

He picked up the cane and showed it to her, letting her mind attune to the pain it could inflict. He then picked up a strip of black silk and tied it as a blindfold over her eyes. Martha protested at this.

‘As you dare to question me you will now have double the punishment, ‘ he said.

If Martha’s knees could buckle at that comment they would have done. She knew that she would be unable to sit down for days after such a beating.

Paul had no intention of damaging her with the cane, and now that she couldn’t see what he was doing he switched to using the leather-smacking paddle instead. ‘You may count the blows out loud but I do not want to hear any other snivelling or crying. Is that clear?’ hr said, as the first stinging blow landed on her right cheek.

Martha fought back the urge to cry out, then swallowed and just said, ‘One Sir.’

‘Very good. But drop the Sir, as it will get tiresome. Just the number will do.’

He swung the paddle again, this time at her left buttock.

‘Two,’ was all she blurted out although the stinging pain on her already warmed up flesh was hard to bear.

After six blows he cupped her sex again with his hand and felt her drip onto his fingers. He slipped two fingers into her from the rear and stirred then round just inside her. ‘Oh fuck me Sir,’ she moaned.

Paul picked up the dildo off the desk and rubbed the glans up and down her slit to lubricate it. He then gently pushed it against her love lips. Martha gasped as they parted and the head slipped inside. Paul then worked the rest of the dildo up into her with slow but firm thrusts until she had taken it in to its artificial balls. He now began alternating his strokes with the smacking paddle with thrusts into her with the sheathed latex phallus.

Martha began to gasp at each thrust up inside her welcoming love tube with the dildo and forgot to cry out with pain at each stroke of the paddle. Paul began to thrust it in and out faster as he heard her breathing quicken as she worked up towards her climax. Just as he thought the next thrust might push her over the edge he withdrew the cock, shinning wetly with it’s coating of pussy honey and offered the knob up to her smaller opening.

‘God. Not in there Sir. It’s too big. Fuck my pussy some more, please Sir. Make me come on it’

Paul took no notice of her protest and pushed firmly on the base of the dildo to force the glans up into her arse. He smiled as he watched her ring relax and let the knob in, then close tightly round the shaft just below the helmet, proving that she had taken cock in her arse before. He then beat her several more times with the smacking paddle causing her to cry out in frustration and pain before forcing the dildo all the way up her arse in short, sharp stabbing thrusts. Martha cried out in genuine pain, her eyes filling up with tears behind the blindfold as he hurt her with the thick rubber cock. Paul slipped two fingers up inside her creamy pussy and massaged the head of the dildo through the thin membrane separating her cunt from her arse. She mewed in pleasure at this and began to relax. Paul began easing the cock in and out of her, feeling the knob pass his fingers each time. He loved the way her arse hole opened to give up the cock as he withdrew it and then seemed to push in as he forced it back up inside her. Hew cunt juices wee welling up causing her to squelch each time he thrust his fingers back up inside her. He stirred them round inside to coat them with her cream and then pulled out and offered them to her lips. Martha sucked greedily, cleaning her love oils off his fingers as he thrust more firmly up inside her.

Paul quickly unfastened the zipper on his jeans and brought out his swollen and drooling cock. Whilst he had his fingers in her mouth to stop her protesting he lined his knob up with her open pussy lips and thrust firmly up inside. Martha bit down gently on his fingers as his knob forced her open and slipped up inside her already full belly. He withdrew his fingers from her mouth and smoothed both his hands over her bump as he began to thrust his solid length in and out of her creamy hole.

‘Oh Jesus. That’s so good Sir. I’m so tight with the baby and the cock in my arse. Fuck me senseless Sir.’

‘Shut up, you knocked up little slut,’ quipped Paul as he brought his hand down hard on her right buttock. 」

「This is meant to be punishment, not pleasure my girl,’ he said.

‘Oh God. Punish me with your magnificent cock Sir. Make my poor cunny all red and sore with your fucking. Oh Jesus, fuck me harder Sir.’

Paul got carried away and began to thrust into her deeply, pulling out almost all the way, pumping her love cream out to run down her inner thighs and soak the leather thigh cuffs on her braces, then thumping his knob back up inside her as far as he could go, feeling his swollen glans slip past the knob of the deeply imbedded dildo with each thrust.

‘Oh my God,’ she cried. ‘Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,’ in time with his thrusts.

Paul ran his fingers along the underside of his shaft, coating them with her love cream, then thrust them into her mouth to stop her chanting as he tried to fuck her senseless. He felt her cunny muscles beginning to contract on his shaft and knew she was near to her climax. He knew he was getting close himself and didn’t want to spurt just yet. He pulled back sharply out of her and also ripped the dildo out of her arse.

Martha cried out in pain and surprise. Paul grabbed the office chair and put it right behind her and then pulled her upright before guiding her red and throbbing bottom down on to the cool black PVC of the seat. He stood between her thighs, held stiffly by her leg braces and forced his creamy cock into her mouth to stop her protesting any more. He then rolled the soiled condom off the dildo and handed it to her. Martha’s cunt needed filling and so she thrust the latex cock deeply inside herself with one savage thrust. Paul ripped open her blouse, the buttons flying off and the cotton tearing, as he needed to get at her swollen tits. He found the clips holding the cups of her maternity bra and unfastened them allowing her swollen tit flesh to spill out into his hands. Her nipples were pumped up, sticking out proudly from her darkened areole. He squeezed her tits to see if he could encourage them to give up some early milk as she thrust the dildo repeatedly in and out of her squelching cunt. He felt her body spasm as she tightened down on the shaft in her orgasm, her throat trying to swallow his cock. Paul was ready to spurt and so pulled back out of her mouth. He pulled the silk scarf blindfold off her head and put his cock in her cleavage and moulded her pumped up tit flesh round it. Martha gasped as she saw the eye in the end of his knob open and the first spurt of his semen shoot out to land on her cheek. She quickly put her hand over the end of his spasming knob to direct the rest of his spurts onto her tits and swollen belly. They both wondered if he would ever stop spurting as glob after glob of his thick semen spurted out of the end of his knob to coat her tits and belly. When he finally stopped spasming Martha ran her hands over her swollen jugs and belly smoothing his warm sperm into her taut skin. Paul bent over and sucked his own goo off her swollen nipples causing another ripple of pleasure to run through her belly. He then knelt between her outstretched thighs and withdrew the dildo from her sated pussy. She held her sex lips open and encouraged him to put his tongue inside her to lap up her thick sex cream. Martha held his head against her pussy for some time, smearing his face with his cream as she enjoyed his breath and tongue on her highly sensitive sex.

‘God. You’re all over my belly, and I’m all over your face,’ she said, as Paul pulled back away from her pussy to sit on his heels. Paul stood up and bent over to kiss her, allowing her to lick some of her cream off his face. She then took his softening cock into her mouth and collected the last droplets of his sperm on her tongue whist he massaged his slippery goo into her swollen breasts.」

‘Thank you, Sir,’ whispered Martha. ‘Thank you for this,’ she said, caressing her swollen belly with both hands.

‘You had better not tell the rest of the school who the father is,’ said Paul. ‘I will go now and leave you to make yourself presentable before you leave my office.’

Paul moved her crutches so that they were leaning against the desk within reach then picked up his jacket and left the study, closing the door behind him. Once in the hallway he tucked his flaccid cock away in his boxer shorts and zipped up his jeans. He then left the house, fully intending to let her have her life with Stephen, vowing never to see her again.

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