楼主: t3m19870312

[已经完结] 原创翻译+魔改-儿麻痴女OL玛莎-施虐篇 3/27 35楼完結









 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-26 10:14:40 | 显示全部楼层
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-3-26 10:13
史蒂芬带着比尔进了饭厅,并体贴的帮行动不便的玛莎将开胃菜端上桌。他们很快就在餐桌前坐下来,享受着正 ...


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发表于 2019-3-26 10:18:13 | 显示全部楼层


是指残疾的类型,还是人物性格的方面?  详情 回复 发表于 2019-3-26 17:26

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-26 17:26:41 | 显示全部楼层
normalren 发表于 2019-3-26 10:18


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发表于 2019-3-26 17:30:18 | 显示全部楼层
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-3-26 17:26


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-27 03:32:54 | 显示全部楼层


   史蒂芬迅速脱掉了自己的衣服,当将他的四角内裤脱下时,他充血的JJ直挺挺的竖起,因为他现在满脑子想的,都是他已经取得了她贞操带的控制权,以及他将要用许多的花招,好好的来玩弄玩弄她,让她一整天对闺房之事的等待,能得到舒畅的解放。一想到着他就满怀着兴奋与期待。然后他扶着行动不便的她在床上坐起来,伸手绕到她背后解开衣服的拉鍊。玛莎用手撑着床面,吃力的将自己的小屁股从一边翻到另一边,好让他将裙子从臀部下方拉上来,然后举起双臂,让他从头上脱下衣服。然后她娇弱无力的,将头靠在他的胸前,让他用手指穿过自己的秀髮,并隔着过粉红色的马甲胸罩,揉着自己那对丰满的大咪咪,并用气若游丝的呻吟声来回应他。然后,他把手放在位于马甲侧面的接缝处,并伸到她的吊袜带上,这些吊带被夹在黑色长腿丝袜的蕾丝边上面。他弯下腰深深地吻了她一下,接着捉起她包覆在闪亮黑丝裡,毫无力气抵抗的瘫软右脚凑到了嘴边(由于小儿麻痺症的缘故,玛莎这两条瘫腿上肌力全无,每一处关节部位也都相当鬆弛,柔软到似乎没有骨头,就像煮熟的麵条似的,可以任意的被摆到各式各样意想不到的位置。像现在她这条细瘦不成样子的右腿,就像施展软骨功般,呈现大腿紧紧贴着腹部的奇怪姿势。)并讶异玛莎清楚知道自己喜欢舔她一双儿麻小脚的喜好,便刻意在她的丝袜上都喷上了香水,让一股绝妙的香味此时从这双儿麻小脚上扑鼻而来 “妳可真是越来越骚了!妳这个淫荡的儿麻妹子!看我还不把妳上个绝顶升天!”史蒂芬一面想着,一面用舌头来回舔着她极其敏感的脚尖、脚背和脚心,甚至还将软呼呼的脚趾一个个含进嘴裡吸吮着,弄的娇喘中的玛莎不时穿插着“咯咯”的笑声,并吃力的伸手朝他的JJ搆去,并用手指上下来回抚摸他竖起的JJ,以示回应。







来自玛莎鲍鱼的脉冲振动隔着薄壁,很快让他的体液向上涌着。他希望她和自己同一时间高潮,所以在震动蛋振动时,将振动模式从跳动切换到完全振动,导致她疯狂地在床上蠕动, 并剧烈的“唔!!!!唔!!!!”呻吟着。史蒂芬把手指放在她鲍鱼的缝隙上,发现她荳荳那边都竖立起来,表示准备就绪要迎接高潮了。他在她的鲍鱼裡将手指弄湿,然后开始按摩她的荳荳那边,以加快她到达高潮的速度,因为他知道自己已经很接近了。当她来自高潮的炙热感,开始在她饱受折磨疲惫不堪的身体中燃烧时,她的身体开始痉挛起来,并像条离水的鱼般,在床上剧烈的弹跳拍打着。史蒂芬注意到她本扁平鬆弛的小屁股突然紧收握住,她重残细瘦的大腿也随着她高潮引发的痉挛颤抖个不停。他最后一次把他的JJ重重撞击到她身上,然后在她的小屁股深处,狠狠地击打将他负荷的体液全部喷发而出,她剧烈痉挛肌肉则紧紧掐住JJ的根部,因此延长了他的快感。

“噢!天啊!妳的屁股真是如此的火热和紧绷!真是太爽了!”当他感觉到最后一下喷射在她体内时,他叫了出来。他关掉了震动蛋,拉了拉它的线,促进她的阴茎释放她的手,让它从她身上熘走,躺在 她大腿之间 的枕头上。史蒂芬慢慢地收回了他软下来的JJ然后向后移动,看着她被插的肿胀发红的菊花穴,与自己射出的体液一起闪闪发光着。他向前倾身,在穿着长腿丝袜的残腿背后抹了抹他湿黏的JJ,然后伸手向前解开她口塞球的扣带。玛莎在他鬆绑手腕时“呕呸!咳咳!咳咳咳!!”的吐出了口塞球,并被自己的口水给呛的咳个不停。然后他站在床边,看着她上气不接下气的喘着,试图让她的呼吸调息回来。此刻经历绝顶高潮后而浑身瘫软的她,只能像瘫烂泥似的压在枕头上趴躺着,一点起身的力气也没有。满脸交织着泪水、鼻涕和口水,眼神也变得涣散,可说是前所未有的狼狈样。




再次完结撒花! 下篇大结局 敬请期待!  详情 回复 发表于 2019-3-27 03:33

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-27 03:33:34 | 显示全部楼层
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-3-27 03:32
史蒂芬跟着她走到楼梯底,然后把下肢重残的她抱了起来。他一路上小心翼翼的,确保自己没被即将安装的楼梯 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-27 03:34:09 | 显示全部楼层

Paul drew up outside Martha’s house and noted her car in the drive. He was pleased about this, as he hadn’t seen her all week, as she seemed to be going to work earlier and getting home long after he left. Admittedly, his wife was insisting he got home on time following his late night the previous Friday when he had clean forgotten that they were having friends round to dinner. The thought of seeing Martha in her braces had chased all other thoughts from his mind. He parked his car on the road and walked up the drive. He rang the doorbell and waited, as it was Saturday afternoon and she would not be expecting him. There was no answer so he rang it again and waited. After a few minutes he put his ear to the letterbox to see if he could hear her moving about but all seemed quiet in the house. Well just because her car is in the drive doesn’t mean necessarily that she’s home, he thought. She could have gone out with Stephen in his car. Paul had come round to pick up a few tools that he had left in the house ready for work on Monday, as his wife had asked him to install some new worktop lights in the kitchen over the weekend.

Paul took his key out of his pocket and let himself in, shouting that it was only him coming to pick up some tools in case she was in the house but unable to come to the door. He went into the lounge first to see if she had gotten Stephen to tie her up and leave her on the sofa as she had asked Paul to do the previous week. She certainly got off on being secured and left to her own thoughts for a few hours. He smiled as he recalled the last time he had left her bound and gagged on the sofa for the afternoon. She was not in the lounge but he did spot her mobile phone on the coffee table so guessed she was not far away. He called out again but got no reply, so he decided to nip up to the spare bedroom and get his tools, then leave, as he felt uncomfortable being in her house when she would not expect him to be there.

Paul noted her wheelchair at the foot of the stairs and so called out again before going up, but still there was no answer. Her second wheelchair was not at the top of the stairs so he thought she must be up there somewhere, possibly ill in bed, so he went straight to the spare room, deciding to get out of the house as quickly as possible so as not to disturb her. He opened the door into the spare room and noted that the curtains were drawn, and that they were heavy curtains as no light entered the room through the windows. He found the light switch just by the doorframe and switched it on.

Paul gasped in amazement as his eyes fell on Martha. She was secured in a kneeling position over a spanking bench. He spoke to her but got mo response. Standing before her he noticed that she had a heavy blindfold over her eyes and headphones over her ears. He could hear the opera music playing in them from where he stood, so he knew she definitely could not hear anything. She had a black cloak thrown over her hiding her body from his gaze from her neck down to her black nylon clad lower legs and court shoes with a three-inch stiletto heel on her feet. Paul lifted the cape off her to find that she was naked apart from the black suspender belt holding up her stockings. She was secured kneeling over the spanking bench with a broad leather strap across the small of her back and another one just below her shoulders. Leather straps also secured her calves to the padded kneeling supports, her legs held well parted. Her forearms were secured in a similar way to padded armrests, so he was effectively held down, bent over, ready for a spanking. He knelt beside her and spotted that the upper chest part of the bench had a hole cut out of it allowing her tits to hang freely down below the bench.

Martha knew someone was there looking at her, as she had felt the cape being taken away from her body. She naturally assumed it to be Stephen, who had secured her to their new toy a couple of hours before then left her to contemplate her fate on his return from his usual Saturday afternoon round of golf.

Paul looked at the selection of punishment tools and sex toys set out on the low table next to her and selected a leather-smacking paddle. He stood behind her and brought it down sharply without warning on her right buttock.

‘Ouch,’ she shouted above the music in her headphones. ‘I thought you weren’t coming back. You seem to have been gone so long.’

Paul knew she would not be able to hear anything he said so he just got on with warming her arse cheeks with the paddle, stinging first one buttock, then the other alternately.

‘Ow. Fuck, that stings,’ she shouted. ‘Smack me harder. Make me beg you to stop.’

Paul was pleased that the house was detached, otherwise the neighbours might have called the police, such was the noise she was making. He moved round to kneel in front of her then brought the smacking paddle into play smacking her dangling tits hitting them on the outside, being careful to avoid her nipples. Again he alternated left and right bringing them both up to a rosy red glow.  Martha moaned constantly as he did this, not used to having her breasts treated this way. When he stopped he bent over and took her erect nipples in turn into his mouth and sucked on them hard. She cried out ‘Oh my God,’ when he did this. Paul then moved back round behind her and ran his tongue over her sex lips, hanging open in invitation. He used his thumbs to part them further and lapped at the cream oozing from her open love hole. He was pleased that he could only taste her tangy juices, proving that Stephen had not creamed her before he left. He had found it almost impossible to come when fucking her whilst she was full of Stephen’s spunk the week before. He lapped gently at her slit, then teased her pee hole with the end of his tongue, causing a short stream of golden piss to run from her sex and drip noisily into the old fashioned chamber pot that had been placed on the floor between her legs for such an eventuality.

He stood up then and moved away from her. Martha pleaded with him to come back and fuck her, as she was so ready for his cock. Paul ignored her and went downstairs to the kitchen. He took a glass off the shelf and filled it with ice cubes from the bag of drinks ice in the freezer. He also collected her mobile phone from the lounge on his way back upstairs. He then knelt before her and began to run an ice cube all over her right nipple. Martha groaned at this treatment. When he had made it cold and numb he took it in his mouth and sucked on it hard again, bringing it back to life, and then nipped it with his teeth before letting it slip from his mouth. She felt the pain as it warmed up, and then the blissful numbness as he reapplied the ice cube. He held the ice there this time until her nipple was a dead lump of flesh on the end of her tit. He did the same with her left one, leaving it cold and lifeless. He then took a heavy nipple chain with crocodile clips on the end from the table and attached a clip to each nipple, noting how the clips bit into her dead teats. She only moaned at this as she felt the weight of the chain tug on her nipples. They were so numb that she did not register any pain. Paul smiled at this and thought, soon my love; you will feel the pain very soon. Paul then began smacking the side of each breast in turn again, making the chain ripple along its length with each blow. Martha began moaning at each smack to begin with, her cries getting louder and more anguished as her nipples warmed up and the pain inflicted by the heavy chain and clips biting into her turgid teats made itself felt.

Paul then moved back round behind her and began rubbing another ice cube up and down over her cunt lips making them cold and numb too. He then took a second chain and opened the cruel looking crocodile lips. He then quickly attached a clip to each hanging cunt lip at the same time.

‘Jesus, that hurts,’ she cried.

He then let the chain fall from his grasp allowing its full weight to pull down sharply on her engorged cunt lips.

‘Oh my God. No more Stephen, please,’ she cried.

Paul then turned his attention to her anus, circling that with another ice cube causing it to open in invitation. The melting cube slipped inside her almost accidentally as he didn’t push it. This gave him the idea of packing her arse with a few more of the slowly melting cubes. He stopped once he had slipped four more inside, not wanting to give her an enema. He then began to warm her buttocks again with the smacking paddle, the force of his blows causing the heavy chain to begin to swing slowly between her legs. Martha began to wail constantly about the pain the clips were inflicting on her cunt lips as the chain pulled on them. He put his finger between her tortured lips and encouraged her welled up sex juice to flow, reminding her that there was pleasure to be had too.

‘Oh my God. I am so sore but so ready for your cock, Stephen. Fuck me with it now, please,’ she shouted above the noise in her headphones.

Paul’s cock was throbbing madly in response to the sight of her tortured body. He decided to shut her up and let her know that it might not be Stephen inflicting such pain. Paul knew this would cause her to panic as she obviously trusted Stephen, but wouldn’t know if she could trust the man doing this to her. He took off his clothes and then went to kneel before her offering his erect cock to her mouth. Martha ran her tongue round his helmet and then opened her mouth to take him inside. Paul felt a bead of pre come leak out onto his knob as she held him in her warm and welcoming mouth. He gasped as she circled his glans with her tongue spreading his leakage all over his knob. Then she stopped suddenly and tried to pull away from his cock. He grabbed her head and forced her to take him in again. He knew that it had registered that this was not Stephens cock. She must have tasted the tangy sex juices of Michelle, Paul’s wife who’s pussy he had been inside that morning before driving over to visit Martha. He had not being able to resist slipping into her from behind as she bent over to empty the washing machine wearing only her towelling bathrobe, now a little too short due to the eight month swelling in her belly. For once she had welcomed his attention and had spurred him on so that they had a great fuck. She had even let him come inside allowing him a great view of her hairy cunt, swollen with her pregnancy, oozing with his sperm, when he softened and slipped out of her. Martha was still trying to pull away from his cock in some distress, so he slipped it back out of her mouth.

Your not Stephen,’ she shouted. ‘Who are you then?’ Paul, I hope its you. Please take these headphones off and tell me its you. Oh Jesus, I really hope its you.’

Paul moved back round behind her and picked up the riding crop. He began stinging blows on her buttocks and inner thighs above her stocking tops, making sure he didn’t catch the chain dangling from her lips with it.

‘Oh my God, that stings,’ she moaned loudly. Followed by other incoherent moaning and groaning as he peppered her arse and lower back with sharp, stinging blows with the crop. He was firm enough to cause stinging pain, but not sadistic enough to leave any lasting marks or welts. He watched her cunt lips thicken as the filled with blood and part in invitation, her sex cream oozing out to wet her stocking tops. He knew that he must fuck her soon before he lost control and shot his load up her back. She looked so inviting kneeling there helplessly.

‘Fuck me,’ she cried. ‘Please get it over with. Just fuck me. I need your cock right now. My cunts so ready for your cock. Please fuck me.’

Paul could not resist the invitation. He knelt behind her and began to rub his drooling knob up and down her furrow between her widely parted sex lips, which were still being pulled down rather cruelly by the weight of the chain. He had an idea. Paul reached over to the coffee table and picked up a sachet of strawberry flavoured lube. He tore it open and squirted the contents all over her arse crack. He then began to massage the lubricant up into her arse with his thumb, her rear hole opening easily to allow him inside. Martha prepared herself mentally for the pain she would feel when he forced her open with his knob on entry. She was very surprised to feel the cold steel of the heavy chain links as he fed them up into her back passage. Paul fed all the chain into her leaving the clips biting hard on her cunny lips. He then centred his by now well-lubricated knob against her love hole and thrust up inside, going in all the way in one solid push. Martha cried out as she felt him open her all the way in one thrust, his tight ball sac smacking into the clips on her love lips.

‘Oh that’s so good,’ she moaned. ‘I love being full of your cock. Now fuck me.’

Paul had other ideas. He stayed still inside, her cunt completely spitted on his solid shaft. He took up the short leather pussy whip and began to sting the outside of her breasts with it, six strokes on one swollen tit, then swapping hands and repeating on the other one. Martha was beside herself with sensation. She didn’t know if it was pleasure or pain. Her whole body had been shrunk down to her cunt and her tits. She was just so full of feeling in her sex parts that the rest of her body seemed to cease to exist. He stopped the whipping and began to pull the chain out of her arse very slowly, link by link. Martha sobbed and cried, she didn’t know what she wanted anymore. It felt to her like the chain was massive, each link opening her as it came out of her. As she sobbed Paul felt a warm wetness in his groin. She had totally lost control and was emptying her bladder over his belly and thighs. Paul pushed the chain back up inside her and then began to slip his cock in and out of her hot and sloppy cunt. He started pushing and pulling the chain in time with his easy action, feeling the heavy links graze his knob through the thin wall between her love tube and back passage.

‘Oh my God,’ was all she could shout, gasping between sobs of sheer sensation.

Paul was enjoying slipping in and out of her wet hole but would never be able to come without extra friction, as she was so slack and soft. He loved the feel of her heat when his knob was in all the way, but needed more sensation to bring on his spending. He reached over to the table for a thin pink vibrator and turned it on to check the buzz. It was powerful and just what he needed. Paul pulled the chain out of her arse in one quick movement and replaced it with the vibrator. He gasped himself as he felt the buzzing tip make contact with his knob through her pussy wall. He left the vibrator in deep and picked up his pace, getting a throbbing sensation every time he went in all the way. They both knew he couldn’t last long under that kind of stimulation.

‘Oh Jesus. Yes, yes, yes,’ she moaned. Fuck me Paul. Fill me with your hot spunk. Cream me up you dirty fucker. Just fuck me hard.’

Paul lifted the slippery chain off her buttocks and began to tug on it in time with his thrusts, pulling hard against her swollen love lips as he battered her cunt with his cock.

‘Oh Jesus. Your going to make me come,’ she gasped. ‘Fuck me. Cream me. Hurt me. Oh just do it. Do anything. Oh my God.

Paul felt her cunt contract sharply to grip his shaft as she convulsed in orgasm He reached round and quickly opened the clamps on her nipples causing a searing pain to envelope both of her swollen teats as she came. He thrust repeatedly through the well lubricated friction of her now tightly clutching cunt tube until he felt his own orgasm burn its way along his shaft to spurt thick dollops of his hot sperm right at the top of her love tube. As the first spurt hit her deep inside he unfastened the clips on her cunt lips causing her to cry out in pain through the sobbing of her orgasm. He stayed deep inside pumping wave after wave of hot seed into her, the vibrator in her arse lying against his knob encouraging him to spurt until his balls were drained. Paul’s sobs of triumph were almost as loud as her own as he felt as if all the energy in his body were being forced out through the slit in the end of his knob almost into the heart of his totally restrained lover. She was so well secured that it didn’t matter that she was crippled, effectively paralysed from the waist down as the bench held her kneeling so well and her cunt spasmed when she came like any normal woman. She gasped one last time then he felt her relax totally, her cunt loosening its grip on his slowly softening shaft. Her head dropped and she went totally limp as more piss poured from her body to wet his legs and the floor. Only her deep, heavy breathing and gentle sobbing told him she was still alive.

Paul allowed his softened cock to slip out of her sated hole as he withdrew the buzzing vibrator from her arse. He put his hand down to cup her completely violated sex and was rewarded with a drool of his hot semen onto the palm of his hand. He reached round and rubbed his hand over her mouth and chin, coating them with his thick, musty cream. Martha didn’t even have the energy to lick his palm clean, being content to let him smear it all over her mouth and nose. I will savour it later, she thought as she sagged on the bench in her totally fucked state.

Paul was totally spent but he wasn’t finished with her yet. He looked for something to stopper her cunt, to prevent all his cream just oozing from her slack hole. He wanted Stephen to taste his spunk, as he had done with Stephens the week before. He picked up the vibrating love egg off the table and slipped it easily right up inside her creamy love tube.

‘Oh no,’ she gasped sleepily. ‘No more. Leave me alone. I’m fucked.’

Paul took no notice. Next he picked up the cylindrical remote control for the love egg and rolled a condom over it, tying the end off round the wire leading to the love egg. He then drooled some saliva into her still open rear hole to rejuvenate the lube and then forced the controller up her arse. Now for a test he thought. He turned off the ringer on her mobile phone and pushed it into her stocking top before giving her a call with his mobile. He slipped a finger back inside her cunt to press against the love egg. After a few seconds he felt it come to life, throbbing away deep inside her.

‘Oh Paul. No more. Please stop. My poor cunts had enough for one day,’ she cried.

Paul smiled and said to himself, ‘the days not over by a long way yet, my darling Martha.’

He picked up a leather and steel chastity belt off the table and looked at the small brass padlock hanging open through the fastening. There was no key that he could see. What a great final touch, he thought. But if Stephen has the key it will be pointless. He then looked over to his tools stacked in the corner of the room and remembered the small combination lock he used on his toolbox. He went over and unfastened it from the box. He then knelt back behind Martha and fitted the chastity belt round her still highly sensitive sex.

‘Oh my God. What are you doing now?’ she moaned, as she felt her cunt lips flattened by the tightly fitting leather crotch pad of the belt. She knew only too well the feeling as he snapped the padlock shut to hold the belt in place, Paul’s brass padlock fitted snugly up between her thighs. He then ran his fingers along the edge of the crotch pad, gathering more of the semen that had leaked from her and offered his spermy digits to her lips. Martha opened her mouth and sucked them clean with some enthusiasm. Whilst he had his fingers in her mouth he sent her a text message, causing the love egg to come to life and vibrate for thirty seconds inside her now completely plugged up cunt. She bit down hard on his fingers in response to the unwelcome stimulation inside. He waited until she relaxed and let his deeply tooth marked fingers slip from her mouth.

Despite her protests not to leave her to wait for Stephen like that he stood up and threw the cloak back over her back to keep her warm. He then went to his toolbox to get the things he had come for in the first place. He then placed a web cam, which he had been wondering where to install permanently to watch the goings on in her play room, in the open end of his tool bag pointing at her secured body.

Paul then picked up his clothes and left the room, switching off the light to leave her as he had found her. ‘Stephens going to get such a shock when he takes off your cape my love,’ he said as he closed the door.

He then went to her bathroom and took a quick shower to rinse her piss off his lower body then dressed and left the house.

He decided not to ring her for a while to allow her body time to rest from her orgasms. When he got home he was pleased to find Michelle was still out shopping with her friend and neighbour, Pauline. They would probably be buying baby clothes, he thought, as Pauline was also more than seven months pregnant. Paul went into the living room and plugged in his laptop. He then called up the web cam to see what was going on back in Martha’s playroom. The room was still in darkness so he knew Stephen was still out at the golf club. Paul couldn’t wait to see his reaction when he got home. He went to the kitchen, took a cold beer from the fridge, and sat back to await developments.

He cursed himself for not leaving the light on, as he could not see Martha, the room being totally dark. He could hear her quiet breathing though. Paul realised that she was probably asleep. He decided to put a stop to that. He picked up his mobile and dialled her number. After a few seconds he saw a suggestion of light in the room as her phone flashed in response to the call and then he heard her moan, ‘Oh my God. No more Paul. Please stop.’

He let the phone ring out, giving her a good minute of deep throbbing sensation right up in her belly. He knew the throbbing had stopped when he heard her sigh deeply. He then thought he heard a dribble of piss spattering on to he floor but he couldn’t be sure. He decided to ring or text her every half hour, often enough to keep her sex throbbing but not enough to bring her off. He knew that she would quickly get over the afternoons exertions and would be able to come again that day.

He had nearly finished his second beer when the screen of his PC came to life as Stephen switched on the light. He had left her until six o clock which Paul thought was a bit much given that she had been there a while when he arrived at one thirty. ‘You are about to get such a shock, Stephen, my boy,’ said Paul to himself

Stephen stood by the table and stripped completely, his erection catching on the waistband of his boxer shorts. He had obviously been looking forward to getting home. He picked up a black leather cock and ball harness off the table and fitted it to the base of his shaft with some difficulty due to the strength of his erection. ‘Not a bad specimen of manhood, that, Stephen,’ whispered Paul to himself. I can see what she sees in you my friend, apart from the boss – secretary power thing.

Paul watched Stephen move round to kneel in front of Martha and rub his swollen knob across her lips. This was the first time she knew she was not alone anymore. She opened her mouth to protest but was denied any words by Stephen shoving his knob into her mouth. She tried to pull away but he grabbed her head and made her take him right back in her mouth. She knew this was a different cock to the one she had in her mouth earlier as that one was much fatter, forcing her lips wider apart. This must be Stephen, she thought. Paul picked up his mobile and sent her a text welcoming Stephen home to play. He heard Martha gasp as the love egg came to life in her love tube once again. She couldn’t cry out, as her mouth was full of cock. Stephen felt her swallow against his knob and almost lost it in her hot mouth right away. God, he needed her cunt, he thought.
Paul rubbed his own cock which was beginning to swell again as Stephen withdrew carefully from her mouth. It was like watching his very own porno movie. Stephen didn’t remove her headphones or blindfold. He just stood up and ripped the cape off her back, revealing her kneeling there ready for him in all her fuckable glory. He knelt down again and took each sore nipple into his mouth in turn and sucked hungrily on them. He was surprised when she cried out in pain. He decided not to torture them further just yet. Paul rang her number again to get her thinking about something else to help ease the pain in her nipples.

‘Oh my God,’ she cried. ‘Stephen, its too much. Stop please.’

Stephen was puzzled. He knew she liked being tied up and left for a while, but she had never been this close to the edge when he returned. His cock was throbbing as she was turning him on so much. He had planned to punish her to make her beg for his cock, but now he just needed to get inside her before he shot his load. He crawled round behind her and then he stopped. He ran his hand over her buttocks, his fingers feeling the marks left from Paul’s spanking. He moved right round to kneel between her legs, ready to fuck her, and then he saw the dark wet patch of piss on the carpet where she had missed the chamber pot. He was just about to smack her for being a naughty girl when his eyes fell on the brass padlock hanging from her crotch holding securing the chastity belt to her body.

‘Oh Christ, who’s been here?’ he asked out loud.

Paul laughed out loud as he moved his rapidly swelling cock to a more comfortable place in his pants. Stephen ran his hand down her spine and then down her crack, tracing the outline of the chastity belt he had specially made for her. He lifted the lock and realised that it was a combination lock. He didn’t have any control over when she would be released. Paul picked up his phone and rang her again, stimulating her deep inside whilst Stephen traced the edges of the crotch pad feeling Paul’s semen leaking out.

‘You bastard,’ he said, as it dawned on him what had happened. He also spotted her phone flashing away in her stocking top. Paul ended the call before he had chance to pick it up.

Stephen was so angry. His cock had not lost any of its hardness and drooled a bead of his pre come onto her buttock. He picked up the pussy whip and began to flail almost blindly at her buttocks, stinging them until they were cherry red, hitting her much harder than Paul had done. Stephen needed to fuck her but knew he couldn’t. He needed to come. He shuffled round to kneel in front of Martha and forced his drooling knob between her lips. He ripped the headphones of her ears and said ‘suck it, you bitch. Suck my cock and take my sperm down your throat. Don’t you spill a drop or I will lash these tits until you scream.’ Paul winced as he watched Stephen pinch both her nipples very hard as he began to fuck her mouth. He knew the pain she must be in. He sent another text telling Stephen that he would text him the code to open the padlock eventually, possibly later that evening. Martha focussed on the pleasurable feelings in her cunt rather than the savage treatment  

of her nipples and just let him fuck her mouth until he spilled down her throat. She knew she couldn’t speak to him until he withdrew. Thankfully he was so close to coming that it didn’t take long. He was soon shooting his load against the roof of her mouth. She did try to swallow it all but some did inevitably ooze out of the corners of her mouth to run dawn his shaft.

Once he finished spurting he pulled back out of her mouth.

‘Kiss me, Stephen,’ she whispered, her mouth still full of his sperm. She knew he loved sharing it afterwards so he would not object. They shared a passionate kiss, passing his seed back and forth with their tongues until Martha swallowed as much as she could.

Stephen removed her blindfold then kissed her eyelids. She didn’t want to open them too quickly as she knew the light would be painful.

‘What happened, baby?’ he asked.

‘I think someone else found me and had his evil way with me,’ she whispered.

‘Well I didn’t leave the front door open so it must have been someone with a key,’ said Stephen.

‘You know who it was as well as I do,’ whispered Martha. ‘He was very good actually. I came harder than I ever knew I could.’

‘Bastard,’ said Stephen. ‘I don’t think he will be finishing off his work here. I will make sure the company send someone else next week.’

‘Stop ranting and release me, please. I have been knelt over this bench long enough.’

Stephen began to unfasten the belts and buckles holding her down to the bench. When he knelt between her legs to release them he noticed the phone flashing in her stocking top. He picked it up and read the text message.

‘Oh great. He’s not finished playing with us yet. He says he will text us the combination for the padlock eventually, possibly this evening. Bastard.’

‘What padlock?’ asked Martha, as she was still knelt over the bench.

Stephen grabbed the lock between her legs and pulled sharply on it. ‘This padlock. The one he has put on your chastity belt dear,’ said Stephen angrily.

Stephen saved the number that the text had been sent from then called him back. Paul didn’t know whether to answer or not, then he spotted Martha gasping and squirming on the bench and knew the love egg was vibrating away inside her. He decided to answer and string the call out as long as he could. As soon as he answered Stephen began a rant, demanding that he give him the combination lock code and accusing of fucking his girlfriend without her permission. Paul let him rant away as he watched Martha’s back arch and her hands kneed the padding of the bench as then love egg stimulated her almost to fever pitch inside. He calmly told Stephen that he had left her bound and ready for the taking, and that they had both had a fun afternoon. He also said that he would send a text with the padlock code when he was good and ready, and that they obviously liked playing chastity belt games. He just had to accept the fact that he did not hold the key tonight. The control of the game was not in his grasp.

Stephen looked round to see Martha moaning and gasping, obviously close to orgasm. She had a hand between her legs desperately trying to rub her clit but of course the chastity belt prevented that. Stephen didn’t know what was going on. Paul could not let on that he could see into the room.

‘Are you with Martha now?’ he asked.

‘Yes,’ said Stephen.

‘I thought so,’ said Paul. I can hear her moaning and groaning again, sounds like she’s about to come to me.

‘I know. But how. She’s wearing her chastity belt, remember,’ said Stephen

‘It might have something to do with the love egg in her cunt, and the fact that you are using a mobile so close to it,’ said Paul with a smile.

‘Where’s the controller?’ asked Stephen. I want to switch it off.

‘Its up her arse, and you wont get it out with the belt on, its too big,’ said Paul with an ear to ear grin.

‘Oh my God,’ cried out Martha, as she came, laying face down across the spanking bench, pummelling the floor with her fists in the frustrated ecstasy of not being able to frig her cunt.

‘Better hang up before she has a total melt down,’ said Paul. ‘Oh and you had better keep the phone close all evening. You wouldn’t want to miss the text message with the combination code in it, would you?’

Stephen rang off and then went over to Martha to sooth her after her orgasm. Once her breathing had returned to normal he helped her roll over and sit on the bench. He then went to get her wheelchair.

‘What did he say?’ asked Martha.

He says he will text the combination code to us eventually, possibly some time this evening. He also said to keep the phone close as we would not want to miss the call.’

‘Oh Jesus. That means he can do that to me any time he wants,’ she whispered.

‘Looked like you enjoyed it to me,’ quipped Stephen.

‘It was amazing. But I’m not sure how many more orgasms like that I can stand in one day.’

‘We have guests coming to dinner, remember. We had better call them and cancel,’ said Stephen.

‘And tell them what. You have lost the key to my chastity belt and I might just orgasm at the dinner table? Anyway, they will be getting ready as it will take them an hour to drive here,’ said Martha. ‘Help me into my wheelchair. I need a pee, and then I had better have a shower to get cleaned up a bit. I stink of piss.’

‘How will you cope with dinner?’ asked Stephen.

‘I will have to leave a catheter in and wear a bag. As for not doubling up in orgasm in front of our boss and his wife, we will have to switch off our mobiles. If he sends the text during dinner we will have to wait to receive it. We would hardly be able to rush out of the room and take the chastity belt off while they were still here. Anyway, when the belt does come off I will need your cock inside me instantly, is that clear,’ said Martha with a broad smile on her face.

‘That’s very clear,’ said Stephen bending over to kiss her on the mouth and caress her tits at the same time.

‘Down boy,’ she said. ‘I need to pee, remember?’

Martha wheeled herself to he bathroom whilst Stephen dressed and then went down to the kitchen to start the final preparations for dinner.

Stephen was pleased to see that she had dressed in her sexy burgundy cocktail dress when she finally came down from getting ready, to help him make the final preparations for dinner. The dress hemmed at mid thigh showing off her thin para legs shimmering in black nylon. He followed the shimmering nylon down her shins with his eyes to her feet. She had put on her black stiletto heeled court shoes with a three-inch heel, and had set her feet with her toes pointing slightly inwards on the footrests of her wheelchair, emphasising her crippled state to him. Stephen walked over to her and bent down to kiss her warmly on the lips. He then moved round to stand behind her, reaching round to feel her breasts through the burgundy silk of her dress and the Basque she had fitted them into. She obviously hoped to tempt him to play again later when he had the code to her chastity belt. He kissed her neck and back, left exposed by the open back of her dress to just above the top of her Basque. Just then Martha put her hands to her belly and gasped as something came to life again deep inside again. Stephens phone began to ring. Martha closed her eyes and tried to block the throbbing sensations being sent from her sex up to her brain as she hoped this would be a short call. She needed time for her sex flesh to rest following her earlier orgasms, and didn’t want her pussy lips to swell up in arousal again just yet. Mercifully the throbbing stopped as Stephen hung up.
‘They are just coming off the motorway at Middlebrook, so I recon they will be here in half an hour,’ said Stephen. ‘What’s left to do?’

We just need to set out the place settings. The starters are ready to go into the oven to warm up,’ whispered Martha rather breathlessly. ‘Can we turn off our mobile phones now please? I need to time to recover before I have another orgasm.’

‘I want to keep mine on until they get here just in case they need directions to find us when they get into the village,’ said Stephen.

‘OK,’ said Martha. ‘But then it gets witched off. I don’t want a screaming orgasm during dinner.’

Bill and Gillian arrived without further recourse to directions and so Stephen switched his phone off as soon as he heard their car pull up in the driveway. Martha visibly relaxed at that point. Stephen went to the door and let them in, taking their coats and then leading them both into the lounge. Martha wheeled in from the kitchen with four glasses of white wine on a tray in her lap to offer them all a drink before sitting down to dinner.

Gillian looked Maratha up and down, her eyes coming to rest on her black nylon covered wasted legs. Martha wheeled up to her first and offered her a glass of wine.

‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stare,’ quipped Gillian, but I didn’t know you were disabled. Bill never mentioned anything,’ she said, rather embarrassed.
‘Its OK,’ said Martha. I’m used to people staring when they first meet me. Many people in the company that deal with me on a daily basis don’t know I use a wheelchair. It’s not something I think to tell them. I introduce myself as Stephens PA, and leave it at that.’

Stephen and Bill took the glasses offered to them and walked out into the conservatory, obviously having business matters to discuss, leaving Gillian alone with Martha.

‘I feel rather guilty coming to dinner, now,’ said Gillian. ‘We should have invited you over to our place and let the housekeeper cook. It doesn’t seem fair letting a, a disabled woman do all the cooking.’

‘I thought you were going to say “a cripple”, then,’ said Martha with a smile. ‘Its OK to use the word “cripple”. Stephen and I don’t mind. As for the cooking. It’s just as easy to make food for a dinner party sat in a wheelchair as it is standing up. Stephen will be doing the serving up, however, as I have to bring every thing to the table on a tray in my lap, which takes time.’

Martha could see that Gillian was still not completely at ease in her presence.

‘Why don’t you sit on the sofa and enjoy your glass of wine. I would join you but I am sat down already,’ said Martha.

Gillian sat down on the sofa and tried to avoid staring at Martha’s legs as she sat opposite her but she was finding it difficult.

‘So, are your legs paralysed?’ asked Gillian

‘Well, yes. I cannot move them normally,’ said Martha.

‘So you can’t walk,’ said Gillian.

‘Well I can stand up and move around when I wear  my leg braces,’ said Martha. ‘I wouldn’t exactly call it walking but I can get around without the chair using crutches. My poor wasted legs cannot support me without the braces though,’ she said, rubbing her nylon clad thighs with her hands.

‘It must be horrible, not being able to feel your legs like that. How far up your body does the lack of feeling go?’ asked Gillian.

‘Oh I can feel as much as you can. It was polio that paralysed me you see,’ said Martha. ‘I can’t move any muscles below my navel voluntarily but I can still feel,’ said Martha.

Her legs began to tremble as if they wanted to make their presence felt. Martha put down her wine glass and gripped them just above her knees. Gillian looked concerned.

‘They spasm sometimes,’ said Martha.  ‘It often happens when I am talking to strangers. It will pass,’ she said with a reassuring smile. ‘I hope you are hungry as we have made an Indian style meal with dishes that Stephen picked up on his travels last year. I hope we have not made too much.’

‘I am really looking forward to it. Shall we call them in and go through to the dining room?’ asked Gillian.

Martha gave Gillian her glass and led her into the dinning room, calling Stephen to begin bringing the starters through. They were soon seated and enjoying an authentic curry evening. Martha relaxed, as with their mobile phones switched off she knew there would be no throbbing surprises in her lower belly.

She was just wondering if she should wheel to the downstairs toilet to check the level in her catheter bag when she heard a phone begin to ring. She tried to ignore the throbbing wave of sensation up in her vagina as Bill ferreted around in his suit jacket pockets for his mobile. He looked at the lit display and said ‘Its Cathy. Wonder what she wants.’

Martha began to press her forearms on the table and tried to force herself to keep smiling as any chance of continuing the conversation with Gillian had stopped. Stephen looked at her with a worried expression on his face as he asked her if she needed to use the toilet. Gillian wondered what he meant as he knew she was wearing the bag, then it dawned on her. If she could wheel herself out of range of Bills phone the maddening throbbing inside her would stop. She wheeled off down the hallway with shaky hands and quickly locked herself in the downstairs loo. To Stephens’s consternation Bill got up from the dinner table and began to pace up and down the hall whilst he took the obviously important and confidential business call. Martha sat behind the locked door with her hands desperately cupping her leather-encased sex through her dress, as she wondered why the vibrations would not stop. She grabbed a towel and bit down hard on it to try and stop herself crying out as she shuddered and spasmed towards another draining orgasm. When she came she convulsed so much that she almost slipped out of her wheelchair, her feet falling off the footrests and her stiletto heels scraping noisily on the tiled floor as she bit down hard on the towel in her climax. She then realised that the throbbing had stopped. Either Bill had moved far enough away or he had ended the call. She took the soggy towel from her mouth and reached over to the sink for a glass of water. She then pulled her body back up to a seated position in her wheelchair and lifted her legs to get her feet back on the footrests. She then remembered her catheter bag and pulled up her dress to see it strapped to the inside of her thigh. It was getting full so she emptied it into the loo before fitting it back on her leg. She then tidied up her hair and reapplied her lip-gloss before taking a deep breath to regain her composure and rejoin the party.

OK love?’ asked Stephen, his smile indicating that he knew what she had just gone through.

‘Fine thanks,’ she said with a smile. ‘Do you want to go and serve up the dessert?’

Bill and Stephen picked up the finished plates and went through to the kitchen.

Gillian looked across at her and smiled. ‘I wish just going to the loo could give me that deeply contented post orgasmic glow,’ she whispered. ‘I wondered what was taking you so long in there.’

Martha looked away in embarrassment and was pleased that Stephen and Bill were not too long in the kitchen. Gillian was way too observant for Martha’s liking.

Martha was on tenterhooks for the rest of the evening and was thankful that there were no more phone calls. Bill and Gillian declined an after dinner brandy as they had an hours drive home and so fortunately they didn’t stay too late. As soon as their car was out of the drive Stephen retrieved Martha’s mobile from her desk drawer.

‘Go outside before you switch it on, please,’ she asked. ‘My poor cunts still throbbing from that last orgasm. I don’t think I could stand another just yet.

Stephen did as he was asked and went out into the garden before switching on the phone. It immediately burst into life telling him excitedly that he had three text massages waiting.

The first two, sent half an hour apart were just Paul teasing her. The first one asking if her evening was going as well as her afternoon, and the second one asking if his spunk had leaked out to wet her inner thighs yet, and if she had managed to get Stephen to lap it up for her. The third one was the code to his padlock, 3968. Stephen sighed in relief as Paul had given him back the control of his girlfriends sex, something he hadn’t been happy letting another man borrow. He smiled to himself as he shut off the phone and went back into the house.

‘Well?’ asked Martha. ‘Has he sent it?’

‘No, not yet,’ said Stephen whilst looking away from her as he knew his smile would give the game away. ‘He had sent two messages, but both were just teasing us, telling us to be patient and asking me if I had fucked your tits yet in frustration.’

‘Well. I don’t fancy sitting round waiting for the stupid code all night. I am completely shot. Take me to bed,’ said Martha.

Stephen followed her to the bottom of the stairs and then picked her up in his arms. He carried her upstairs to the bedroom, making sure he didn’t trip over the fittings for the soon to be installed stair lift and then laid her down on the bed.

‘Get your clothes off then undress me,’ she whispered.

Stephen quickly removed his own clothes, his erection springing up to attention as he slipped off his boxer shorts, his excitement fuelled by the fact that he now had control of her chastity belt and the thoughts of the things he might do to her as he made her wait to be released. He then helped her to sit up on the bed and reached round to unzip her dress. Martha rolled her hips from side to side to allow him to work it out from under her buttocks and then lifted her arms to allow him to take the dress off over her head. She then leaned against his chest as he ran his fingers through her hair and then began to caress her tits through the cups of her pink Basque. He then ran his hands down the seams at the side and on to her suspender straps, which were clipped into the lace tops of her black stockings. He bent over and kissed her deeply. Martha responded by reaching for his cock and running her fingers up and down his solid shaft.

‘Suck it baby,’ he whispered.

Martha leaned back against the pillows and guided his knob to her mouth.

‘That’s it. Taste me darling,’ groaned Stephen as he grabbed her right wrist and secured it to the frame at the head of the bed with the neoprene wrist cuff hanging there. Martha tried to pull away from his cock to protest but Stephen forced her head into his crotch with one hand as he grabbed her left wrist with the other and secured that too.

‘Make it good for me then I might think about releasing your chastity belt.’ He said with a broad smile on his face.

Martha wanted to demand that if he had the code he must release her but could only moan in protest with a mouth full of his cock. She realised that the quickest way to get him out of her mouth was to make him spurt and so redoubled her efforts with her tongue and suction to try and get him off.

Stephen held her head against his belly as he enjoyed her mouth work enormously, loving the way she was circling his swollen helmet with her tongue before caressing him with the roof of her mouth and even the back of her throat.

After a while he could feel his seed rising and knew that he wanted to spurt inside her. He reached under the pillows for her ball gag and stuffed it in her mouth as soon as he withdrew his cock. He fastened the buckle behind her head and then stood up. He placed the pillows in a pile in the centre of the bed and then rolled her over to lie across them face down. He straightened her dead legs and left her effectively spread-eagled over the pillows with her arse in the air. He knelt between her parted thighs and traced the outline of the chastity belt as it cupped her sex slit tightly. He wormed a finger under the leather and felt her juices mixed with Paul’s spunk oozing out of her sated hole. Stephen lifted the combination lock and tugged at it lettering Martha know that he was playing with it. He dialled in the combination and the lock snapped open. Stephen quickly pulled it out of the hasp in the closure of the belt and then pulled the two halves of the belt apart revealing her well fucked and reddened pussy to his eager gaze. Paul spotted the wire joining her cunt to her arse hole and pulled on it gently. Martha moaned into the gag as she felt the controller move in her arse. Stephen pulled some more and the condom wrapped end of the small cylinder opened her arse from the inside and popped into view. Stephen pulled again and she gave it up completely, the latex wrapped controller falling into his hand. Stephen tore off the condom and switched the control from remote to local. He slid the switch to pulse and heard her groan again as she felt the love egg begin to vibrate inside her vagina once more. Stephen slipped a finger up inside her pussy and felt the hard plastic love egg throbbing away deep inside. He watched her arse hole as he did so and noted that it had not closed up from when he withdrew the controller. He had always wanted to try anal sex but had never had the courage to ask her. Now was his big chance. Stephen spat on his fingers and spread his saliva all over his drooling knob, massaging his pre come leakage all over the head of his cock. He then knelt closer behind her and offered his swollen glans to her red and open arse hole. Martha tried to protest through the ball gag as she just wanted him to pull the love egg out of her cunt and slip his swollen cock in there. Stephen pushed slowly and managed to get her to open further and take his knob inside. He began short stabbing thrusts to work the rest of his shaft up inside, loving the feel of the egg vibrating in her vagina rubbing against his knob as he pushed past it. Once he had his whole length sheathed in her arse he began slow and easy thrusts, withdrawing half way out and then slipping back up again. He held her hips for support as he slipped easily in and out. The pulsing vibrations in her pussy soon had his sperm making its way up his shaft. He wanted her to come with him and so switched the vibrations from pulse to full on vibrate causing her to squirm on the bed and groan madly into the gag. Stephen put his finger to her slit and found her clit all erect and ready. He wet his finger in her cunt and then began to massage her clit to hasten her spending, as he knew he was so close to coming. She began to thrash about on the bed as her orgasm began to burn its way through her tortured and worn out body. Stephen noticed her buttocks clench and her thighs tremble as she came. He smashed his cock into her one last time and then cried out in pure joy as he shot his load deep in her arse, her spasming muscle gripping his shaft tightly round the base prolonging his pleasure.

‘Oh Jesus, that’s so good. Your arse is so hot and tight,’ he cried as he felt his last spurts inside her. He switched off the love egg and pulled its chord to encourage her cunt to release her grip on it, allowing it to slip out of her to lie on the pillow between her thighs. Stephen slowly withdrew his softening cock and then moved back to see both her swollen and reddened holes glistening with male ejaculate. He leaned forward and wiped his cock on the back of her stocking clad thigh and then reached forward to unfasten her gag. Martha spat out the ball as he unfastened her wrists. Then he stood by the side of the bed and watched her breathing heavily, trying to get her breath back as she lay limp and totally fucked across the pillows.  

He went out onto the landing and returned with her wheelchair, placing it by the bed so that she could get to the bathroom when she recovered sufficiently to move. Stephen then put his boxer shorts and tracksuit pants on and went downstairs to pour himself a stiff whisky.  He needed to be alone for a while and knew that there was nothing to say between them. He wanted to ask what she thought of Paul fucking her and if she preferred Paul to him. He wanted to know if their relationship was going to stumble at this point now that she had a choice of two lovers. He wanted and needed to know all sorts of things, but knew that this was not the time to ask, so he just slumped in his chair and basked in the aftershocks of a great fuck. The questions could wait until the morning.

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