楼主: t3m19870312

[已经完结] 原创翻译+魔改-儿麻痴女OL玛莎-不可告人的秘密篇3/9 26楼完









 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-8 05:16:50 | 显示全部楼层
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-3-8 05:14
保罗在午餐时间回到楼下,在办公室裡看着玛莎。她正兵慌马乱地,试图完成她一整天的所有工作,以便下午之 ...


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发表于 2019-3-9 00:31:51 | 显示全部楼层


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感谢大神配图!! 太厉害了!!  详情 回复 发表于 2019-3-9 04:08

使用道具 举报








发表于 2019-3-9 00:34:02 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-9 04:08:05 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-9 05:21:39 | 显示全部楼层
当接近傍晚,快到六点钟时,保罗几乎不能把他的双手从他悸动的JJ上移开,这个JJ现在已经完全变硬挺起,期待着将要来一发了。他把它留到六点十分,然后收拾了他的工具箱,回到了客厅。像团叉烧牢牢被綑绑住的玛莎还躺在地毯上。他决定拨打最后一通电话,让她回到现实,并拨打了她的号码。玛莎的身子立刻绷直了起来,并开始在地板上打滚,含着口塞球“呜!呜!”的呻吟着,控制不住的口水从嘴角流了出来。他给了她半分钟左右, 然后挂了电话。他再次看到她的身体放鬆下来,然后再次绷紧,因为短信告诉她她已经错过了另一通电话。他让这轮震动结束,她急促的呼吸慢慢恢復正常,然后去替她解开捆在一起的手腕和脚踝,让她这四小时第一次可以挺直身子。然后他把她抱起来,脸朝下的躺在沙发扶手上,一双穿着4吋高跟鞋的儿麻小脚,仍然在地板上无力的歪倒着。然后保罗将她的上衣掀到腰部,开始拉下她的乳胶防失禁内裤。一抬起裤头,他就闻到了一股强烈的尿味,正如他所期待的那样。 他还注意到,她的小便沿着乳胶内裤被电线穿过的裤腿,一路流了下来,让她丝袜顶端的开口,围绕着震动蛋控制器的地方,也湿了一大片。

  保罗决定他想要採取比前一天更好的姿势来做,所以他很快解开了她一双残腿膝盖上方、下方以及脚踝处的束缚。然后他脱下她的乳胶防失禁内裤,将湿透了的护垫从裤裆上剥下来。他把它丢进了垃圾桶裡。当他他正准备跪在她身后,去舔她从鲍鱼肿胀的缝隙渗出的浓密蜜汁时,注意到手机再次响起。当嘴被堵住的她“呜!呜!”的呻吟时,他看着她的肩膀整个绷紧,背也拱了起来。在电话被挂掉之前,电话铃声持续了好一段时间。保罗移到她身后,开始舔着她鲍鱼变红的嘴唇,首先当然舔掉她的尿液,然后品嚐从鲍鱼内部渗出的温暖蜜汁。他把两根手指滑进去裡面,当电话铃响时,清楚的感觉到震动蛋在她肚子裡振动 ,然后当电话挂断时它仍然持续震动着。他想要当接到未接来电的讯息时, 将他的JJ也滑进去,并感受到来自震动蛋对着他龟头的脉冲,但是因为他此刻是如此接近射出来的极限,而决定放弃。当振动停止,他就关掉控制器,防止进一步的振动,然后慢慢拉动弦环,促使她的鲍鱼放弃填充物。当热辣湿透的震动蛋被拉出时,他听到她在口塞球裡“嗯呜呜!!!!”的大叫,她的爱液也随之涌出而流到他的手中。保罗跪在她鲍鱼门户大开的洞口前,将舌头埋在裡面,深深地拍打着爱管的热壁,并慢慢地将安全套捲到他紧绷的JJ上。因为他知道现在她不会强烈地抵抗,所以他将口塞球的带子解开,帮助她的嘴巴脱离了束缚。


“妳想要我做什么?”保罗将被包覆的龟头,在她湿搭搭的裂缝上下揉着调戏着他 。


保罗再也忍不住了,只用一个轻鬆的姿势就将 JJ熘了进去。由于她湿透了的洞口大开,几乎没碰到两侧。保罗退了一半,从他的JJ上沾了一缕她的蜜汁,然后手绕过去她前面,把手指伸到她嘴边。当他坚定地抽插她的鲍鱼时,玛莎一脸贪婪地吮吸着他的手指 。

“上我!上我! 上我!'她顺着他抽插的节奏,高声咏讚着。

  保罗喜欢这种湿漉漉的感觉,抽插起来会“啪唧啪唧”作响,因为当他从她鬆弛的鲍鱼裡插进去,抽出她热的爱汁时,它们会留下大腿内侧以弄湿她的长腿丝袜。他伸手绕过她萎缩没什么肉的小屁股, 随着他的抽插,即时的用食指挤捏她咪咪上的小红豆。玛莎此刻觉得快昇天了,她的高潮即将要来。保罗知道自己快不能忍住,马上就要射了,需要先让她进入绝顶高潮。他拿起了震动蛋,并将它打开,不断的振动。他先将它在她鲍鱼伸展开的嘴唇上来回滚动着,然后放在了她暴露出来的荳荳那边。



' 哦!天啊!真爽!快用你温热的体液~填满我的鲍鱼!把我射的一塌煳涂!用你的大JJ~顶到我的肺!哦!把你浓稠的体液~射在我裡面!求你了!噢!!不好了!!!我尿下去了!!!!!

  保罗停留在她瘫软鬆弛的小屁股上,因为这次从他JJ裡射出来的,比他记忆中的都还更多。然后他稍微向后拉,看见安全套的末端,确保它还留在他的JJ上。一旦他感觉到自己的JJ开始变软,他就会从她被射得满满的鲍鱼中慢慢退出,确保 安全套还完整的留在他的JJ上。然后,他跪在她张开的一双残腿之间的地毯上,将舌头伸向她门户大开的洞,让蜜汁流入他的嘴裡。






完结撒花!! 预告下篇有支架~  详情 回复 发表于 2019-3-9 05:22

使用道具 举报








 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-9 05:22:51 | 显示全部楼层
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-3-9 05:21
当接近傍晚,快到六点钟时,保罗几乎不能把他的双手从他悸动的JJ上移开,这个JJ现在已经完全变硬挺起,期 ...



使用道具 举报








发表于 2019-3-9 08:17:19 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报








 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-10 03:56:35 | 显示全部楼层



Paul parked his transit van on the street outside the large townhouse, as he spotted a car in the drive that he did not want to block in. He had arrived early as he thought his client, Martha, would need to get to work. He knew she was worked as a PA in the City.

The advertising on the side of Paul’s van said James and Taylor, household electrical contractors. His firm had been hired in by the house owner, Martha Jennings to completely rewire the old town house, including some special heavy duty wiring for powering mobility aids.

Paul strolled up the driveway in his white boiler suit, feeling the chill of the autumn morning once he left the heating of his van. The lawn was damp with dew and the leaves were turning. He thought that winter was just round the corner. Paul pressed the doorbell then stood back. After a few minutes he heard the bolts and chains being unfastened, then the door swung open to reveal a petite woman wrapped in a pink towelling dressing gown, sat in her quickie wheelchair. The pink towel wrapped round her head suggested that she had just washed her hair. Paul introduced himself and smiled at her, his eyes inadvertently glancing down to her slightly thin, paralysed legs emerging from the towelling robe that covered them to just below her knees, and to her bare feet pointing slightly awkwardly towards each other in a pigeon toed sort of way. He noted that her toes were all curled up to.

I hope I’m not too early,’ said Paul. ‘I decided to come before eight as I thought you might need to be getting away to work soon.’

‘Thanks for considering that, but I will be working from home for the next couple of days as my boss is away in France at a conference. I apologise that I was not dressed but I get rather lazy in the mornings when I do not have to get to work. It takes me so long to get up and washed and dressed, you see. Anyway, come in, its freezing with this door open and I don’t want to catch a cold dressed like this.’

Paul followed her into the hallway as she backed away from the door, and then closed it behind him.

‘Let me show you into the kitchen and put the coffee on. I can then go and get dressed, and then show you round the house so you can decide where to start. I think it’s a big job you have taken on.’

Paul sat at the pine kitchen table listening to the coffee machine splutter and spit as it brewed the fresh coffee. He glanced down the hallway at one stage and realised that Martha had left her wheelchair at the bottom of the stairs. He wondered how such a crippled young woman had managed to get up the steep stairs. He heard her moving about the house on the floor above so he knew she had made it somehow. When he heard her at the top of the stairs again his curiosity got the better of him. He went to the foot of the stairs and looked up.

Martha was slowly descending on her backside. Lifting each grey tracksuit clad thin leg in turn down one step, then lowering her body with her hands behind her, one step at a time.
‘You seem to be struggling, would you like some help?’ asked Paul.

‘No thanks,’ quipped Martha. ‘I can do this alone when you are not here so what makes you think I need help now. Just go and pour the coffee. I will be with you in a minute.’

Paul stood and looked out of the kitchen window until he heard the tyres of her wheelchair squeak on the polished kitchen floor. He turned round to find her staring at him, wearing a grey tracksuit with pink stripes and white trainers on her feet. She looked as if she were dressed to go out for a run, although her thin crippled legs showed that had obviously not being able to do so for some time.

Paul felt the need to clear the frosty air between them, as it would be uncomfortable working in her house if they did not get along.

‘I apologise for offering to help you on the stairs,’ he said whilst avoiding eye contact, as he did feel rather embarrassed at putting his foot in it so early. He just was not used to being around disabled people.

That’s Ok,’ sighed Martha. ‘It’s a natural reaction when you see someone obviously struggling I suppose. It’s just that being paralysed means I have to struggle every day to live a normal life and I need to keep my independence. If I am to have you here working every day for the next few weeks we need to get some ground rules set now. If I need help with something I will ask for it, Ok.

‘That’s fine,’ said Paul. ‘ How do you take your coffee?’

Martha looked him up and down then said ‘black and strong, like my men.’ A smile began to spread across her face.

‘So no chance for a white weed like me,’ said Paul with a smile.

‘I didn’t mean it like that,’ said Martha as her face began to redden. ‘It’s just that I’ve wanted to use that line for a while having seen the film again recently, but never had the chance. It just came out I guess. I didn’t mean anything by it. Oh God, maybe I’d better shut up. When your in a hole stop digging missy.’

Paul smiled and handed her the black coffee.

‘Can I have some milk please?’ she asked, looking up at him with a smile on her face again.

Paul handed her the milk carton and then sat down opposite her at the large kitchen table.

‘If you show me round the house when we have had our coffee I will be able to decide where to start. It’s quite a big job rewiring one of these lofty old houses.’

‘Do you think you will be able to get it finished in three weeks as you suggested, or will it take a bit longer?’
‘It really depends on the other contractors you have arranged to fit your mobility aids, as I will need to be here when they want to connect anything.’

‘God it makes me feel so helpless, calling things mobility aids. It’s not fair that a person of my age should need equipment designed mainly for geriatric old women.’

‘How long have you been?’ Paul struggled for the right inoffensive word.

‘A useless cripple. Two years next month,’ sighed Martha. ‘And I still haven’t got used to it. Just think this time two years ago I was thinking that I was very happy with my life. I was fit and healthy, good looking and 26. I was at the point in my career where I could think about taking a break to have the kids I always wanted. I just needed to attract the right man. Now look at me, spending a small fortune on having gadgets fitted in my home just to make normal living easier.

Paul sensed the need to change the subject and get her in a more positive frame of mind.

‘You said on the phone that you had a spare bedroom. Can I store my kit in there, rather than taking it back to the van every night, as I have to empty the van at home.  Tools left in it overnight are not covered by the insurance you see.’

‘Yes, that will be fine. Shall we get on with the tour then? I have to get into my office next door and do some work too you see. Staying at home does not get me completely off the hook work wise, even when my boss is in Marseille.’

Paul drained his coffee mug and followed Martha down the hallway to the foot of the stairs. He watched as she transferred from her wheelchair to the second step up. She then put her hands behind her, arched her back, and dragged her lifeless lower body up to sit on the next step. She then lifted her lifeless legs to get her feet up one step before arching her back and lifting her body again.

This takes a while, but you learn patience as a cripple,’ quipped Martha, breathing heavier from the excretion.

‘It will be much easier when you get your stair lift installed,’ said Paul.

‘Can you get the cabling ready for that first, as the fitters will not book a day to come and do their work until I tell them that the electrical works done?’ said Martha.

She eventually made it to the top of the stairs and pulled her body up into her spare wheelchair, a more old fashioned heavier model that the quickie which she kept downstairs as her going out chair.

Paul followed her up and Martha began wheeling from room to room confirming the details she had agreed with his boss on the plans. They looked at the bathroom where she was to have a lift fitted to allow her to be lowered and raised in and out of the bath. He agreed to make that his second priority after the stair lift as she could carry on using her roll in shower in the meantime. They looked at her bedroom, where Paul spotted a pair of full-length leg braces leaned up against the wall by the dressing table together with a pair of crutches. He didn’t mention these but noted that she could obviously get around without her chair if need be. The spare bedroom did have bed in it but that was all, apart from several packing cases that were left unopened.

Not had time to move in completely yet, then?’ quipped Paul.

Martha looked at him with a puzzled expression on her face then realised what he meant. ‘Oh the boxes,’ she said as her face reddened visibly. ‘No, the things in them will be put together and used when you have finished your work. No point in fitting out this room until then. You can bring your tools and cables up here and store them. The access to the loft space is through that hatch in the corner of the room.

Martha wheeled quickly out of the room, seeming to want to distance herself from the boxes and the uncomfortable feeling of embarrassment Paul’s mentioning them had given her.

Paul realised the upper floor tour was over, as Martha wheeled her way across the landing and into the bathroom.

‘Will you be going out in your car this morning?’ he shouted as he stood outside the closed bathroom door.

‘No, not at all today. Too much work to do,’ came the response from the bathroom as he heard her urinate.

‘Can I bring my van into the driveway then, as it was make for a shorter carry with my tools?’ asked Paul.

Of course came the reply. As I am paying you by the hour I don’t want you spending unnecessary time walking about.’

Paul went down stairs and walked out to his van, wedging the front door open, as he didn’t have a key to get back in if it closed behind him. He moved his van into the drive and then began ferrying his tools and rolls of cable into the hallway. He noticed Martha shuffle back down the stairs and then disappear into what he thought must be her office or study next to the kitchen. He then ferried all his gear up the stairs to the spare bedroom.

Once in the spare room he could not resist looking at the packing cases, wondering what equipment she would set up in the spare room when he had finished his rewiring work. The boxes were not labelled, and they were closed up with parcel tape. He had a roll of the same brown tape in his toolbox and so could not resist a peak. He could easily reseal them afterwards. He took out his Stanley knife and slit the tape on the first box, which was easily six foot long, and roughly eighteen inches square. Inside he found what appeared to be some sort of frame, broken down into its component pieces to fit in the box. He spotted a piece of paper that he took to be assembly instructions. He opened this and found to his amazement that the parts did indeed make a frame, sort of doorframe size. The frame had various attachment points on it to allow someone to be secured for punishment. There was even a seat to allow someone to be secured sitting with hands above head and feet splayed out to the edges of the frame. The instruction book showed a drawing of a woman secured in such a fashion, very exposed and ready for whatever punishment her captor intended. Inflicting on her. She was even gagged to spare any embarrassment with the neighbours hearing her cries. Paul felt his cock stir in his boiler suit as he imagined Martha tethered thus, and some unknown man inflicting stinging blows to her widely parted inner thighs with his whip. He then remembered she was paralysed and so thought her master must punish her upper body instead as she would not feel anything below the waist.

Paul put the instructions back in the box and sealed it up again, thinking she would not know it had been disturbed. He then turned his attention to the second box, which was more of a cube about a meter square. He slit the tape on this one and opened the top. This one gave away its use almost immediately as on the top of the box was a large black rubber phallus attached to a metal rod. Underneath he could see a motor and steelwork to make some sort of frame. The instruction manual confirmed this to be a fucking machine. Paul had seen these devices before on Internet porn sites but never seen one for real. The instruction book showed that this one was very elaborate and included a frame for the user to hang her legs over and stirrups for her feet. The device was supposed to be positioned next to the end of the bed. Once again Paul imagined Martha laying on her back on her bed, her legs held rudely splayed open by having her knees draped over the frame and her feet in the stirrups. He imagined her legs would be clad in the finest black nylon stockings and that she would have killer heels on her crippled feet. But if she is paralysed, surely she cannot feel anything between her legs, so what use is a thick black dildo going to be, even if it is thrusting into her at a rate of knots? He felt his cock leak a bead of semen as he moved to stand and tape the case back up. He moved his length to a more comfortable position in his boxer shorts, feeling the damp patch that indicated the extent of his excitement.

He sat on the bed and took a deep breath. He felt that he needed to rub his cock until he spurted. He was horrified to realise that he was so turned on by the thought of a crippled woman enjoying sex. He really had never thought of women in wheelchairs as sexual beings before, but did remember one ex girlfriend complaining that when they were out shopping together his eyes would always be drawn to disabled women in wheelchairs or using crutches. Was his time in Martha’s house going to bring him face to face with the fact that he was a devotee?

He realised that at least his erection had subsided, so he could get on with his work. He was feeling hungry and noted that it was already approaching lunchtime. He had been in the spare room longer that he thought. He wondered if there was a chip shop locally, as he had not brought any food with him, and he really fancied fish and chips for lunch. He decided to nip down and ask Martha.

Paul went downstairs and looked for her in the lounge and kitchen but did not find her. As he walked past the closed door next to the kitchen he thought he heard her moan. He opened the door quietly to find Martha sat at her desk in her wheelchair watching a video on her computer screen. The picture showed a woman sat on a similar frame to the one he had found in her spare room. She was naked apart from a mask to conceal her identity and a ball gag. Her nipples were clamped with cruel looking chrome clips and her cunt was held rudely open with a speculum. An unseen man was whipping the sides of her ample tits and inner thighs with a short stranded whip. Paul was surprised to see the cause of Martha’s moaning and groaning was her hand stuffed down inside her tracksuit pants obviously frigging her pussy.

‘Oh my God,’ she gasped as Paul quietly closed the study door and left her to her pleasure.

He went back upstairs and began sorting out his tools to begin running new cables in the loft, keeping half an ear open for when she came out of her study as he didn’t want to embarrass her. The realisation dawned on him that although her legs were obviously paralysed she must be capable of feeling pleasure when she rubbed her sex, hence the fucking machine. This was all new to him.

Eventually he heard her open the door and wheel out of the study and into the downstairs loo. He waited for her to flush the toilet and then went down to find her.

‘I was thinking of getting some fish and chips for lunch. Do you have a chip shop nearby?’ he asked Martha.

‘Yes, there’s a good one only a couple of streets away. Easy walking distance for you.’

‘That’s great. Just point me in the right direction then. Oh, do you want anything whilst I am going?’

‘I don’t normally eat chips. Being sat down all the while means I have to watch what I eat if I want to stay slim. I do fancy some for a change though. Let me give you some money for them.’

Martha wheeled into the kitchen and grabbed her purse, giving Paul a fiver for her portion of fish and chips.  

I will make a pot of tea whilst you are out to go with them. If you turn right out of the drive and then take the second right you should see the sign for the shop just up the road.’

Paul followed her directions and was soon walking along a street of local shops that had the fish and chip shop in the middle of the block. It was quiet as the lunch service was coming to a close. He purchased the fish and chips and was soon walking back towards the house. Had she realised what he had seen? Paul wondered. Also, how could a para girl still have feeling in her pussy?

When he got back he rang the doorbell and waited for Martha to let him in. She soon did so and bid him join her in the kitchen. The teapot was waiting on the table and they soon stated eating their lunch. They ate in silence for a while, as Paul did not know how to start a conversation. To break the ice he fell back on the safe thing of asking her if her morning’s work had been productive. He then realised that if she did know he had seen her masturbating that he should have stayed away from asking her about her day.

‘I know you saw me,’ she quipped. ‘And I thank you for retreating quietly and letting me finish. I did need it.’

Paul coughed to clear his throat and said, ‘I was just coming to ask about the chip shop. I should have knocked. I am sorry.

Anyway, now you know more about me than I ever intended. You even know what sort of porn I get off on. I hope you are not too shocked. Has your curiosity got the better of you with those packages in the spare bedroom yet? I bet it has. You spent rather a long time up there just sorting out your tools after getting them from your van.’

‘Well there is no point in denying it. I have looked at two of the three packages, and yes, I was rather shocked at their contents at first. I also wondered what use the for want of a better word “fucking  machine” would be to a para girl. But now I know that you still have feelings down there.’

‘Most people make that mistake. Just because I cannot move any muscles voluntarily in my lower body do not mean that I have no sensory feeling. My spinal chord was not severed in an accident you see, polio did this to me. I missed out on being vaccinated against it as a kid as I was brought up in rural Africa. Then I took a sabbatical and went out there to do some aid work two years ago, and was struck down with the virus. By the time I had been repatriated to London the damage was done and the disease had left me with no movement below my waist. My sensory nerves were not affected. The damage is therefore irreparable. So now you know.

They went back to eating in silence for a while. Paul could sense that she wanted to ask him something but was trying to pluck up the courage.

Eventually she said, ‘now you know about my sexual oddities. My desire to be punished I mean. Will you do something for me this afternoon?’

Paul looked at her in amazement, and was just about to blurt out something about being completely inexperienced in the ways of chastisement when she said, ‘No don’t worry, I don’t want you to whip me or spank me, unless you feel I need to be spanked, of course. I want you to tie me up and leave me bound and helpless whilst you get on with your work. You can release me just before you go home.’

Paul looked at her in amazement again then said, ‘are you serious?’

‘Oh yes.’ She whispered. ‘ I’ve never been more serious. I have had this fantasy about being tied up and left helpless for so long, but I have never found myself in the right situation to try it out. This is perfect, as I don’t think I could ask a lover to do it. He would be too gentle. I have all the things you will need.’

‘Ok. I don’t see anything wrong in doing it if that’s what you want. After all the customer is always right in my book.’

Martha quickly wheeled herself round the table and kissed Paul on the cheek.

‘Thank you. I am getting so excited just thinking about it. I will go and change into something more appropriate and get my things together. I t will take me some time. I will call you when I’m ready. Thank you ever so much.’

Martha quickly wheeled herself to the stairs and seemed to Paul to get up them in record time. He finished his tea and then went up into the loft to look at the cable runs. Over half an hour passed, in which time he had rubbed his swollen cock more than once, before he heard her negotiating the stairs again. Paul looked on discreetly from the landing, loving the sight of her slim paralysed legs clad in tan nylon, wedge heeled sandals on her feet. Her dress was short enough that it rode up to reveal her thighs as she descended the stairs. His only regret was that it had a mandarin collar and so he did not get a peek at her cleavage as he looked down from the banister rail. He noted that she had a shoulder bag over her shoulder. He wondered what equipment it contained. Eventually he heard her shout that she was waiting for him on the sofa in the lounge.

Paul descended the stairs quickly, his hands trembling at the thought of feeling her skin as he tied her up. He found her sat on the sofa with an array of rope lengths and other items laid out on the glass topped coffee table before her.

Thanks again for helping me do this,’ said Martha

Paul’s mouth was rather dry, and his sweaty palms were trembling slightly as he ran his fingers over the bondage rope she had placed on the coffee table.

He cleared his throat and said, ‘I’ve never tied up a woman before. Well I’ve not tied up a man either come to mention it. Where should I start?’

‘Tie my hands behind my back first, then I cannot struggle free while you tie my legs,’ whispered Martha.

She pushed herself up to sit upright on the sofa and twisted round slightly to offer her back to Paul. He moved round behind the sofa with a couple of lengths of the soft black chord.

‘Tie my wrists in such a way that I will not be able to reach the knots with my fingers,’ she instructed him.

Paul began to bind her wrists behind her back.

‘Tightly. I want to feel bound and helpless,’ she said quietly.

Paul pulled the binding tighter then knotted the rope between her wrists well away from her fingers.

‘Now tie my arms above my elbows. Pull them well back to tension them,’ she instructed.

Paul did as he was asked, and noticed how pulling her arms back so far really made her breasts stand out against the bodice of her fitted dress. He really wished it were not buttoned up to the neck, as her cleavage would look magnificent like that. He was sure her nipples were also making an impression through her bra and dress.

‘Now do my legs,’ she commanded more forcibly this time.

Paul moved back to stand before her as she settled back on the sofa. He looked over the items left on the coffee table and selected his rope lengths to tie her legs. He also spotted a black sleeping mask and ball gag and decided to take the initiative himself. He picked up the mask and quickly placed it over her eyes, effectively blinding her. Then just as she was about to protest he forced her mouth open with the ball gag and fastened it securely at the back of her neck. Martha could now only mew in protest as he ran his fingers delicately over the tan nylon cladding on her disabled legs. He parted her thighs and was disappointed that she wore pantyhose rather than stockings. Her short summer dress had ridden up to expose the tops of her thighs and her white latex pants. He caressed her inner thighs causing her to groan as he whipped up the feelings in her crotch that she had felt when masturbating earlier.  Paul then had very naughty idea and lifted her legs to position them with her knees together and her ankles splayed out, her feet both turned over the same way. Martha felt his hands on her legs and had an idea what he was doing, and how crippled the pose must make her look. She was annoyed at him for doing this but could do nothing about it of course. Paul moved back away from her and took out his camera phone. He then took shots of her crippled body from all angles, concentrating on her wasted legs. Martha didn’t know what he was doing but felt very vulnerable and uncomfortable at the time. Paul then put his phone away and moved back to kneel by her legs. He straightened them out and began binding them tightly as she had wanted him to. He bound her ankles together first, enjoying the feel of her slim ankles and calves in his big hands. He then bound her legs above and below her knees, working the bindings tight to ensure she really could feel the constriction of her lifeless limbs. He was almost temped to slip his hand between her thighs to see if her pussy juices were making her panties damp but decided against it. He then lifted her legs and turned her round to lie on her side on the sofa. He did take the liberty of brushing his hand across her breasts as he did so, and was rewarded with the feel of her engorged nipples brushing the back of his hand. She did not shy away from him at this; in fact he thought she pushed her chest out slightly searching for a firmer contact. Paul then stood back and took another few shots of his handiwork before tearing himself away to climb the stairs and get on with his work.

He could not really settle to his job, as he kept thinking about Martha lying bound and gagged on the sofa. He made several visits down stairs to check that she was ok, and was not really surprised to find her writhing about on the sofa with a look of sheer lust on her face during one such visit. Of course it was strange in that it was only her body above her waist that was moving, her bound legs lying as life less as ever. He left her to her pleasure. When he looked in again she appeared to be relaxed, possibly even sleeping. Her hair tousled and all over her face, and a slight drool at the corner of her mouth, which was still held open with the ball gag. Paul moved his erection to a more comfortable position inside his boxer shorts. She looked so fuckable, lying there so helpless. He knew that he could lift her dress at the back and uncover her arse, and with her legs bent up towards her chest he could enter her. His knob drooled into his boxer shorts at the prospect.

Paul made sure he had his door key in his pocket before closing the front door and stepping out onto the drive. He had made a decision and now needed something from the chemists he had spotted near the chip shop. It would be one thing to take advantage of her helpless state, but quite another to leave his semen inside her without her consent. He didn’t know if she was on the pill and definitely did not want to add to the four kids he had already impregnated his wife with, the fourth one being due to enter the World in six weeks time.

He was soon back in the loft running new cables for her stair lift, a packet of condoms in his top pocket. He decided to have her just before going home that afternoon. He was throbbing and erect all afternoon, but dare not make a move until after six o’clock, as his boss could drop by at any moment to see how the first day of the job was going. It would not look great to have his cock inside their client if he called. He didn’t know how he would explain her bound state either, thinking that he would just have to say that her husband had come home for lunch and left her that way.

Eventually six o’clock came round so he tidied up his tools and went back down to the lounge. Unsurprisingly, she was still lying on the sofa, but had wriggled over to lay on her belly to take the weight off her bound hands. Paul rolled her over onto her side causing her to groan in surprise. He realised that he must have just roused her from her sleep. Next he bent her legs to get her knees up near her chest, her bottom sticking out towards the back of the sofa. Martha began to mew and groan in protest as she felt him work her dress up over her hips to uncover her pantyhose. She then felt him find the waistband of her pantyhose and pull them down to the top of her bound legs. Paul then grabbed the waistband of her white latex pants and pulled them down too, baring her arse. He found that the pants contained a removable lining pad, which he found to be damp. She had obviously lost control of her bladder when she’d had her earlier orgasm. Paul ran his finger along the split peach of her ripe sex, feeling the slickness of her juices seeping out to lubricate her slit. She became animated at this and attempted to struggle against her bonds. Paul undressed completely then knelt by the sofa, rubbing his swollen knob against her cheek, letting her feel what was to come. He wondered if he removed the ball gag if she would suck him gently or attempt to bite it off. He decided not to find out. He rolled on a sheath then moved onto the sofa to fit in behind her. He rubbed his sheathed cock all over her buttocks before spreading her labia with his fingers to find her opening. He groaned as he felt a string loop hanging from her lips. Jesus, of all the luck, he thought. He would not normally go inside a woman if she was on, but he couldn’t really turn back now. He pulled gently on the string and was pleasantly surprised to find the loop attached to a solid plastic ball, which popped out of her hole.

‘Love balls,’ he sighed. ‘You naughty bitch.

He tugged on the string again bringing the second ball down to her opening. She moaned in pleasure at this. He then surprised her by pushing it back up inside and then pulling it down again, letting her feel the delicious drag of its movement up and down her love tube. He wanted her desperately by now and so Paul pulled the love balls right out of her and replaced them with his sheathed knob before she had time to protest into the gag. She was slack and wet inside, as she could not move her pussy muscles any more than she could move her legs, allowing him to slip in all the way in one thrust, his tight ball sac coming to rest against her swollen lips. He sucked her juices from the love balls as he began to thrust in and out of her wet hole, pumping her cream out to glisten wetly on her bum cheeks. He then put his hands round and squeezed her firm tits, caressing her by now erect nipples. He wished he could uncover them and get some direct skin contact but that would take too long. He had been waiting for this moment all afternoon and was not in any mood to slow down and play love games. He just needed to use her lifeless cunt, to fuck her until he shot his load then go home. She had led him on by getting him to tie her up, and now she must suffer the consequences.

Paul heard her groan. It slowly dawned on him that she was enjoying it too. He wanted to take a chance and loosened the strap holding the gag on her head, but decided against it. She might still scream the house down crying rape and he wasn’t ready for that.

Paul managed to work his hand round over her thigh and into her crotch from the front. He wormed his finger between her thighs and managed to put some pressure on the top of her slit and pubic bone as he thrust at her from behind. Paul began tapping his finger over her clit as he quickened his thrusts, his semen burning its way along his shaft, ready to spurt inside her.

She moaned through the gag as her orgasm swept through her body, her upped body thrashing about on the sofa. Paul was amazed as he felt her pussy muscles and legs tremble as she came. He couldn’t hold back any longer and short thick heavy spurts of his semen right up against the top of her love tube.

They lay panting and fulfilled after their joint spending, Paul almost falling asleep with her warm buttocks pressed against his belly. Luckily he remembered the condom, and carefully withdrew his softening length from her sated hole before he softened too much, making sure he didn’t spill any of its contents inside her.

He slipped off the condom and wiped his slick knob on the back of her thighs. Paul knotted the condom and placed it on the coffee table so that she would know that she had no worries on the pregnancy score. He then dressed quickly, before remembering his camera phone. He quickly took several snaps of her dishevelled, well-fucked body from all angles.

Finally he untied her elbows and wrists, leaving her to get herself free, then let himself out of the house.



Paul left home later on the second day, hoping that Martha would have left for work before he arrived. He had felt very pleased with himself on the way home the previous evening, but now he was having second thoughts about fucking his restrained and paralysed client. What if she had come to her senses later and objected to what he had done to her? Maybe she had called his boss and complained. It really would be better for him if she weren’t there.

His heart sank as he pulled up outside her house and spotted her car still in the drive. He really didn’t want to see her but knew he had no choice; as If his boss called and he wasn’t there he would have much explaining to do. He parked his van in the driveway behind her car and walked nervously up to the front door. She had given him a key as she would be away at work on most days, but as her car was in the drive he felt that he should ring the bell and wait.

A few minutes later he heard movement behind the door and saw it begin to open. When she had opened it fully Paul’s eyes fell on Martha sat in her wheelchair wearing only a towelling bathrobe with a second towel wrapped round her head, as she had been the day before. His heart missed a beat as he realised she would not be going to work again that day. His eyes drifted down to her thin legs, visible to him from mid thigh, and her bare feet lying at slightly odd angles on the footrests of her chair. He thought how much more disabled she looked with her legs and feet naked.

I thought I had given you a key,’ she said in a slightly annoyed tone.

‘You did. But as your car was in the drive I thought I had better ring the bell, as you were probably at home.’

Martha backed off from the doorway.

‘Well come on in and shut the door. I will catch a cold sat here wearing just this wet robe. I took so long getting to the door as I was just getting out of the shower when I heard the doorbell.’

‘I’m sorry. I didn’t think that you might not be dressed.’

‘Well I got up rather late. I think something tired me out yesterday. Now let me struggle back up the stairs and get dressed. I do hope the stair lift company can come and install their kit next week. You had better have the wiring ready for them. This is the worst thing about living here.’

Paul went back out to his van to get some tools and rolls of mains cable. He didn’t need them just yet but found it a good excuse to leave her in privacy to work her way back up the stairs. He relaxed slightly now, as she had not voiced any objections to his actions the previous evening. He still felt the need to stay out of her way for a while though.

Later that morning she called up the stairs to him to ask if he wanted to stop work for a mid morning coffee break. He went down the stairs and found Martha in the kitchen making the coffee. She swivelled round in her wheelchair and offered him a mug. He took it and sat down at the pine kitchen table. Martha wheeled over with a tray on her lap with her own coffee and a tin of biscuits. She had dressed in jeans and a thin pink, V necked sweater, leaving ample cleavage on display. He noticed that she work ankle boots with a small heel on her feet.

‘Help yourself to the biscuits,’ she said.

Paul took a couple of chocolate digestives from the tin and took a sip of his hot coffee. They sat in silence for a while, both staring at the walls, not wanting to make eye contact with each other, almost a physical barrier between them.

Paul cracked first.

‘I thought you would have gone to work today,’ he quipped.
‘Is that why you arrived half an hour late this morning. Giving me time to leave?’

Paul sighed. She had his number. He could not put off mentioning the previous afternoon any longer.

I guess so. I didn’t know how you would react to seeing me today. I don’t make a habit of tying up my female clients then, well you know what I mean.’

‘Pulling down their knickers and giving them a dam good fucking. Yes I know what you mean. And to do it to a disabled woman too. I could have reported you for rape. I might have. You wouldn’t know. I might have called your boss.’

Paul looked horrified. Had she? He wondered.

‘Relax Paul. How could I report you when I had asked you the tie me up in the first place? Anyway, I had a fantastic afternoon, even better than my fantasies, and by the end of it I really needed a fuck. Thanks for wearing something though. I was a little worried when I felt you coming off inside me.’

Paul sighed deeply and finally smiled.

‘God. I am so relieved that you are not mad at me. I really thought that I might have overstepped the mark, but seeing you laying there all dishevelled and smelling the heat of your aroused pussy, well I couldn’t help myself.

‘It was what I needed, and I think you knew that when you made me come. What was it like to be inside a paralysed pussy for the first time? I was surprised that you got excited enough to spurt inside me.’

‘You were so soft and wet. Different to any other woman I have been with, but more exciting because of it. I was amazed when you spasmed as you came; your pussy muscles did squeeze me for a few moments. I think that’s what set me off.’

‘I was amazed that they did that too. I don’t have any control over them, and it doesn’t always happen like that.’

Paul drained his coffee mug.

‘I had better get back to work as I have some time to make up from earlier. I am so relieved that you enjoyed yesterday. I only have one question. If you cannot control your pussy muscles why use the love balls. Surely they are designed to be squeezed by you to get the most out of them?’

‘Well I can feel them, so that makes them sexy, knowing I have something inside, but you are right in that they are not as good as I had hoped for.’

‘Well. Back to work I think, otherwise the wiring will not be ready for the installation of your stair lift next week.’

Paul. Today will be my last day at home for a while, as my boss will be returning from his business trip. Can we do it again this afternoon? Tie me up I mean. I wouldn’t be sluttish enough to ask you to fuck me again. That’s up to you, as when I am tied up I cannot stop you having your wicked way with me, if you want to.’

‘I was rather hoping you would like to. Just give me a shout when your ready,’ said Paul with a smile.

He had to move his rapidly swelling cock to a more comfortable position in his pants as he climbed the stairs to go back to work. He looked in his toolbox at the brown paper bag containing his purchase from the sex shop on his way home the previous evening. Martha, you will have a better afternoon than you had ever imagined, he said to himself with a grin.

Paul went back down stairs at lunchtime and looked in on Martha in her office. She was frantically trying to get all her days work finished to allow her to take the afternoon off.

‘I’m just nipping out to the chip shop. Do you want me to get you anything for lunch?’ he asked.

No, not today. I have to watch my calorie intake with stilling in this chair all the time. I will have to make myself a boring salad,’ she said. ‘I’ll put the kettle on so that you can have a cup of tea with your lunch when you get back.’

Paul fingered the condom packet in his pocket as he walked past the chemists on his way back from the chippy. Still got two left, he thought, an ear-to-ear grin rapidly spreading over his face. He thought then that he should not really leave them in his boiler suit top pocket as if his wife were to decide to wash his overalls without warning him, and as a result go through the pockets he would be in deep trouble. She was already eying him with some suspicion, as now she was eight months pregnant and getting very big she was finding sex more of a chore, and thus turning him down more than usual. Jenny knew that a red blooded male like her husband would be tempted by offers of sex from elsewhere if she denied him too much. Luckily he seemed to have a fascination with coming off between her swollen jugs at present, which was much more satisfactory for her as her considerable bump did not get in the way so much.

When Paul got back to the house Martha called out from her office to say that she had made him a pot of tea but she would not be joining him for lunch as she was taking her lunch at her desk. She still had work to complete before she could take the rest of the day off. Paul was relieved in some way as now their relationship had changed he didn’t really know what to say to her in the way of small talk. He also hoped she would finish work soon as he couldn’t wait to tie her up and try out the new sex toy he had purchased the previous evening.

He was working up in the loft some time later when he heard her call out to him that she was ready to be secured for the afternoon. Paul quickly went down to the lounge, picking up his new toy on the way. He found Martha sat on the sofa again with a selection of restraints laid out on the glass-topped coffee table. Paul was pleased with the way she had dressed as she had kept her thin pink sweater on, the V neck of which allowed him to see the deep valley between her tits, which were pushed up and together by her well  

filled bra. She had removed her jeans and boots and changed into a tight black pencil skirt, which hemmed above her black stocking clad knees and put high-heeled patent leather black court shoes with a four-inch heel on her feet. He noted the ankle straps on the shoes meaning that they would not fall off as she trashed about on the sofa in ecstasy. She had also fastened her hair up on her head in a tight bun to make wearing her blindfold and gag easy.

‘Hi Paul. I have finally finished my work for the day and so do not need my freedom any more. Secure me tightly please.’

She shuffled forward on the sofa sitting upright and placed her hands behind her back. Paul selected a pair of purple soft neoprene wrist cuffs from the table and moved round behind the sofa. He reached over and wrapped a cuff tightly round each wrist before joining them together with a climbers screw lock karabiner. He knew that even if she could work the cuffs round to allow her finger tips to touch the karabiner she would not have the strength in her fingers to unscrew the gate. He then tied her arms together above the elbows pulling her arms and shoulders back and forcing her tits to push out firmly against the constraints of her bra. He could see the peaks of her nipples already tenting the material of her bra through the thin lambs wool sweater. He then surprised her by picking up the blindfold and placing it over her eyes, thus preventing her seeing any more of the binding process. Martha began to protest about this, saying that watching him bind her added to her pleasure. Paul’s told her that he wasn’t interested in her pleasure as he forced her mouth open with the ball gag, then secured it with the strap buckling it at the back behind her neck. Having reduced her vocal protests to a series of groans and moans he moved round to kneel before her. He put her legs together then reached up under her skirt and found the waistband of her latex incontinence pants. He was pleased that she had chosen hold up stockings rather than tights today as they made accessing her cunt so much easier. He worked the tight pants down over her black stocking clad legs and left them round her ankles. Paul then made her shudder as he parted her swollen sex lips and ran his fingers along her wet slit, finding the string loop attached to her duo balls as he expected. Martha began to squirm about on the sofa as he tugged gently on the string loop encouraging the hard plastic balls to slip down her love tube and emerge from her hole. For his own amusement he stopped pulling when the first ball emerged, leaving the second one lodged up inside her. He then bent down and blew on her swollen lips, letting her know how close he was to her sex then took the duo ball dangling from her pussy in his mouth and sucked her fragrant love cream off it. Paul then pulled his head away from her slit pulling the second duo ball out of her, which she released with a loud slurp. Having removed her plug, her sex juices then flowed out of her open pussy and pooled in her anus. Just as she was protesting into the gag about her loss of filling Paul took the vibrating love egg he had brought with him out of its box and rubbed it up and down her creamy slit, lubricating it ready for penetration. It was considerably larger that her duo balls and he needed to press steadily on it to encourage her hole to open and let it pass inside.  He watched the expression on her face change to astonishment then pleasure as he pushed the large plastic egg well up into her love tube. Paul then set the remote controller and clipped it into her stocking top on the inside of her thigh. He then worked her panties back up over her legs and fitted them snugly over her slit making sure her pad was in place. The wire joining the love egg to its controlled exiting from the leg of her black rubber pants. He then smoothed her skirt back down over hips before securing her legs tightly together with ties above and below her knees and at her ankles. Paul then helped her to swivel round so that she was lying on her side on the sofa with her knees drawn up towards her chest. As an additional refinement he then tied her wrist restraints loosely to her ankle restraints effectively hog tying her. By the look of pleasure on her face he thought Martha approved of this extra tie.

Paul then went into her study to retrieve her mobile phone, as this was crucial to making the love egg work. He knew his way round the phones menu as it was the same make as his own, and so quickly managed to mute the ringer. He also checked by calling from his own phone to see if she had activated a voicemail message, and found to his relief that she hadn’t. He then took the phone back into the lounge and placed it on the coffee table well within the maximum 3 meter range of the controller attached to the inside of her stocking top.

Now for the fun bit, he thought. He looked at Martha’s face and saw that she had come to terms with her bondage and was just lying quietly on the sofa, a faint smile expression on her face, if that were possible with a ball gag in her mouth. She certainly seemed contented. Paul took his own mobile phone out of his top pocket and quickly composed a text saying ‘time for some fun’. He then saved it so he could repeat it before sending it to Martha.  He watched her mobile phone light up on the coffee table and the new text received icons appear. He then watched the expression of calm instantly drain from her face as the love egg began a deep pulsing throb in her pussy. Paul smiled as he watched her try and move about on the sofa with the look of panic on her face. Then after thirty seconds the pulsing stopped and she visibly relaxed. So it does work, he thought. He knew he was going to have so much fun with his new toy.

He gave her ten minutes to relax and forget the sensations coursing though her pussy then went back downstairs to the lounge. This time he just dialled her number. Once again the phone on the coffee table lit up as it received the call. Martha’s facial expression once again changed from calm serenity to sheer panic as the love egg began to vibrate insistently deep in her love tube. This time it would only stop when the caller hung up, and as she had not set her divert to answer phone he could keep it going as long as he liked. He watched her squirm around on the sofa for a minute or so then hung up. She instantly relaxed again. A few seconds tater he noticed her stiffen up again and realised that the phone company had now sent her a text saying she had missed a call, so she had to endure thirty seconds of the deep throbbing sensation again. Paul grinned from ear to ear, as he had not thought about those texts. The love egg could be in for a very busy afternoon. He went up and looked at her closely once she relaxed, noting the perspiration on her brow and between her breasts and her nipples attempting to pierce the material of her bra and sweater. He knew she would be glad that she was wearing her padded panties, as he was sure she would piss herself at some point during the afternoon as she orgasmed.

Paul put his phone back in his pocket and went back up to the loft to carry on working. At various intervals during the afternoon he either sent her the text, or called her. His cock was drooling constantly in his boxer shorts as he imagined what the deep stimulation would be doing to Martha. At one point when he rang her number was engaged and he didn’t know how this could be. He went back down to the lounge to find her a dishevelled wreck lying on the carpet having rolled off the sofa. He looked at her phone to see that she had missed several calls from someone called Stephen. Paul wondered if he was her boss. He decided to leave her on the floor so that she could not fall again and went back up to his work. Poor Martha was getting much more pussy stimulation than he had bargained for.

Paul went back up to work. He either called or sent a text every thirty minutes or so, and longed for the end of the afternoon. He dare not go down to the lounge and fuck Martha until after six o’clock as his boss could call at any time up until then and often did so around ten to six, to check that his engineers were still working. He may even drop by although Paul thought this very unlikely as he lived out in the opposite direction and Paul knew he often made his late afternoon calls whilst on his own way home. Paul wondered what he would say if his boss did show up though. He thought he would have to pretend that he was in the house alone and avoid taking him any where near the lounge, After all, his boss would not expect the client to be at home during the day.

As the afternoon drew on and the time neared six o’clock Paul could hardly keep his hands off his throbbing cock which was now fully erect with anticipation of the delights to come. He left it until ten past six then closed his toolboxes up and made his way back down to the lounge. Martha was still lying in a hog-tied heap on the carpet. He decided on one last phone call to bring her back to reality and so dialled her number. Martha instantly tried to sit up and began rocking around on the floor moaning into the ball gag, saliva tricking out of the corners of her mouth. He gave her half a minute or so and then hung up. Again he saw her relax and then tense up again as the text message came trough telling her she had missed another call. He let that finish and her breathing begin to return to normal before going to her and removing the hog tie allowing her back to straighten for the first time in four hours. He then picked her up and lay her face down over the arm of the sofa with her feet still on the floor. Paul then shimmied her shirt up to her waist and began to pull down her latex panties. As soon as he lifted the waistband he picked up a strong scent of piss as he rather expected. He also noticed her stocking top was wet round the controller for the love egg where her pee had run down the wire under the elasticised leg of her panties.

Paul decided that he wanted better access than the day before so he quickly unfastened the ties securing her legs above and below her knees and at her ankles. He then peeled down her panties and peeled the wet pad away from her crotch. He dropped this in the litterbin. He was just about to kneel back down behind her to lap the oils oozing from her swollen slit when he noticed the phone come to life again. He watched her shoulders tense and her back arch as she moaned into the gag. The called let the phone ring for some time before hanging up. Paul moved in behind her and began to lap at her reddened sex lips, firstly licking off her pee, then tasting the warm oils oozing from within. He slipped two fingers inside and felt the love egg vibrating in her belly as the phone rang and then still as the called hung up. He thought about slipping his cock in and feeling the pulses from the love egg against his glans as she received the missed call text but decided against it as he was so close to shooting his load. As soon as the vibrations stopped he switched off the controller preventing further vibrations then slowly pulled on the string loop to encourage her cunt to give up her filling. He heard her cry out into the gag as the hot love egg appeared and slipped into his hand followed by a gush of her love juice. Paul knelt and lapped at her rudely open hole, burying his tongue deep inside, lapping the hot walls of her love tube as he slowly rolled a condom onto his straining cock. As he knew she would not object too strongly he unfastened the strap holding the ball gag in place and helped her work it out of her mouth.

‘Oh my God, I am so open and so sore. Put it in before I change my mind.’

‘What do you want me to do?’ teased Paul as he rubbed his sheathed glans up and down her creamy slit.

‘Just fuck me. Jesus, please fuck me. Fill me with that solid cock of yours.

Paul couldn’t hold out any longer and slipped in right to the hilt in one easy trust. She was so wet and open he hardly touched the sides. Paul withdrew half way and scooped a dollop of her cream off his shaft then reached round and offered his fingers to her mouth. Martha sucked greedily on his fingers as he thrust firmly back up inside her.

‘Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me, ‘ she chanted in time with his thrusts.

Paul loved the wet squelching feeling as he pistoned in and out of her slack cunt, pumping her hot love juice out to run down her inner thighs to soak her stocking tops. He reached round over her hip to squeeze her pip with his index finger in time with his thrusts. Martha was in heaven, her orgasm rapidly approaching Paul knew he could not hold his spunk back much longer and needed to bring on her spending. He picked up the love egg and switched it on to constant vibration He firstly rolled it round her stretched love lips and then round to rest on her exposed clit.

‘Oh my God, ‘ she cried. ‘That’s too much. Oh fuck, no. Oh my God. Oh sweet fuck.’

Paul felt her thighs lock and go into spasm as her cunt tightened sharply round his shaft. It was his turn to cry out then as his spunk burned its way along his length and spurted out of his slit to fill the teat of the condom. At the same time he felt a flow of her warm piss against his fingers as she let go totally and came in great sobs of sheer pleasure.

‘Oh no. Oh Christ. That’s so good. Fill my cunt with your warm sperm. Cream me up. Make my belly swell with your thick spunk. Oh just fill me with your potent cream.’

Paul hung on to her hips as he pumped more spunk out of his shaft than he could every remember shooting before. He then pulled back slightly and found the end of the condom, making very sure that it stayed on his shaft. As soon as he felt his shaft begin to soften he withdrew slowly from her sated cunt making sure the full sheath stayed on his cock. He then knelt on the carpet between her open legs and put his tongue to her open hole allowing her cream to flow into his mouth.

You are absolutely gorgeous,’ he murmured, after swallowing her cream. He then slipped the full condom off his cock and knotted it before wiping his shaft on the inside if her stocking clad thigh.

He looked down at the wet patch on the side of the sofa between her legs where she had sprayed her pee when she came and hoped she would not be too mad with him for inducing that. He put his cock away then took some close up pictures of her reddened, swollen sex lips between her thin, paralysed legs with his mobile phone camera before untying her elbows and undoing the karabiner securing her wrists.

Paul then quickly left the house, leaving her to rest and get over her afternoon of pure sexual bliss. He hoped Stephen; her boss would not be too hard on her for not answering her phone.


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