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[已经完结] 原创翻译+魔改 心理医师莉蒂亚的特别疗程 2/19 7楼完结









发表于 2019-2-18 15:49:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 t3m19870312 于 2019-2-19 04:43 编辑

莉蒂亚.马丁医生的对讲机嗡嗡作响着。“是的,请说?” 她接了起来,并继续阅读她刚开始看的病例档案。



她办公室厚重的木门瞬间开启,芭比,这位身材同样娇小,有着一头红髮漂亮的年轻女孩,替一位看似50出头岁,样貌整齐的男性打开了大门。 他有点试探性的走了进来。莉迪亚依旧站在她的桌子后面,伸出右手向他问候,而左手依旧扶着桌子,似乎因用力而微微颤抖着。  




“是的。” 布拉德穆林斯似乎很紧张。 “他说妳是这方面的专家,呃,关于......”

“不正常的性慾,”莉蒂亚直接了当的说。 “没错,我已经开业了12年,并且在这个领域已有10年的专业。我知道你有一种,嗯…相当异于寻常人的恋物情节。”



穆林斯现在很好奇。 “这就是它的名字?有这样一个名字吗?”

  莉迪亚坐在椅子上,小心翼翼地看着布拉德.穆林斯的脸。 她知道他被吓呆了,公开谈论他一生都被压抑的慾望。 毫无疑问,他认为这是他丑陋的“心魔”,这是他从未与任何人讨论过的事情。这些情况在开始时,总是很棘手,因为她的病人需要时间,才能变得足够舒适,以及有能吐出他们心事的胆量。









“她什麽都没说吗?” 莉蒂亚问。





“哦,我的天啊......妳怎麽知道的?” 穆林斯怀疑地问着。  



“好的。现在,穆林斯先生... 让我们回到拄拐杖的女性上。我要你闭上眼睛,在我跟你说之前先别睁开。现在,请你仔细想想,并关注你最近的经历。我不要是你在网路上看到的任何...我的意思是,最近你身边的残疾女人,真的让你感到很兴奋的。请尽力去回想然后告诉我“



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 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-18 15:50:20 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2019-2-18 19:08:06 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2019-2-18 19:23:16 | 显示全部楼层
楼主好高产啊 最喜欢坐轮椅的儿麻 期待下文

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发表于 2019-2-18 23:50:29 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


年纪也差太多了吧  详情 回复 发表于 2019-2-19 03:46

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-19 03:46:04 | 显示全部楼层
www7305 发表于 2019-2-18 23:50


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-19 04:40:39 | 显示全部楼层




“然后最神奇的事情发生了。当她同桌其他所有人都起身离开时,她向下伸手到后方,拿起两根我先前没看到的前臂拐杖,因为它们放在靠牆边的地板上。她拿起拐杖,将手臂伸进拐杖的袖口,操作起它们准备从桌子后面走出来时,让我感到非常的兴奋。他们其他人都离开了,这位女士用我看过最惊人的步态......我甚至无法形容她的节奏。她穿着丝袜的双腿都异常的瘦,而且软绵绵的膝盖也有些后弓,看上去相当鬆弛无力的样子。她穿着一双深蓝色,在后脚跟有绑带的鞋......并不是矫形鞋,也没有穿支架。但是她左脚的鞋,明显有一个小小的补高...可能有一英寸左右,她拄着拐杖有点半走,半甩的步行着。她先伸出一侧的拐杖,再用腰部的力量,甩出对面一侧的腿,然后它们就以伸左拐-甩右脚,伸右拐-甩左脚的步调走着,较短的左脚脚尖,还在空中不自主的划了个弧线,才“啪”一声的落地,这样的行走方式真令我为之疯狂。身为一位名显的专业人士,穿着得体,主导一切的权威性人物,妳知道...而且一双脚还残疾的非常非常严重,在她身上这样的组合,使得我心中的慾望就像烟火般炸开了。“ 穆林斯的眼睛仍然闭着眼睛。 “然而因着约会的缘故,我不得不告诉自己,别再继续盯着看。”他继续说道,显然很兴奋。下面的裤裆也开始搭起了帐篷。

“你还记得些什麽吗?” 莉蒂亚问。


当她的病人说话时,莉蒂亚悄悄地,从衣橱裡取下自己的前臂拐杖,并将它们放在她的手臂上。她小心翼翼地,将她的毛绒皮革办公椅移到一边,静静地拄着拐杖,摆盪着步子从桌后方走了出来。她独自笑了笑,低头看着自己裙摆下因小儿麻痺症,落下残疾异常细瘦的左腿,而且还比右腿短了将近四英寸(约10CM )。她粗细不一的双脚上除了丝袜之外,还穿着两隻不同尺码的经典款便士乐福皮鞋。较小的一只 ,穿在残疾的左脚上,是特製的4号尺码 –这隻瘫软的小脚,脚尖几乎笔直朝下,毫无生气的样子,悬吊在地毯上方,不受控制一晃一晃的,看起来相当的无助惹人怜爱 。看上去还算正常的右脚上,则穿着女士尺码最小的6号,并用这隻脚承受了她全身的体重。行走时,莉蒂亚先伸出双拐, 接着迅速的迈出右脚,细残短小的左脚始终吊在半空中,不听话的摆盪着。



当他睁开眼睛时,被眼前的景象吓到,惊讶的喘不过气来。 什麽...? 这是一种恶作剧吗?  

“完全不是。你认为我有办法伪造这个吗?呵呵” 莉蒂亚指着自己明显病残的左腿。


“没错,穆林斯先生,我是货真价实的残疾人,一名真正的小儿麻痺症患者。我的左腿比右腿短了3又5/8英寸(约9CM)。我的鞋通常会替它做一个补高,如果在左腿戴上支架,我也可以不靠拐杖用它来走路。但是我却喜欢让它像这样,自由悬挂着并使用拐杖,因为我的右腿几乎不受影响,这样更轻鬆。你觉得怎麽样呢?我这小儿麻痺症残疾的腿脚,对于你性癖好方面的问题,是不是一个很好的治疗方法呢? 嘻嘻“





“呵,芭比都不会知道的,她在我看诊时从来不打扰我。我们很安全的唷。现在听我的...把裤子给脱了。身为一名专业的好医生,我会用一些特殊的技术,来处理你那强大而且坏坏的恋物情节,并且保证让你感觉更好唷。嘿嘿“ 莉蒂亚对自己开玩笑的笑话,咯咯地笑了起来。

“哦,是啊......哦,啊!” 布拉德兴奋的呼吸急促。他迅速脱了个精光,并立刻协助莉蒂亚脱掉衣服。 现在,除了她的丝袜和鞋子之外,现在裸体站在面前的这个女人,真的是他的幻想成真。他经常梦到一位有魅力的女人,赤身裸体地拄着拐杖站着—尤其是前臂拐杖 - 他个人的最爱。 而且莉蒂亚穿的是性感的吊带袜(其实也是为了不让丝袜从细瘦残弱的左腿上鬆脱)看得令他血脉奔腾!


“呵,继续下去吧。让我们脱掉另一隻鞋嘛”莉蒂亚说。 然后她弯曲右膝盖,将悬垂的儿麻小脚放到地板上,直到它碰到地为止。她用这隻坏脚的前脚掌,和两根拐杖支撑着身体,颤颤巍巍的勉强站着,把另一隻脚抬到布拉德身上。“快点,人家可支撑不了太久!”穆林斯脱掉了这隻脚的鞋子。他觉得这隻脚非常美,精巧的脚趾在丝袜的包覆下,几乎形成了完美的脚型,和修剪良好并且涂上鲜豔蔻丹的指甲,让这隻脚更显得晶莹动人。相当不寻常的是,在这隻脚的第四趾上,戴着一颗大大的银色趾环,布拉德一看便知,看似严肃的莉蒂亚医生,私底下也是挺骚的。






  他们在剩馀的时间裡,激烈的来了一发,事后他们两个人默默地起身穿上衣服。 莉蒂亚坐在沙发上,给粗细和长短都不一样的双腿穿上丝袜,还算健康的右脚跟一般女性没什麽差别,到了严重残疾的左脚时,却显得困难许多。她必须一手捉着软趴趴不听话的小脚,另一隻手把捲成筒状的丝袜套上,再吃力的拉上整条瘫若烂泥的腿,丝袜穿在骨瘦如柴的残腿上鬆垮垮的,因此她不时还得抚平这些皱褶,但扶着残腿的手一放开,这条瘫软残弱的废腿就会无依无靠的倒下,这增添了难度,花上的时间比另一条腿多了好几倍。好不容易穿到萎缩的比她胳臂还细的大腿上后,再用吊袜带将鬆鬆的丝袜固定住。然后手一放,这条无助的儿麻残腿直接颓然坠下,垂挂在沙发的边缘摆盪着。





莉蒂亚捞起短小无力的残疾左腿,将娇小瘫软的左脚搁在健全的右膝上,拿起鞋给这隻残脚套上,但是试了好几次,小脚丫始终到一半的地方,就卡住套不进去了,她无奈的先将鞋放下,搓揉了丝袜裡蜷曲内扣的脚趾,将娇弱的它们一一抚平,接着又费了一番工夫,好不容易给这隻儿麻小脚穿上鞋,接着叹道“唉,这条无用的废腿,脚趾头一但打弯,就穿不上鞋了,看来下次我们见面时,我改穿凉鞋好了,想看吗?嘻嘻”然后右脚则轻易的往鞋裡一伸,踩踩地板就穿好了。布拉德看着这差异极大的两条腿,下面又不自觉的硬了。最后莉蒂亚拿起拐杖站起身,拄着拐带着布拉德转向办公室的门。 当他走过的办公桌时,她站在办公室裡。 她的接待员惊讶地看到,马丁医生难得亲自拄着拐杖,瘸行着护送病人到门口。





有依本人喜好私自添加一些D细节和剧情 附上原文: Dr. Lydia Martin's intercom buzzed. "Yes?" she said, still looking over a file she had begun. "Your new patient, Mr. Mullins, is here," said her r  详情 回复 发表于 2019-2-19 04:42

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-19 04:42:32 | 显示全部楼层
t3m19870312 发表于 2019-2-19 04:40
“嗯…已经有一段时间了。妳也知道,今天大多数的残疾人都使用轮椅,整个环境的无障碍空间也规划的很好,这 ...



Dr. Lydia Martin's intercom buzzed. "Yes?" she said, still looking over a file she had begun.

"Your new patient, Mr. Mullins, is here," said her receptionist and administrator, Barb. "The one referred by Dr. Jefferson."

Lydia pushed herself up from her desk and stood behind it. "Send him in," she said, smoothing her skirt and adjusting her glasses.

Momentarily the heavy wooden door to her office opened and Barb, a pretty, petite redhead, held the door for an early-50's trimly-built male. He entered tentatively. Lydia remained behind her desk, her hand extended in greeting.

"Mr. Mullins, I'm Dr. Martin. I'm glad you're here."

"Brad Mullins. I'm glad to meet you," said the man as he walked to the desk to shake Lydia's hand. He was in apparent good physical shape and was well dressed in an Izod golf shirt and gray slacks. He wore black slip-on style dress shoes. Lydia liked his sincere brown eyes right away.

"Take a seat, please," she said, motioning her patient to the chair in front of the desk. At the same time she seated herself once again behind the massive antique cherry wood desk that was her pride and joy. She had designed the office around the desk, having matching bookcases installed to hold the hundreds of tomes related to her profession of psychology. Also matched in wood and color was a tall, two-door armoire behind her. "I understand Dr. Jefferson suggested you see me."

"Yes, he did." Brad Mullins seemed nervous. "He said you are an expert on, uh, on..."

"Deviant sexuality," said Lydia matter-of-factly. "Yes, I've been practicing for 12 years and have specialized in that area for 10 of those years. And I understand you have a fairly unusual fetish."

"I guess I do. I've really never been able to talk to anybody about it before. It's really embarrassing and Dr. Jefferson was the first person I've actually admitted it to. So...I guess he explained it to you, right?"

"Yes, and Mr. Mullins, don't be embarrassed. Sexual attraction in humans is a very complex thing. Be glad that what you are attracted to is not anything that will get you in legal trouble. That's the good news. But, I do understand that this has caused you great stress. I would like to discuss your abasiophilia with you at length and understand your particular case better. Then we'll talk about treatment options."

Mullins appeared curious now. "That's what it's called? There's a name for it?"

Lydia shifted in her chair and watched Brad Mullins' face carefully. She knew he was petrified to openly talk about the desires he had kept pent up his whole life. He no doubt considered this his ugly "demon," the thing that he had never discussed with anybody. These situations were always tricky in the beginning because it took time for her patients to become comfortable enough to spill their guts.

"Yes. Abasiophilia. It is an attraction to people who use wheelchairs, braces, crutches, and so-forth. It's a paraphilia, which just refers to any abnormal sexual desire. Let's just put it on the table, OK? Basically, you are attracted to disabled women, as I understand it from Dr. Jefferson. Why don't you relax and tell me all about it. Start from your earliest memories."

"Wow. Yes...OK. This is tough, especially because you're a woman. But that may actually make it easier now that I think about it...I really didn't feel I could tell all this to a man."

"Good. Why don't you go over to my couch there and stretch out. Really try to relax and clear your mind. I'm going to ask you to close your eyes from time to time to really focus."

Brad Mullins moved to the elegant dark red leather couch and lay down.

"Now...start at the beginning. When do you first recall being aware that you had these desires?"

"When I was about 5 years old, I remember going the optician with my mother. She needed new glasses. There was a very pretty lady who worked there and she was crippled. She wore a long leg brace that had white leather bands around her right leg and she walked on crutches. The forearm kind. Do you know what I mean?"

"Yes, I do. I know exactly the type you're referring to. The metal kind with a single upright and arm cuffs below the elbow. Go on."

"Right. Exactly. And that was the first time I had ever seen those. Well, this woman had polio, I guess. But she walked on those crutches very fast, and she swung herself around the optical shop showing frames to my mother. I thought the white leather on her brace was wonderful and I loved the way she kind of threw her legs a little bit sideways through the crutches as she went. And I remember having an erection right there in the store...the first one I remember...ever. I went up behind her and touched the brace...my mother didn't see me do it but the lady looked down at me and smiled."

"She didn't say anything?" asked Lydia.

"No, because I backed off right away. But she knew I had done it. Wow...I remember that thrill to this day. And I was only five!"

"So what are you attracted to most? Braces?"

"No...actually I think the biggest thing for me is crutches. I really don't get excited much by women in wheelchairs. It's the movement of a woman on crutches that gets me more than anything. And...especially if she has one leg shorter than the other one. That will really get me fired up."

"Is there anything other than disabled women that turns you on?" asked Lydia. "How about feet?"

"Oh my gosh...how did you know?" asked Mullins incredulously.

"Just an educated guess. A great number of men with abasiophilia also have a foot fetish to one degree or another."

"That would be me. I absolutely love beautiful feet. Not as much as a woman on crutches, but a pretty foot with a nice pedicure is very much on my radar screen."

"OK. Now, Mr. Mullins...let's get back to women on crutches. I want you to close your eyes. Don't open them until I tell you. Think and focus on your most recent experience now. I don't mean anything you may have seen on the internet...I mean the most recent disabled woman that has really excited you."

Brad Mullins felt this was a little odd, but he closed his eyes dutifully and began to think.

"It's been a while. You know, most disabled people today use wheelchairs. Everything is accessible, or just about. You almost never see people on crutches on the street anymore. But, there was one woman about two years ago that nearly sent me over the edge."

"Tell me about her. In detail. Describe everything you remember."

"I was at lunch with a friend of mine...a woman I dated at the time. We've broken up since. But we were eating in a nice white-tablecloth place downtown. There was a large table right across from me with about ten people in business suits around it. There were just two women and the rest men. But, one woman was clearly the boss, or at least was in charge of the lunch discussion. She did most of the talking and it was obvious that she had some authority because everybody else was paying careful attention to what she was saying. A couple were even taking notes. It was a round table and she was facing me with her back to the wall. She was very nice looking...probably about 45 or so...red hair...nice figure. She picked up the check just as we were finished with our lunch as well and were about to get up."

"Then what happened?" With this, Lydia stood quietly and opened the armoire behind her.

"Then the most amazing thing happened. As all the others at her table got up to leave she reached down behind her and picked up two forearm crutches that I had not been able to see. They were on the floor against the wall. She got her arms into the cuffs and did some very exciting maneuvering on them as she made her way out from behind the table. They all left then and this woman had the most amazing gait...she had a rhythm that I can't even describe. Her legs were thin and sort of flaccid. She had on navy blue sling-back shoes...not orthopedic shoes. No braces. But she did have a small build-up on her left shoe...maybe just an inch or so. She sort of half-walked, half-swung on her crutches. She picked her legs up high and they came down in sort of a one-two, one-two, 'flop' thing that just drove me crazy. The combination of being an obvious professional, being so well-dressed, in charge...authority figure, you know...and being so very, very crippled just made fireworks go off for me." Mullins' eyes were still closed. "My date had to tell me to stop staring," he continued, clearly excited. An erection had begun to build.

"Is there anything else you remember about the encounter?" asked Lydia.

"Actually, yes. I remember that when she got up and started to move from behind the table she kind of caught one foot on a chair. She seemed stuck for just a second. And the expression on her face was amazing. It was like I could read her mind. She stared down at her leg and she was mad. It was like a showdown between her brain and her leg, and it was, like, "I'm in charge here and I'll be damned if I'll allow my muscles to NOT obey." I'll always remember that look.

As her patient was talking, Lydia very quietly removed her own forearm crutches from the armoire and slipped them on her arms. She carefully moved her plush leather office chair aside and took a silent swing out from behind the desk. She smiled to herself and looked down at her polio-stricken left leg, nearly four inches shorter than her right. She was wearing a pair of classic penny loafers in two different sizes. The smaller one—a size 4—on her left foot pointed nearly straight down. It dangled freely over the carpet. Her normal right foot, in its size-6 loafer, bore her weight.

Another couple of quick, short swings and she was standing next to the couch where her patient was lying. Lydia's crutches were gray, and were custom made in one-piece construction. They did not produce the telltale "clicking" that would have tipped Brad Mullins off. She wanted to be a total surprise to him.

"Mr. Mullins, you may open your eyes now," she said as she stood next to him.

When his eyes opened he gasped. What the...? Is this some kind of bad joke?

"Not at all. Do you think I could fake this?" Lydia pointed at her left leg.

Mullins looked at Lydia's crippled leg and groaned in amazement.

"No, Mr. Mullins, I'm the real deal. A bona-fide polio survivor. My left leg is 3 and 5/8 inches shorter than my right. I have a build-up for it, and I can walk on it without crutches if I'm wearing a brace. But, it's easier just to let it hang free and use crutches because my right leg was almost unaffected. What do you think? Am I good therapy for your paraphilia problem?"

"Oh, my sweet heaven," said Mullins. "This can't be really happening."

"Oh, yes it can. And, if you'll get undressed we'll have a sex-therapy session to help you relieve some of that sexual tension I see has built up."

Brad Mullins looked down at the huge mound at his crotch. He then looked up at Dr. Martin, who was unbuttoning her blouse.

"What about her?" asked Mullins, motioning to the door.

"Barb knows never, never to disturb me when I'm in session. We're very safe. Now...get those pants off. The good doctor is going to administer some special techniques guaranteed to make you feel much better about your big, bad fetish." Lydia giggled at her own bad joke. "You did come here to feel better about it, didn't you?"

"Oh, yeah...oh YEAH!" breathed the patient. He rapidly disrobed and, once naked, helped Lydia get out of her clothes. The woman now standing before him in the nude except for her shoes was truly a fantasy come true. How often he had dreamed of seeing an attractive woman standing naked on crutches. Forearm crutches—his personal favorite.

Brad Mullins sat on the floor and removed Lydia's left loafer, revealing a very pretty, slightly puffy, foot. Brad caressed it and began kissing her short leg feverishly.

"Hang on, there. Let's get the other shoe off," said Lydia. She then flexed her right knee to lower her dangling foot to the floor until it made contact. She stood on the ball of her elevated foot and lifted the other one to Brad. Mullins took its shoe off. This foot was truly beautiful, he thought, with almost perfectly formed toes and nicely pedicured nails. She wore a heavy silver toe ring on her fourth toe—rather unusual, Brad knew.

"Nice feet, Doctor. They are really very nice."

"Thank you, Mr. Mullins. They're all yours. Along with the rest of me. We have about 40 minutes left for therapy."

Lydia straightened her long leg and the tiny arched foot left the ground again. Brad's penis ached with desire as he put his arms around Lydia and kissed her supple breasts passionately. They fell back on the red leather divan and Brad kissed every inch of Lydia's body, spending a great deal of time on her thin left leg. He marveled at how its fully-extended foot reached to just above the ankle of her right leg.

All the while Lydia was busily exploring her new patient as well. She loved the fact that he was so turned on by her little leg. It was quite a different scenario than she experienced with most men. She massaged and kneaded Brad and used her tongue on him until he moaned in ecstasy. Then he entered her and began to make love to her very elegantly. Lydia sighed with pleasure. It had been so long!

Dr. Martin rarely came out from behind her desk. Some of her patients had seen her multiple times and did not realize she walked on crutches. It was very important to her to maintain her professional decorum. She felt her lameness and her short leg would be a distraction to many, and perhaps a barrier to open therapeutic discussion for some. But, when Dr. Jefferson had called and mentioned Brad Mullins' abasiophilia she decided it take a plunge she had fantasized for years. And it had worked. At least, she hoped it had. Brad didn't seem too concerned about the departure from a real effort to help him deal with his fetish. In fact, maybe this WAS the best therapy after all. She certainly didn't mind if he didn't.

They made love for the rest of his appointment time and then the two of them got up and dressed silently.

"There is obviously a conflict of interest here," said Lydia. "I have a professional dilemma. You came to me to try to put the fires of your fetish out. I just threw gasoline on them."

"I'd like more therapy, please, Doctor. Maybe a little therapy over dinner Friday night. Then maybe a little more therapy at my place afterward. But, you're right...the office probably isn't the best option."

"You're on," grinned Lydia. "Call me."

"Thank Dr. Jefferson for the referral for me," returned Brad with a broad smile. "It was absolutely the right thing to do."

Lydia picked up her crutches and swung to the office door with Brad. She stood in her office as he made his way past Barb's desk. Her receptionist was surprised to see Dr. Martin personally escort a patient to the door.

"Barb, there's no charge for Mr. Mullins' session today," said Lydia. "And he won't need follow up appointments, either. I think he's found the solution to his problem."

Brad left chuckling to himself as Barb sat looking at Dr. Lydia Martin as if she'd lost her mind.


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