t3m19870312 发表于 2019-6-21 03:54:02






t3m19870312 发表于 2019-6-21 03:54:03




辛蒂是一个模特儿,主要的展示项目是内衣和丝袜。先前提到她有着一副修长姣好的身材,同时她也拥有一对雄伟丰满的大咪咪,她的手臂不需要出现在照片中。就算需要的话,她的摄影师总是用数位软体合成些什么, 以覆盖她右手臂上本来的残株。


t3m19870312 发表于 2019-6-21 03:54:04






t3m19870312 发表于 2019-6-21 03:54:05




被小璐残腿那枯瘦变形的膝盖,给磨蹭到逼近高潮边缘的辛蒂,最后发出“嗯哈啊~”的一声娇哼,并向前摔趴到小璐身上,上气不接下气的喘着,并露出愉悦的笑容。接下来辛蒂开始吻起了她,并用她完好的左手揉起她丰满的咪咪。然后她将左手向下伸去,开始挑逗并抠起她的鲍鱼,试图让它再次变更湿。弄着弄着辛蒂整个人向下挪了身子,并将小璐不能动弹的一双儿麻细腿向两旁伸展开来,并开始用她右臂的残株磨蹭起她的鲍鱼。她把它又弄得更湿,并缓慢地朝她的爱管推了进去 。小璐很喜欢这样,让辛蒂在她身上使用残肢来抽插着她。当辛蒂感觉残肢触底了,便开始进进出出的,有规律的抽插起小璐来。她也抬高了些角度,让它有时会在进出时,恰巧碰着她的荳荳那边。有几次,当她认为小璐快要受不了而进入高潮时,她便暂停下来,改用她的左手捧着她的咪咪搓揉把玩着,试着延长高潮到来的时机。这期间小璐则双手紧抓着身下的床单,并且不断扭动着健全的上半身,伴随着一阵阵销魂的“嗯啊啊~哦啊啊~”娇喘声来回应着。

最后大约过了20分钟后,她左手紧紧捉住小璐的其中一粒大咪咪,并用她右臂的残肢,加速且剧烈的抽插着小璐的鲍鱼,小璐在如此勐烈的攻势之下再也把持不住,只见她扭个不停的上身突然紧绷、背部弓了起来、头向上一仰,张开嘴高声大喊着“呀啊啊啊啊!!!!!人家受不了啦啊啊啊啊!!!!!要去了啦啊啊啊!!!!!” 顿时小璐鲍鱼周遭本来瘫软鬆弛的肌肉勐地一缩,大量的蜜汁从如同氾滥般倾泻而出,将床单都给浸湿了。此刻浪叫个不停的她双眼整个向上翻白,浑身上下也陷入疯狂地痉挛而剧烈颤抖着,包括那两条严重残疾的儿麻细腿,本来死气沉沉毫无动静的它们,就像有生命一般,随着痉挛的身体的抖个不停,完全无法控制,尚有一丝力气的右脚上那一根根涂着指甲油鲜豔可人的脚趾头,就像是握拳似的,在丝袜裡紧紧的缩成一团,由此显示她已进入了绝顶的高潮之中。小璐如此强烈的反应令辛蒂觉得有趣,而直盯着那蜷曲在丝袜裡的脚趾,及她每抖一下就会随之喷出一股蜜汁的鲍鱼看,直到小璐央求着她停下来“呀啊啊啊!!人家不要再抖了呀!!辛蒂快放过人家啦啊啊!!!不然人家要坏掉了呀啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!!”她才终于停止了手边的动作,慢慢地把右臂的残肢自小璐拉出来,把它凑到嘴边, 将它上头沾的满满的蜜汁舔掉。然后她把它放到了小璐的嘴边,兴奋的小璐就像对待JJ似的,将它给全部含入嘴裡大口大口的吸吮起来,并在接下来的高潮中将它全部舔个乾淨。接着床上的两位残疾女孩,都深情款款的望着彼此的眼睛。在小璐高潮完全身洩力之后,辛蒂从小璐身上爬了下来,并协助清理了小璐湿透了的鲍鱼,并换了她身下被浸湿的床单。然后她再爬起身,躺在小璐身旁,她们拥吻了好一段时间,沉静在她们欢愉过后的馀晖之中。


t3m19870312 发表于 2019-6-21 03:54:06




Lu pushed herself back from the table and Cindy watched her next moves. Lu put both of her hands on the table and lifted herself with her arms to a standing position. She quickly reached down with her left hand and pushed the drop locks down over the knee joint of her long leg brace. She put her hand back on the table and did the same with her right hand on her right brace. Her skirt was short enough so Cindy could see what she did. Lu grabbed her forearm crutches and put her hands through the cuffs on to the handles and stood up straight. A smile and knowing look passed between the two. Cindy picked up her purse in her left hand and stood unaided.

As if by magic the sleeve of her light sweater moved around. Nothing protruded from the cuff. Cindy allowed Lu to walk in front of her so she could watch her movement. Lu used an alternating crutch and leg movement instead of a swing through gait. It was much easier on the shoulders which needed to last her a long time yet. The girls had met for dinner and were on their way home to their apartment just off the downtown area. They made their way to a car parked right outside the door and Cindy opened the passenger door for Lu. She held her crutches while Lu backed up to the seat, sat down and reached down and unlocked the knee on her left brace and using her hand lifted it into the car. She repeated the process with the right and Cindy closed the door.

Cindy went around to her driver's side and leaned the crutches on the car. She opened the rear door then picked up the crutches and put them on the back seat. After closing the door she opened the front door and slid behind the wheel. She got the key out of her purse and reached over the steering wheel and inserted it into the key slot and started the car. She reached over her lap to the shift lever and put the car in drive and pulled out of the space. All of this with only her left hand and arm. Her right hand was gone and only a little over one half of the ulna bone was left attached to her elbow. The radius bone was gone the full length. She loved it.

It was a short drive to the apartment and Cindy waved the garage door fob by the reader and the door opened. She parked in her assigned spot and got Lu's crutches and opened the door for her. Lu lifted her legs out, locked both of the knee joints and pulled herself up using the car door. Cindy held her crutch out one at a time and Lu put her arms through the cuff. Again Cindy let Lu walk in front of her to the elevator so she could watch her walk. She felt like she was getting wet between her legs. Lu was very crippled and it was a struggle for her to walk but she liked to and not use her wheelchair whenever she could.

Lu pushed the elevator button and the door opened right away. Its home base was the garage so it was there most of the time. She pushed the number 5 button and up they went to their floor. They got off and walked down 2 doors to their place. Cindy used her key and opened the door and stepped in to hold it for Lu. It had a door closer on it that was on the strong side. Lu crutched through and Cindy let the door close. Lu said lets have another glass of wine after we get comfortable and Cindy agreed. They both went to their rooms and got undressed. Cindy just put a light, short robe on. Lu sat on the bed and pulled her wheelchair over. She removed her braces and then her clothes. She had a skirt, blouse and vest on. No bra or panties. The vest covered her large breasts and no panties were necessary so she could get on and off the john at work easily.

She transferred to her wheelchair and lifted her totally paralyzed left leg and mostly paralyzed right leg up to the foot rests with her hands. She went into the bathroom and washed her face, used the john, got back in her chair, put on a short see through gown and headed to the kitchen. Cindy was just getting the wine and glassed down. Lu took the glasses and Cindy took the bottle into the living room. Lu opened the bottle and poured the wine into the glasses. They each took one and touched the glasses together and took a sip. Cindy was a model, mostly underwear and stockings. She had a great body for it. She was tall, large breasts also, and her arm did not need to be in the picture. If it did the photographer that always used her had a digital one he could cover the stump up with.

Lu worked for a pharmacy company. She was a registered pharmacist and helped with marketing their products. After they talked about their day and a couple of sips of wine, Cindy asked Lu to come and sit by her. Lu said with pleasure and transferred to the couch and lifted herself to Cindy's right side. Lu's gown opened up but she made no effort to close it. Her very thin, useless legs hung over the edge of the couch. Knowing Cindy wanted to see them she used her hands and pulled them up on to the couch, bending them in front of her. Her very thin lower legs and feet turned both of them on.

After getting them arranged, Lu turned to Cindy and they kissed. Lu loosened the tie of Cindy's robe and put her right hand in taking hold of one of her equally large breasts as both girls had 36 D breasts. Cindy said that's nice and put her right arm and stump around Lu's shoulder pulling her closer. She then slid the stump down and put it under Lu's breast hefting it up. Lu murmured her approval and reached up with her left hand and took hold of the stump rubbing it all around her breast and nipple. She then brought it up to her mouth and kissed and licked the small end of the stump. She could feel the end of the bone with her tongue.

Since both of Lu's hands were busy, Cindy put her wine glass to Lu's lips and gave her a sip then she took one. Even though Cindy was a model, her breasts were all natural, pear shaped with large dark nipples. The areolas were light colored about silver dollar sized. They had just the slightest bit of sag which made them even sexier the photographers told her. Lu had pulled her robe open so she could look at them and told Cindy how beautiful she was. Cindy thanked her and said the only thing sexier than my breasts are your legs. She looked at Lu and said she wanted to get off on one of them in a while. Lu said great, I want your stump up my pussy. Looks like we have a plan Cindy laughed.

Lu dropped her hand from Cindy's breast to her leg and Cindy opened them up to her. Lu rubbed her fingers up and down her inside thigh all the way to her slit but never touched it. Cindy kept her pussy and legs completely shaved. No one liked for the dark hair to show under the panties she modeled even though she thought it was sexy. Lu's hair was trimmed short and shaved right next to her labia and over her clit.

Cindy asked Lu to lean back on the couch seat so she could pull her legs onto her lap. Lu did, with Cindy helping her turn and pulled her atrophied, floppy legs across her lap. She used both her hand and stump to rub and caress them. She played all the way from her ankles to her crotch and poked her labia with her stump a couple of times when she was looking down into her face. Lu kept her legs shaved and they were nice and soft with no muscle tone. She had her eyes closed enjoying what Cindy was doing for her. She also knew that Cindy was getting the same enjoyment being able to touch and see her crippled legs. She knew both of them would be very wet when they got into bed together in a while.

Cindy played with her legs for another ten minutes and then ran her stump up to Lu's breast. She rubbed it all around her nipple and Lu said no fair, I can't reach anything on you. Cindy said your bedroom or mine? Lu said mine, its closer. Cindy helped Lu get up and into her chair by moving her legs for her. They agreed they needed a bathroom stop and each one went to the john and then used a washcloth to wash off. They were soon in Lu's bed hugging tightly and kissing. Lu soon had hold of Cindy's nipple with her mouth sucking hard. Cindy wanted to see if she could start lactating so they were doing it at least twice a day for twenty minutes. Her bra felt tighter so she wondered if it might be working.

Lu loved nursing from her so it was a win win for both of them. Lu moved on down to Cindy's pussy and found her soaking wet. She started lapping and enjoying her juices. Cindy pulled Lu up on to her chest and spread her crippled legs and was eating her out at the same time. They both came within a few seconds of each other and Lu slid off of Cindy on to her back. Cindy immediately straddled Lu's bony leg and started rubbing her wet, aroused pussy on it. She slid her slit and clit down to her boney knee and started rubbing herself on it. She tilted her pelvis forward so her clit would hit it better and within five minutes came very hard. Since she was in control of all of the stimulation, speed, pressure and so on, she always had a good one that way.

She fell forward partially on to Lu to catch her breath. Cindy finally started kissing her and used her left hand to play with her breast. She then moved it down and started playing and fingering her pussy trying to get it very wet again. She then moved down and spread Lu's legs jackknifed open and started using her stump to rub her pussy. She got it nice and wet and pushed very slowly into her vagina. Lu just loved it when she used it on her. Cindy hit bottom and started moving it in and out of Lu. She lifted the angle up so it sometimes caught her clit as it went in or out. A couple of times when she thought Lu was going to cum she stopped and used her hand to play with her breasts.

Finally after about 20 minutes she grabbed a breast very tight and very rapidly moved her stump in and out of Lu's pussy and made her cum. She kept at it until Lu begged her to stop and she finally did. She pulled it out slowly and put it up to her mouth and licked part of it off. She then put it up to Lu's mouth and she took it in like a cock and cleaned it off the rest of the way. All the time each of them were looking into the others eyes. After Lu was done Cindy got down and cleaned Lu's pussy good. She then crawled up and they kissed for some time enjoying their relationship.

feijitou2580127 发表于 2019-6-21 06:39:34


normalren 发表于 2019-6-21 08:49:07


玉楼秋血 发表于 2019-6-21 21:13:58


P7592 发表于 2019-6-22 02:00:58


kingking 发表于 2019-6-22 12:01:46

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